Date: 1/8/2002, 2:05 pm
: Hello,
: I was wondering if anyone has an explaintation for the mouth shape in the
: hull of the baidarda. I have heard it is a subtle speed benefit, but could
: it be for ice breaking?
I doubt if ice breaking was the reason. It is my understanding that many of the historical samples of "open jawed" baidarkas had a line of sinew tied across the upper and lower jaws, apparently to prevent flotsam from catching in the "mouth". I have also read that the Aleuts generally had ice-free paddling conditions. Ice can easily cut the skin of kayaks, one reason that Greenland kayaks often have bone protection on the keel and chines.
There are a number of possible explanations for the mouth, from creating a concave bow section (difficult to do with skin-on-frame), to emulating the mouth of a salmon, etc. You can find more information on the archives of the baidarka list at Regarding ice damage to paddles, the Greenlanders also use bone edging and bone tips to prevent this. Epoxy, UHMW plastic, or hardwoods, such as ash, make a good replacement.
Greg Stamer
Messages In This Thread
- Off Topic: Baidarka design function Ice breaker?
Scott e. Davis -- 1/8/2002, 1:27 pm- Re: Off Topic: Baidarka design function Ice breake
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 1/9/2002, 1:56 pm- Thanks gregrichardjack&nick *NM*
scott e. davis -- 1/10/2002, 1:24 pm
- Re: Off Topic: Baidarka design function Ice breake
Jack Gilman -- 1/9/2002, 11:00 am- This is the way I picture it working also. *NM*
John Monfoe -- 1/11/2002, 5:47 am
- Re: Off Topic: Baidarka design function Ice breake
Richard Kohlstrom -- 1/9/2002, 5:12 am- Re: Off Topic: Baidarka design function Ice breake
Greg Stamer -- 1/8/2002, 2:05 pm - Thanks gregrichardjack&nick *NM*
- Re: Off Topic: Baidarka design function Ice breake