So heavy???
By:Doug K
Date: 2/10/2000, 12:09 pm
Date: 2/10/2000, 12:09 pm
In Response To: Re: Greenland paddle - pic2 (Ross Leidy)
You mentioned something about the paddle being heavy????? I saw a technique and have actually tried it (although i'm not finished with the paddle yet) It involves boring holes in the center laminations... drilled in such a way that you don't see them of course :-) If I can find the link I'll post it. The one I have made up is as stiff as you could possibly want in a paddle and it's strong too. I'll try to snap a photo or two. Doug
Messages In This Thread
- Greenland paddle - pic1
Ross Leidy -- 2/10/2000, 9:02 am- Re: Greenland paddle - pic1
Joe Mellusi -- 2/11/2000, 2:19 pm- Re: Greenland paddle - pic1
Kent LeBoutillier -- 2/10/2000, 11:49 am- Re: Greenland paddle - pic1
Ross Leidy -- 2/10/2000, 12:19 pm
- Re: Greenland paddle - pic2
Ross Leidy -- 2/10/2000, 9:05 am- Re: Greenland paddle - pic2
Bram -- 2/11/2000, 11:22 am- So heavy???
Doug K -- 2/10/2000, 12:09 pm- Re: pic3
Ross Leidy -- 2/10/2000, 12:24 pm
- Re: Greenland paddle - pic2
Jack Martin -- 2/10/2000, 9:33 am - So heavy???
- Re: Greenland paddle - pic1
- Re: Greenland paddle - pic1