Topic |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Rudder provisions / Footrests *PIC* By: unrealtrip | 12/17/2010, 5:23 pm |
 | Strip: Video: Stripping the Deck *LINK* By: Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks | 12/17/2010, 1:13 pm |
 | Strip: 11' Great Auk or similar By: Nathan Brandt | 12/17/2010, 12:52 pm |
 | Strip: Stapling materials/internal stem *PIC* By: Al Edie | 12/16/2010, 11:10 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Dowel material choice.. By: Simeon | 12/16/2010, 8:25 pm |
 | Tools: planes By: Bill Hamm | 12/16/2010, 2:52 am |
 | Strip: inner tube strip clamps *PIC* By: Al Edie | 12/16/2010, 12:30 am |
 | Material: poplar By: george jung | 12/15/2010, 11:04 pm |
 | Shop: Evil Spirits in the Shop By: Rob Macks / Laughing Loon CC&K | 12/15/2010, 1:46 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Thru-stem + PVC fabric? By: Doug S | 12/15/2010, 9:42 am |
 | Tools: ROS hand sander *PIC* By: Ian Cummins | 12/15/2010, 9:21 am |
 | Off Topic: White Dye By: Don T | 12/15/2010, 7:00 am |
 | Strip: First hull ready for glass :) *PIC* By: Al Edie | 12/14/2010, 6:43 pm |
 | Strip: idea for planing strips *PIC* By: Al Edie | 12/14/2010, 6:35 pm |
 | Strip: Finished the striping! *PIC* By: John Bratton | 12/14/2010, 2:36 pm |
 | Strip: hatch braces By: george jung | 12/13/2010, 10:42 pm |
 | Material: Thayercraft Style 6580 - 5.7oz By: Joe Whitman | 12/13/2010, 2:20 pm |
 | Material: pine By: Bill Hamm | 12/13/2010, 1:45 pm |
 | Off Topic: Bamboo & glue By: Dave ( of Calif.) | 12/12/2010, 10:28 am |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Any news on Yost's Sea Dart? By: Dan | 12/12/2010, 7:15 am |
 | Strip: wetting out guillemot By: dave g | 12/11/2010, 10:03 pm |
 | Material: Minicell source By: Al Edie | 12/11/2010, 11:45 am |
 | Other: Paddling in Brazil *PIC* By: Scott Baxter | 12/10/2010, 6:00 pm |
 | Seeking: skirts By: Paul Rummler | 12/10/2010, 2:34 pm |
 | Seeking: Need Advice... By: Robert N Pruden | 12/10/2010, 9:54 am |
 | Strip: Putting a bevel on 1/4" strips *PIC* By: Malcolm Schweizer | 12/10/2010, 9:14 am |
 | Strip: Putting a 5 deg. bevel on strips By: Stephen Troy | 12/10/2010, 2:27 am |
 | Launching: The Reflection Kayak Prototype to Production By: Reg Lake | 12/10/2010, 1:37 am |
 | Other: Photo keeps reappearing By: Allan | 12/9/2010, 5:54 pm |
 | Other: Crocodile attacks kayakers By: Tony Olsen | 12/9/2010, 2:34 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Hybrid By: Niven Paine | 12/9/2010, 4:10 am |
 | Strip: Guillermot Or Night Heron By: John Newman | 12/8/2010, 8:52 pm |
 | Other: Used Kleppler prices? By: Kudzu | 12/8/2010, 12:09 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Rope coaming lip By: Tim Abbott | 12/7/2010, 10:24 pm |
 | Strip: Stripping deck and hull prior to glassing By: Stephen Troy | 12/7/2010, 2:55 pm |
 | Material: Really special wood *PIC* By: Malcolm Schweizer | 12/7/2010, 1:05 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Hello all new guy with a SOF build *PIC* By: unrealtrip | 12/7/2010, 12:34 pm |
 | Material: WARNING, glue and Minicell foam *PIC* By: Farback | 12/6/2010, 9:38 pm |
 | Strip: Prep for fill coat By: mtkayak (Mike Trutwin) | 12/6/2010, 3:48 pm |
 | Strip: Petrel Pic Purvian walnut *PIC* By: Joe Whitman | 12/6/2010, 1:40 pm |
 | Strip: Video: Installing the Deck Sheer Strips *LINK* By: Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks | 12/6/2010, 11:57 am |
 | Other: Paddle aid By: dhwdaniels | 12/5/2010, 3:39 pm |
 | S&G: Instruction manual contradicts itself...i think By: Bryan Ledahl | 12/5/2010, 2:54 pm |
