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Re: Strip: Recessed Deck Fitting & Questions
By:John Monroe
Date: 12/12/2003, 4:45 am
In Response To: Re: Strip: Recessed Deck Fitting & Questions (Rick Sylvia)

: John, can you say more about how you intend to do that? I'm a bit confused.

: If they are in place when you go to glass the outside of the deck, then you
: might run into problems. First, you need to prevent covering the fitting
: with glass, otherwise, you won't be able to get the bungee under the brass
: ring - the fitting won't be accessible because it will be under a glass
: bubble. And, you'll get a lot of epoxy filling the bottom of the fitting.

: On the other hand, it would be a huge pain to pre-cut the glass where the
: fittings will be... trying to align each glass cutout to be precisely to
: the edge of each fitting, but not over it, seems darn near impossibe since
: the glass will move as it gets wet out. You'll end up with lots of bubbles
: on the deck (I think).

: I suppose you could glass over it, then carefully cut out the bubble that
: covers the fitting, but is that going to be easier than cutting the hole
: after glassing and then sanding flush with the deck?

Hi Rick,

I think I have this all figured out but you never know. If I fiberglassed the deck first and then cut the holes and put in the insets then I couldn’t sand the insets flush with the deck very well. So I will fiberglass right over the recessed insets and when the epoxy reaches the leather stage while setting up, the fiberglass overlaying the inset hole can very easily be cut out with a utility knife. When the epoxy is cured I will sand a 1/16” radius on the hole edge so it won't cut into the bungee. The underdeck glassing will be more difficult but I think I will lay out the glass cloth right over the back of the insets that stick up in the air and make a cross cut over the top of each one and apply the epoxy while tucking the glass around the bosses. Anyway, that’s the plan.


Messages In This Thread

Strip: Recessed Deck Fitting & Questions *Pic*
John Monroe -- 12/11/2003, 9:59 am
Re: Strip: Recessed Deck Fitting & Questions
bryan gorr -- 12/17/2003, 3:59 pm
Re: Strip: Something like this? *Pic*
Tom Bastiansen -- 12/11/2003, 5:01 pm
Re: Strip: Something like this?
John Monroe -- 12/12/2003, 5:12 am
Re: Strip: Something like this?
Bob Deutsch -- 12/11/2003, 6:31 pm
Re: Strip: Something like this? *LINK* *Pic*
Tom Bastiansen -- 12/12/2003, 7:14 am
Re: Strip: Something like this?
Bob Deutsch -- 12/12/2003, 8:38 am
Re: Strip: Recessed Deck Fitting & Questions *Pic*
Reg Lake -- 12/11/2003, 12:37 pm
Re: Strip: Recessed Deck Fitting & Questions
KenB -- 12/11/2003, 12:13 pm
Re: Strip: Recessed Deck Fitting & Questions
Dave Odegard -- 12/11/2003, 11:31 am
Yes cargo nets
Rod Tait -- 12/11/2003, 11:43 am
Re: Strip: Recessed Deck Fitting & Questions
Rick Sylvia -- 12/11/2003, 11:28 am
Re: Strip: Recessed Deck Fitting & Questions
John Monroe -- 12/12/2003, 4:45 am
Re: Strip: Recessed Deck Fitting & Questions
Steve Rasmussen -- 12/12/2003, 11:04 am
Re: Strip: Recessed Deck Fitting & Questions
Rick Sylvia -- 12/12/2003, 8:21 am
Re: Strip: Recessed Deck Fitting & Questions
John Monroe -- 12/13/2003, 3:56 am