Date: 11/3/2003, 12:46 pm
getting rid of spyware cookies and other tracking things that get installed on your computer without you being aware of it. You have to manually run it each time to search for the little hidden buggers but it does a good job. It also can lock your browser controls settings so that your homepage doesn't get changed "accidentally" by the spyware.
For spam control, I have my MS outlook set to not download any msgs from the server that have attachments or certain words in the header or body of the msg. After awhile my ISP automatically deletes the unread stuff so I don't ever see it.
For those who want to know how: Open Outlook (I have ver 5.0). Go to "tools" and select "mesage rules". A side window comes up - Select "Mail". Mail rule #1 should be highlighted (it's the only rule there is so....). You can modify the rule by clicking "modify". I have my rule set up as follows:
Where the msg body contains (insert words here like viagra, sex, unsubscribe, click here, winner, etc.) OR where the msg contains an attachment DO NOT download from server.
A faster way to modify the rule is to click on the highlighted words int he rule body in the lower box. Easier to add words that way. With this setup I get maybe 1 or 2 spams every 6 months and I post my email addy everywhere without fear. I also make it a rule that if anyone wants to send me an attachment, they have to email me first for permission. I also haven't lost but 1 or 2 msgs because they contained the "forbidden" words. This over the course of 6 or 7 years.
Messages In This Thread
- S&G: Building a SG Night Heron (day 10)
Mike and Rikki -- 10/30/2003, 2:58 am- You have to post pics, too, Mike, wheres the digi? *NM*
Robert N Pruden -- 10/30/2003, 11:13 am- Re: You have to post pics, too, Mike, wheres the d
Mike and Rikki -- 10/30/2003, 12:08 pm- You ain't nevah lyin' Mike
Thomas -- 10/30/2003, 1:54 pm- Amen brother!
Mike and Rikki -- 10/31/2003, 4:39 am- Re: Amen brother!
Jack Sanderson -- 11/1/2003, 8:16 pm- Spybot
Robert N Pruden -- 11/3/2003, 4:44 am- Actually, it's only good for
Rob P. -- 11/3/2003, 12:46 pm- Talk about bad mojo
Rob P. -- 11/5/2003, 3:49 am
- Oops! Spybot only good for pop-ups *NM*
Robert N Pruden -- 11/3/2003, 4:45 am - Talk about bad mojo
- Re: Amen brother!
Mike and Rikki -- 11/2/2003, 10:41 pm - Actually, it's only good for
- Spybot
- Re: Amen brother!
- But How Do You Really Feel, Mike?
Paul Jacob -- 10/30/2003, 12:19 pm - Amen brother!
- You ain't nevah lyin' Mike
- Re: You have to post pics, too, Mike, wheres the d
- You have to post pics, too, Mike, wheres the digi? *NM*