 | Strip: skin into strip Nikumi By: Clayton Plunkett | 12/4/2010, 3:15 pm |
 | Shop: almost a booboo By: Bill Hamm | 12/3/2010, 9:28 am |
 | Other: Dry suit repair *PIC* By: Glenn | 12/3/2010, 8:56 am |
 | Off Topic: The Tribe should be able to edge the Royals By: catyskyling | 12/2/2010, 9:54 pm |
 | Material: Calling Dan Caouette onno skeg ? By: Joe Whitman | 12/2/2010, 3:22 pm |
 | ADMIN! Other: pseudo-annual review of the Guidelines *LINK* By: Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks | 12/2/2010, 8:59 am |
 | Strip: Siskiwit Bay River Trip Video *PIC* By: Bryan Hansel | 12/1/2010, 6:47 pm |
 | Material: Varnish Clarification By: mtkayak | 12/1/2010, 1:55 pm |
 | Off Topic: forum software By: Don Flowers | 12/1/2010, 1:33 pm |
 | Seeking: SURVEY*Cost for second boat from plans? By: Kudzu | 12/1/2010, 11:19 am |
 | Epoxy: Heat for glassing By: Palle Dam | 12/1/2010, 8:32 am |
 | Strip: Video Out-takes: Repairing a split strip *LINK* By: Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks | 11/30/2010, 7:30 pm |
 | S&G: Bowing hull between exterior forms. By: Damian Wentzel | 11/30/2010, 6:07 pm |
 | Strip: Video: Flipping forms and Releasing Hull *LINK* By: Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks | 11/30/2010, 3:35 pm |
 | Strip: Cutting my own veneer By: Todd O | 11/29/2010, 11:48 pm |
 | Other: Skinning a rowing shell *PIC* By: Kudzu | 11/29/2010, 12:45 pm |
 | Material: Varnishing without drips By: Gary Jacobson | 11/29/2010, 10:32 am |
 | Strip: Soft epoxy 18hrs after laying inside seam By: Ian Johnson | 11/29/2010, 12:57 am |
 | Shop: Storing stripper outdoors? By: Damian wentzel | 11/28/2010, 7:44 pm |
 | S&G: Hull almost fair? By: Damian wentzel | 11/28/2010, 7:33 pm |
 | Strip: Keel Strips Question. *PIC* By: Jim Schaffer | 11/28/2010, 6:28 pm |
 | Strip: New Spring Run build in progress - pics *PIC* By: Bob Beaullieu | 11/28/2010, 1:33 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: SlingShot finished *PIC* By: Kudzu | 11/28/2010, 10:49 am |
 | Strip: search feature By: Bill Hamm | 11/28/2010, 2:40 am |
 | Material: Duckworks foot braces *PIC* By: Tim Abbott | 11/28/2010, 2:06 am |
 | Material: Small quantity carbon fiber By: Stephen Troy | 11/27/2010, 11:25 pm |
 | Strip: Video: Installing the closing strip *LINK* By: Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks | 11/27/2010, 4:54 pm |
 | Paddle: Tear outs, fixing, sanding By: Stephen Troy | 11/27/2010, 4:48 pm |
 | Strip: Wooden seat By: Palle Dam | 11/27/2010, 2:04 pm |
 | Strip: new member, first boat *PIC* By: Ian Cummins | 11/27/2010, 12:35 pm |
 | Strip: Video: Stripping the Bottom *LINK* By: Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks | 11/27/2010, 10:39 am |
 | Other: Brazil Kayak Trip By: Scott Baxter | 11/26/2010, 10:37 pm |
 | Tools: use WHAT to do WHAT?? *PIC* By: J Law | 11/26/2010, 5:50 pm |
 | Seeking: suggestions for first hybred or strip boat By: john faas | 11/26/2010, 5:40 pm |
 | Strip: Video: Installing Keel Strips *LINK* By: Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks | 11/26/2010, 10:56 am |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Plasti-dip coating By: Tim Abbott | 11/26/2010, 9:40 am |
 | Strip: Video: Stripping Past a Chine *LINK* By: Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks | 11/25/2010, 10:12 am |
 | Strip: ebonizing By: Bill Hamm | 11/24/2010, 12:42 pm |
 | Seeking: Advice on scaling down for strip build By: Les Cheeseman | 11/24/2010, 10:26 am |
 | Skin-on-Frame: UK - Build your own SOF Greenland Kayak *PIC* By: Boat Building Academy | 11/24/2010, 7:12 am |
 | Seeking: Dad's Kayak By: Buckalov | 11/23/2010, 11:14 am |
