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Re: Tools: Dust Mask for Beards
By:Rob P.
Date: 11/17/2003, 5:21 pm
In Response To: Tools: Dust Mask for Beards (GNiessen)

: So before I plunk down $50 on a real
: mask, I would want know it will work, short of shaving the beard.

I have a full beard and wear a cartridge type mask when I'm spraying or sanding. The mask MUST be able to be pulled tight with the strap adjustments or some fumes and dust will leak past the seal due to facial hair. It still leaks some but not too badly. I'd say it's 95%-98% effective.

Forget about the "hospital" type dust masks - they are the worst "protection" you can buy. Harbor freight has masks for around $20 that are pretty decent. Otherwise try Sears. One thing you should think about, it's your lungs you're clogging and damaging by either not wearing a mask or wearing one that doesn't do the job. When you think about what it's worth to be able to keep breathing 20 yrs from now, $20 doesn't sound so bad.

Messages In This Thread

Tools: Dust Mask for Beards
GNiessen -- 11/17/2003, 3:48 pm
funky but functional...
ootek -- 11/18/2003, 9:56 am
Re: funky but functional...
Don Lucas -- 11/19/2003, 9:25 am
Re: Tools: Dust Mask for Beards
Don Lucas -- 11/18/2003, 9:14 am
Re: Rubberized face masks..
Rehd -- 11/17/2003, 10:39 pm
I've got the same problem, I use....
Frank Eberdt -- 11/17/2003, 5:36 pm
Re: Tools: Dust Mask for Beards
Rob P. -- 11/17/2003, 5:21 pm