Date: 2/15/2002, 4:45 pm
I have always enjoyed this bulletin board because it lets me look at other people's work, get ideas, support etc. But you are testing my limits! You are really cruising along quickly with the Wherry project and I have a half built Chesapeake 17 hanging from my ceiling that I started on two years ago. We just had our second child so I am thinking that SOLO time in the shop working on a SOLO craft is going to be even lower on the family priority list. (My emphasis.) I love reading your posts but it is making the completion timeline for my boat look pretty pitiful. Are you going to inspire me to new-found bursts of late-night construction, or just more guilt and sadness whenever I look at the deckless, dusty kayak? Stay tuned.
Brent in Durham
Messages In This Thread
- S&G: WGW Construction Day 13:
rb -- 2/14/2002, 10:57 pm- Re: S&G: WGW Construction Day 13:
Mike Mulligan -- 2/15/2002, 9:11 pm- Re: jealousy
Brent Curtis -- 2/15/2002, 4:45 pm- Re: jealousy
David Reid -- 2/16/2002, 10:57 pm- Re: permission
LeeG -- 2/15/2002, 6:53 pm - Re: permission
- Re: S&G: WGW Construction Day 13:
Bobby Curtis -- 2/15/2002, 8:33 am- Re: S&G: WGW Construction Day 13:
rb -- 2/15/2002, 5:53 pm- Re: S&G: WGW Construction Day 13:
ray thorn -- 2/15/2002, 8:45 am - Re: S&G: WGW Construction Day 13:
- Date or Marry a nurse:D *NM*
Rick M -- 2/14/2002, 11:46 pm- Re: S&G: WGW Construction Day 13:
Wayne G. -- 2/14/2002, 11:41 pm- Re: S&G: WGW Construction Day 13:
daren neufeld -- 2/14/2002, 11:24 pm - Re: jealousy
- Re: S&G: WGW Construction Day 13: