Date: 6/5/2003, 7:43 pm
I had the same challenge. Live in Toronto. First ordered the foam from Chesapeake and ended up not using it because it was thicker than I wanted. Got my weather stripping at Home Depot. They have it in several thicknesses. What I used was 1/4 inch thick. Brand name is "Tago Weatherstripping". It is "closed cell" and has self adhesive backing. It is made in Canada (not that that matters but it means the Yanks probably can't buy the same stuff down south). Worked fine.
: James: Given that you are in Canada, your best bet for weatherstripping is
: probably going to be Home Depot or Canadian Tire. Most doesn't say
: "neoprene", but is usually sold as "waterproof" or
: some similar description. Best bet is to pull it out of the box and have a
: look.
: For minicell in Canada, try North Bay Canoe and Kayak -
: Regards,
: Marcel
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: hatch seals & bulkheads *LINK*
James Nixon -- 6/5/2003, 11:21 am- Re: Strip: hatch seals & bulkheads
Jay Babina -- 6/6/2003, 7:42 am- Re: Strip: installation and fitting bukheads
Jay Babina -- 6/6/2003, 10:11 am
- Re: Strip: installation and fitting bukheads
- Re: Strip: hatch seals & bulkheads *LINK*
Marcel R. in Portland, OR -- 6/5/2003, 7:18 pm- Home Depot has it in Canada...
Frank Eberdt -- 6/5/2003, 7:43 pm- Re: Home Depot has it in Canada... *LINK*
James Nixon -- 6/5/2003, 8:57 pm
- Re: Home Depot has it in Canada... *LINK*
- Home Depot has it in Canada...
- Re: Strip: hatch seals & bulkheads *LINK*
Brian Nystrom -- 6/5/2003, 12:26 pm - Re: Strip: hatch seals & bulkheads
Lennie Hawkins -- 6/5/2003, 11:32 am
- Re: Strip: hatch seals & bulkheads