 | Tools: Nick's new book By: Bill Hamm | 11/22/2010, 6:09 pm |
 | Seeking: Caribou kayaks By: Bill Hamm | 11/22/2010, 2:10 pm |
 | Material: Magnets for hatches By: Bodhi | 11/22/2010, 2:50 am |
 | Other: Lake Powell Trip *PIC* By: Scott Baxter | 11/22/2010, 1:24 am |
 | Strip: high deck night heron cockpit area *PIC* By: sherm | 11/22/2010, 12:18 am |
 | Material: Timber orientation By: Simeon | 11/21/2010, 8:38 pm |
 | Tools: planer vs belt sander By: Scott Shurlow | 11/21/2010, 8:15 pm |
 | Strip: Question re Golden bow & stern forms By: Patsy | 11/21/2010, 4:22 pm |
 | Other: South Greenland Kayak, Figure 208 *PIC* By: Bryan Hansel | 11/21/2010, 1:03 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Recessed hatch *PIC* By: Kudzu | 11/20/2010, 5:36 pm |
 | Other: Google Maps Satellite View of Kayak Building *PIC* By: Mike Hanks | 11/20/2010, 3:06 pm |
 | Other: software deal By: Will Clarke | 11/20/2010, 9:32 am |
 | Material: basswood as paddle material By: dave | 11/20/2010, 9:09 am |
 | Strip: Hatch lip help By: Tomer Sabag | 11/20/2010, 7:19 am |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Chuckanut 15 photo gallery posted By: David Kanoy | 11/19/2010, 11:27 pm |
 | Other: Lake Powell Slide Show Is Done *PIC* By: Scott Baxter | 11/19/2010, 10:15 pm |
 | Strip: Transportation *PIC* By: Charles Robinson | 11/19/2010, 2:18 pm |
 | Strip: Question from Building Strip Planked Boats By: Stephen Troy | 11/19/2010, 11:05 am |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Kid kayak By: Simeon | 11/19/2010, 3:43 am |
 | Shop: Garage heater ? By: Hugo Varotto | 11/19/2010, 2:09 am |
 | S&G: Stitching the Hull Question By: Damian wentzel | 11/18/2010, 9:30 pm |
 | Off Topic: Crazy Adventure By: MattD. | 11/18/2010, 2:21 pm |
 | Other: Rolling and High Speed Surfing at Deception Pass By: Reg Lake | 11/18/2010, 11:35 am |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Yost Sea Flea By: James Hanrahan | 11/17/2010, 10:18 pm |
 | Strip: Petrel pics *PIC* By: Joe Whitman | 11/17/2010, 1:03 pm |
 | Strip: Heating work area for fiberglassing By: Stephen Troy | 11/16/2010, 11:12 am |
 | Material: Sustainable Forrestry By: Malcolm Schweizer | 11/16/2010, 9:37 am |
 | Strip: Webbing loops - cutting the slots By: Ian Johnson | 11/15/2010, 9:05 pm |
 | Strip: Regular Strip Thickness *PIC* By: Rob Macks / Laughing Loon CC&K | 11/15/2010, 11:15 am |
 | Strip: Video: Installing Cheater Strips *LINK* By: Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks | 11/15/2010, 9:01 am |
 | Other: August Footage at Skookumchuck By: Reg Lake | 11/15/2010, 1:41 am |
 | Material: Light weight layup By: Toby | 11/14/2010, 9:11 pm |
 | Strip: veneer for bulkheads? By: dave g | 11/14/2010, 7:28 pm |
 | Strip: Thickness Planer By: Nick Riccardi | 11/14/2010, 7:18 pm |
 | Off Topic: GP Sissy *PIC* By: sherm | 11/14/2010, 6:41 pm |
 | Strip: guillemot deck stripped (finally) *PIC* By: dave g | 11/14/2010, 4:54 pm |
 | Strip: Protruding keel strip By: Carl Kessler | 11/14/2010, 11:40 am |
 | Strip: Protruding keel strip By: Carl Kessler | 11/14/2010, 10:35 am |
 | Strip: Hatch Gaskets By: Paul Rummler | 11/14/2010, 10:02 am |
 | Strip: following a sharp chine edge By: Eric Anderson | 11/13/2010, 2:46 pm |
 | Strip: Internal Stem structure Petrel *PIC* By: Eric Anderson | 11/12/2010, 7:21 pm |
 | Strip: Advice on storing unfinished strip By: sherm | 11/12/2010, 2:56 pm |
 | Paddle: What finish? By: Les Cheeseman | 11/12/2010, 12:18 pm |
 | Strip: Guillemot Hatches *PIC* By: Farback | 11/11/2010, 10:10 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: modifying a yost design? By: James | 11/11/2010, 3:47 pm |
