Boat Building Forum

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Re: Other: Paddle park types
By:Jeff The Tall
Date: 9/9/2002, 3:32 pm
In Response To: Other: Paddle park types (Bill Burton)

: Finishing up my Tern 17. I wonder if I could throw open for discussion the
: relative merits of the two types of paddle parks. Pygmy suggests (and
: supplies) a bow bungie plus a clip for the bungie in front of the cockpit
: that together hold the paddle lengthwise along the foredeck. Then there is
: the double-cleat type that holds the paddle across the beam. I can
: envision advantages and disadvantages to each type. BTW, I plan to use a
: GL paddle but would also like to be able to use a euro. Thanks

I have the bow bungie rig set up on my boat, I find that it doesn't hold very well, and you will scratch your boat up a bit when trying to get the paddle in there. There was a discussion last week about using beads on the bungies to help facilitate getting you paddle in there.

I say a paddle holder on one of the RedFish kayaks (the king I think) which is simple, elegent and looks like it should hold well, that I want to try to adapt for my Artic Tern. I need to adapt is because the deck peak is higher and may not be adiquate for the tern.

Messages In This Thread

Other: Paddle park types
Bill Burton -- 9/9/2002, 8:06 am
Re: Paddle holder
Don -- 9/9/2002, 6:42 pm
Re: Other: Paddle park types
Jeff The Tall -- 9/9/2002, 3:32 pm