Boat Building Forum

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Is it possible to move a half built boat? Yes
By:Shawn Baker
Date: 6/26/2003, 11:58 am

I moved a set of Cormorant hull panels from Moscow, ID to Kalispell, MT via Missoula, MT. The panels were scarfed together and cut to shape. I taped them to a 16' long 2x4 and wrapped the whole thing in polyethylene sheet.

A year later, I unwrapped them and stitched them together.

A year after that, I had a boat!

Move your boat in a big moving truck. Pad it well and secure it so it can't shift around. You'll be fine. We've all done stranger things. Ask me about taking my glassed-on-the-outside-only Cormorant to a meet at the beach...and it rained. The rain was the problem. Transporting it with glass on only one side and not seamed yet was no problem.


: I have just gotten Guillemot #1 wet (this is my wife's boat, I figured that I
: might as well work out all of the mistakes on hers :)).

: Pics will be posted soon.

: I have found that it is not very satisfying to stand on the beach and watch
: her paddle, so I am in a hurry to get mine built.

: I will be moving in a couple of months and am not sure that I will have time
: to get the whole boat built and glassed before the moving date. How bad
: would it be to cartop a strip hull/deck with no glass (if I leave it on
: the forms)?

: I was thinking that I can probably get the hull glassed at least on the
: outside before we move then build the deck after.

: Any thoughts? Has anyone done this?

: Thanks,
: JJ

Messages In This Thread

Strip: Is it possible to move a half built boat????
JJ Atkinson -- 6/25/2003, 12:45 pm
Re: Strip: Is it possible to move a half built boa
Ed Falis -- 6/26/2003, 3:51 pm
Re: Strip: Is it possible to move a half built boa
Shawn Baker -- 6/26/2003, 4:10 pm
Re: Strip: Is it possible to move a half built boa
Ed Falis -- 6/26/2003, 4:27 pm
Is it possible to move a half built boat? Yes
Shawn Baker -- 6/26/2003, 11:58 am
Re: Strip: Is it possible to move a half built boa
Roger Nuffer -- 6/25/2003, 4:18 pm
Re: Strip: Is it possible to move a half built boa
JJ Atkinson -- 6/25/2003, 5:17 pm
Re: Strip: Is that Vancouver BC or USA? *NM*
Roger Nuffer -- 6/26/2003, 9:04 am
Re: Strip: Is that Vancouver BC or USA?
JJ Atkinson -- 6/26/2003, 1:22 pm
Re: Strip: Is it possible to move a half built boa
Jim Kozel -- 6/25/2003, 3:12 pm
Re: Strip: Is it possible to move a half built boa
Malcolm Schweizer -- 6/25/2003, 1:47 pm
Re: Strip: Is it possible to move a half built boa
Rick Allnutt -- 6/25/2003, 1:26 pm
Re: Strip: Is it possible to move a half built boa
Mike Scarborough -- 6/25/2003, 1:07 pm
Re: Strip: Is it possible to move a half built boa *Pic*
Chip Sandresky -- 6/25/2003, 1:21 pm