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Re: Material: Veneer accent strip - application qu
By:Grant G
Date: 10/7/2002, 1:43 pm

How thick is your veneer? I used 1mm Mahogany (don't know what type) and had no problems of colour change. Most of the sanding was done once the veneer was glued down. Also remember once epoxyed, any slight colour change may even out since the veneer darkens. Glue up a test peice, sand and epoxy to see how your particular wood changes.

A page on how I did mine is below.

Messages In This Thread

Material: Veneer accent strip - application questions
Patsy -- 10/7/2002, 8:46 am
Try one more sample
Paul G. Jacobson -- 10/9/2002, 12:35 am
Re: Material: Veneer accent strip - application qu
Steve Rasmussen -- 10/8/2002, 4:48 pm
Re: Veneer: Bubbles along edges
Chip Sandresky -- 10/8/2002, 11:32 am
Re: Veneer: Bubbles along edges
Tom -- 10/8/2002, 4:27 pm
Veneer, Plywood, Paint or Tint
grant -- 10/7/2002, 9:01 pm
Re: Veneer, Plywood, Paint or Tint
Patsy -- 10/8/2002, 8:53 am
Re: Veneer, Plywood, Paint or Tint
Chris Moore -- 10/7/2002, 9:11 pm
Cirrus Building
grant -- 10/7/2002, 10:43 pm
Re: Material: Veneer accent strip - application qu
Grant G -- 10/7/2002, 1:43 pm
Re: Material: Veneer accent strip - application qu
Patsy -- 10/7/2002, 2:33 pm
Re: Material: Veneer accent strip - application qu
Greg E -- 10/7/2002, 1:26 pm
Re: Material: Veneer accent strip - application qu
Patsy -- 10/7/2002, 2:23 pm