Boat Building Forum

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Re: Strip: Is it possible to move a half built boa
By:Rick Allnutt
Date: 6/25/2003, 1:26 pm

JJ wrote:

: I will be moving in a couple of months and am not sure that I will have time
: to get the whole boat built and glassed before the moving date. How bad
: would it be to cartop a strip hull/deck with no glass (if I leave it on
: the forms)?

Good afternoon JJ,

I have moved a skin on frame frame without the skin on car top carriers before without difficulty.

If you have a layer of glass on only the outside of the boat and move it, the different amount of water vapor you encounter may give you some curling in or curling out of the hull, making it a little more difficult to mate the two halves later. This is the reason Nick and others suggest not taking too much time between the inside and the outside.

If the boat is not glassed at all - just strips glued together and still attached with staples (or perhaps not) to the forms, it will be pretty strong. If you want to be absolutely sure air pressure will not begin to make the boat go SPRONG! then covering the leading half of the boat with a tarp before you tie it down to the cartop carrier could save you some worry.


Messages In This Thread

Strip: Is it possible to move a half built boat????
JJ Atkinson -- 6/25/2003, 12:45 pm
Re: Strip: Is it possible to move a half built boa
Ed Falis -- 6/26/2003, 3:51 pm
Re: Strip: Is it possible to move a half built boa
Shawn Baker -- 6/26/2003, 4:10 pm
Re: Strip: Is it possible to move a half built boa
Ed Falis -- 6/26/2003, 4:27 pm
Is it possible to move a half built boat? Yes
Shawn Baker -- 6/26/2003, 11:58 am
Re: Strip: Is it possible to move a half built boa
Roger Nuffer -- 6/25/2003, 4:18 pm
Re: Strip: Is it possible to move a half built boa
JJ Atkinson -- 6/25/2003, 5:17 pm
Re: Strip: Is that Vancouver BC or USA? *NM*
Roger Nuffer -- 6/26/2003, 9:04 am
Re: Strip: Is that Vancouver BC or USA?
JJ Atkinson -- 6/26/2003, 1:22 pm
Re: Strip: Is it possible to move a half built boa
Jim Kozel -- 6/25/2003, 3:12 pm
Re: Strip: Is it possible to move a half built boa
Malcolm Schweizer -- 6/25/2003, 1:47 pm
Re: Strip: Is it possible to move a half built boa
Rick Allnutt -- 6/25/2003, 1:26 pm
Re: Strip: Is it possible to move a half built boa
Mike Scarborough -- 6/25/2003, 1:07 pm
Re: Strip: Is it possible to move a half built boa *Pic*
Chip Sandresky -- 6/25/2003, 1:21 pm