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Re: S&G: Flush hatch not fitting
By:John Burt
Date: 11/18/2003, 5:54 am
In Response To: S&G: Flush hatch not fitting *LINK* *Pic* (Tony Calvert)

Hi Tony,

I followed the directions on the CLC web site (shop tips) for building flush hatch for my Ches 17. That is, using two layers of 4 mm plywood over a 15 inch radius mould (frame) as per their diagrams. I think the radius of the front was about 16 inches, that is, allowing one inch for spring back. I got mine pretty close.

If you can work out your radius, then perhaps making a frame with about one inch less radius, and using either the two layers, or as you have done before, may work. Making the frame is a bit fiddly, but it will keep if you are going to use it again.

Good luck.

John (change xxxx to johnval and xxx to com.

: I have been going through the process of fitting flush hatches to my
: Chesapeake 16 and I have come across a problem with the front hatch. I
: know I can fix this problem with a little persistence and using the trial
: and error method but I thought somebody out there in kayak building land
: may have a quicker and more reliable way of fixing the problem.

: I have used the templates for the sheer clamps to get the correct (or what I
: thought was the correct) radius in the hatch to match the radius in the
: deck but it seems the deck has a tighter radius than I anticipated. I have
: since taken the stiffener off the back of the hatch and tightened the
: radius but not enough it seems, as I said I could continue to do this
: until I get the radius correct but there must be an easier way.

: I have since made a template off the deck of the kayak and I will use this
: for my next attempt, I just thought there may be someone who has been
: through this before me and may be able to give me a tip or hint to make my
: life a little easier.

: I have attached a photo showing the problem also a link to my kayaking site
: that has just been updated.

: Thanks Tony

Messages In This Thread

S&G: Flush hatch not fitting *LINK* *Pic*
Tony Calvert -- 11/14/2003, 10:38 pm
Re: S&G: Flush hatch not fitting
John Burt -- 11/18/2003, 5:54 am
Re: S&G: Flush hatch not fitting
john rominski -- 11/17/2003, 12:44 pm
Re: S&G: Flush hatch not fitting *LINK* *Pic*
Tony Calvert -- 11/16/2003, 3:29 pm
Re: S&G: Flush hatch not fitting
Randy Knauff -- 11/15/2003, 9:32 pm
Re: S&G: Flush hatch not fitting
Ken Sutherland -- 11/15/2003, 1:12 pm
Re: S&G: Flush hatch not fitting
Terry Hanson -- 11/15/2003, 12:39 pm