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Re: S&G: Flush hatch not fitting
By:Terry Hanson
Date: 11/15/2003, 12:39 pm
In Response To: S&G: Flush hatch not fitting *LINK* *Pic* (Tony Calvert)

: I have been going through the process of fitting flush hatches to my
: Chesapeake 16 and I have come across a problem with the front hatch. I
: know I can fix this problem with a little persistence and using the trial
: and error method but I thought somebody out there in kayak building land
: may have a quicker and more reliable way of fixing the problem.

: I have used the templates for the sheer clamps to get the correct (or what I
: thought was the correct) radius in the hatch to match the radius in the
: deck but it seems the deck has a tighter radius than I anticipated. I have
: since taken the stiffener off the back of the hatch and tightened the
: radius but not enough it seems, as I said I could continue to do this
: until I get the radius correct but there must be an easier way.

: I have since made a template off the deck of the kayak and I will use this
: for my next attempt, I just thought there may be someone who has been
: through this before me and may be able to give me a tip or hint to make my
: life a little easier.

: I have attached a photo showing the problem also a link to my kayaking site
: that has just been updated.

: Thanks Tony

From the pic it looks like just one corner of the hatch is lifting.?
Here's what I would try. Glue some hooks on the inside of the hatch so you can suspend some weights on a sling inside the hull. If you can get the hatch to lay flat with those inside weights, then glass the outside of the hatch and it should stay in the proper shape.
Just lay a sheet of thin plastic over the hole before you set the "weighted " hatch into position.
If that doesn't work you could cut the hatch lengthwise into halves or quarters and re-glue the lid to fit the opening.
Rob Macks has suggested sanding off any glass on the back that would be limiting the re-bending of the hatch.
And you can strip a hatch cover to fit . ( I just did this to replace a lost one, so I know it works)

Best of luck Terry

Messages In This Thread

S&G: Flush hatch not fitting *LINK* *Pic*
Tony Calvert -- 11/14/2003, 10:38 pm
Re: S&G: Flush hatch not fitting
John Burt -- 11/18/2003, 5:54 am
Re: S&G: Flush hatch not fitting
john rominski -- 11/17/2003, 12:44 pm
Re: S&G: Flush hatch not fitting *LINK* *Pic*
Tony Calvert -- 11/16/2003, 3:29 pm
Re: S&G: Flush hatch not fitting
Randy Knauff -- 11/15/2003, 9:32 pm
Re: S&G: Flush hatch not fitting
Ken Sutherland -- 11/15/2003, 1:12 pm
Re: S&G: Flush hatch not fitting
Terry Hanson -- 11/15/2003, 12:39 pm