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Re: Off Topic: Canoe/kayak SOF builder on Danish T
By:Greg Stamer
Date: 12/11/2003, 1:19 pm

: It would also be "wunderbar" if you could give us a short
: description of his construction techniques.


The builder is Svend Ulstrup, I have met him twice at the championships in Greenland and each time we have competed on the same team for team rolling. I enjoy his company. He was the primary mentor to Mark Rogers of Superior kayaks and Bob Boucher, in the United States (Superior kayaks runs a SOF kayak building school in Wisconsin ). His kayaks are built, in most respects, very similar to traditional Greenland methods. He uses simple tools if possible, (e.g. sloyd knife to make the rib mortises), and tries to use least-toxic methods. Kayaks are skinned with canvas and coated with homemade paint (oil, chalk, etc).

Greg Stamer

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Jesper Bach -- 12/11/2003, 5:13 am
Re: Off Topic: Canoe/kayak SOF builder on Danish T
C. Fronzek -- 12/11/2003, 1:01 pm
Re: Off Topic: Canoe/kayak SOF builder on Danish T
Greg Stamer -- 12/11/2003, 1:19 pm
Re: Off Topic: Canoe/kayak SOF builder on Danish T
C. Fronzek -- 12/11/2003, 8:38 pm
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C. Fronzek -- 12/12/2003, 4:59 pm
Re: Off Topic: One More Time
Paul G. Jacobson -- 12/12/2003, 5:51 pm
Canoe/kayak SOF
Paul G. Jacobson -- 12/11/2003, 10:45 pm