: I've talked with Tom about the spline joints he did, and his spline material
: was 1/16" ply from a hobby store. You would still want to orient the
: ply so that the outside plies were perpendicular to the joint for maximun
: strength. I haven't yet decided whether it's worth the extra time and
: effort, but plan to pick up some scraps from Pygmy to experiment with when
: we visit there next week.
I was curious about the Spline Joint.. sooo I made a test panel with 1/4" ply.
To cut the slot I put a hack saw blade with washers for spacers between two paint stir sticks then slid it back and forth to start a groove. Once the groove was started I switched to a pull saw and easily cut a slot about 3/4 deep. It was quite easy to make the slot .
To make a spline I cut a slice of hard wood . on the table saw by eye.
The dry fit was great so I glued it together and let it set over night .
The next day it looked great However, when flexed it didn't look fair.
there was a significant angle at the joint and then it broke.
It would be strong enough to hold while the panel was stitched but I guess each builder would have to decide if it was worth the effort.
I love the creative ideas this Forum spawns. Regards Terry
Messages In This Thread
RMAN -- 3/21/2002, 9:43 pm- another technique
mike allen ---> -- 3/22/2002, 8:13 pm- Spline joints
Paul G. Jacobson -- 3/21/2002, 11:23 pm- Re: Spline joints
Tom -- 3/23/2002, 7:31 am- Re: Spline joints
RMAN -- 3/22/2002, 1:18 am- Re: Spline joints
KenB -- 3/22/2002, 12:16 am- Re: Spline joints
Terry -- 3/22/2002, 11:05 pm
- Re: Spline joints
jim kozel -- 3/21/2002, 10:17 pm- Re: S&G: PYGMY BOATS: SPLINE JOINT TECHNIQUE
Rehd -- 3/21/2002, 11:13 pm- Re: S&G: SPLINE JOINT ELEGANCE
Mike Hanks -- 3/22/2002, 9:48 am- Re: S&G: SPLINE JOINT ELEGANCE
Rehd -- 3/22/2002, 7:38 pm- Re: S&G: SPLINE JOINT ELEGANCE
Mike Hanks -- 3/22/2002, 11:37 pm- Click-Click !!
Rehd -- 3/23/2002, 1:46 am
- Click-Click !!
- What about an inlay
David Ross -- 3/22/2002, 1:10 pm- Re: What about an inlay
Paul G.Jacobson -- 3/23/2002, 12:03 am- Re: What about an inlay
Mike Hanks -- 3/22/2002, 3:00 pm- Re: What about an inlay
Shawn Baker -- 3/22/2002, 5:05 pm
- Re: What about an inlay
Keith Marsh -- 3/22/2002, 9:31 am - Re: S&G: SPLINE JOINT ELEGANCE
- Pictures might help *Pic*
Ted Henry -- 3/21/2002, 10:49 pm- Spline Joint Parts *NM* *Pic*
Ted Henry -- 3/21/2002, 10:51 pm- Finished Joint *NM* *Pic*
Ted Henry -- 3/21/2002, 10:54 pm- Re: Finished Joint
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 3/22/2002, 11:08 am- You can't do a lap joint with a kit...
Brian Nystrom -- 3/22/2002, 12:50 pm- Re: You can't do a lap joint with a kit...
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 3/22/2002, 1:48 pm- Re: You can't do a lap joint with a kit...
Shawn Baker -- 3/22/2002, 4:53 pm- Re: You can't do a lap joint with a kit...
Mike Hanks -- 3/22/2002, 2:55 pm- Re: You can't do a lap joint with a kit...
Shawn Baker -- 3/22/2002, 4:55 pm
- Re: You can't do a lap joint with a kit...
- Re: You can't do a lap joint with a kit...
David Ross -- 3/22/2002, 1:17 pm - Re: You can't do a lap joint with a kit...
- Re: Finished Joint
Ted Henry -- 3/22/2002, 12:47 pm- Re: Finished Joint
LeeG -- 3/22/2002, 8:21 pm
- Re: Finished Joint
Shawn Baker -- 3/22/2002, 12:26 pm - Re: You can't do a lap joint with a kit...
- You can't do a lap joint with a kit...
- Re: Finished Joint
- Finished Joint *NM* *Pic*
- Spline joints
- another technique