 | Strip: Northern White Cedar lumber? By: Darel | 11/11/2010, 2:52 pm |
 | Paddle: Greenland vs Euro question By: Kudzu | 11/11/2010, 8:33 am |
 | S&G: Apex of cone By: Brian White | 11/11/2010, 7:54 am |
 | Strip: Video: Installing the Sheer Strips *LINK* By: Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks | 11/10/2010, 9:06 am |
 | Other: Lake Powell Trip *PIC* By: Scott Baxter | 11/8/2010, 11:06 pm |
 | Strip: Deck Design Opinions Please *PIC* By: Damian wentzel | 11/8/2010, 9:33 pm |
 | Strip: Hatches: protecting gasket while glassing lip By: Ian Johnson | 11/8/2010, 5:33 pm |
 | Material: Paduak wood By: Clayton Plunkett | 11/8/2010, 2:30 pm |
 | Review: My 2 year old likes KOG... *PIC* By: Dan Caouette (CSFW) | 11/8/2010, 6:46 am |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Launch-Chuckanut 15 *PIC* By: David Kanoy | 11/7/2010, 8:27 pm |
 | S&G: Avocet - South Korea *PIC* By: Aaron Locke - Washington Wood Craft | 11/7/2010, 1:31 pm |
 | Strip: Gilllemot shear span stick cut list *PIC* By: Farback | 11/6/2010, 6:16 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: SOF Kayak Building in Toronto By: Aaron McConnell | 11/6/2010, 1:24 pm |
 | Off Topic: RE: Other-Hannes Lindemann Atlantic crossing- By: Prasad Bhatla | 11/6/2010, 2:09 am |
 | Material: Beckson hatches and gaskets By: Mike Bielski | 11/5/2010, 1:39 pm |
 | Shop: Updates from Walbridge Boatbuilder's Manual? By: mitch | 11/5/2010, 1:15 pm |
 | Epoxy: Epoxy rollers *PIC* By: Palle Dam | 11/4/2010, 11:43 am |
 | Strip: Confessions of a serial stripper *PIC* By: Farback | 11/3/2010, 10:28 pm |
 | Strip: Bead/Cove or rolling bevel? *PIC* By: Damian wentzel | 11/3/2010, 8:23 pm |
 | Strip: FG strength for lifting boat by one end By: Stephen Troy | 11/3/2010, 4:45 pm |
 | Strip: Stripping baidarka hull By: Darel | 11/3/2010, 7:29 am |
 | Strip: guillemot half deck filled in *PIC* By: dave g | 11/2/2010, 10:32 pm |
 | Strip: Video: Setting up the Forms *LINK* By: Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks | 11/2/2010, 1:35 pm |
 | Material: Foot Pump By: Joe Whitman | 11/2/2010, 1:05 pm |
 | Off Topic: Kayakers wanted for research study By: Jacob Solomon | 11/1/2010, 3:02 pm |
 | Material: WRC Sapwood vs Heartwood question By: dbynoe | 10/31/2010, 10:20 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: New Skin coating *PIC* By: Dave Gentry | 10/31/2010, 11:33 am |
 | Other: CLC Arctic Hawk By: john faas | 10/30/2010, 11:58 pm |
 | Off Topic: spar making By: Paul Montgomery | 10/30/2010, 11:06 pm |
 | Off Topic: away By: Bill Hamm | 10/30/2010, 3:39 am |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Yost Sea CruiserR "Wrinkle" Launched *PIC* By: Tom Robinson | 10/29/2010, 3:02 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: aluminum tubing By: Bill Hamm | 10/29/2010, 12:33 am |
 | Strip: Coaming By: Paul Rummler | 10/27/2010, 10:55 pm |
 | Material: Local yards, apology, & sizing of stringers. By: TheLuckyOne | 10/27/2010, 9:17 pm |
 | Strip: Stems; please help guide me By: Todd O | 10/27/2010, 6:05 pm |
 | Other: You weren't kidding By: Doug S | 10/25/2010, 2:32 pm |
 | Tools: design visualization By: J Law | 10/25/2010, 6:41 am |
 | Other: Lake Powell By: Scott Baxter | 10/24/2010, 11:24 pm |
 | Material: waterproof cloth for a sea sock By: john faas | 10/24/2010, 7:41 pm |
 | Paddle: wood choices By: john faas | 10/24/2010, 10:54 am |
 | Strip: Pics of my guillimot( hopefully!) *PIC* By: dave g | 10/23/2010, 7:33 pm |
 | Review: Latex on polyester skin By: Kudzu | 10/23/2010, 1:49 pm |
 | Strip: waterproof hatches By: george jung | 10/23/2010, 8:59 am |
 | Other: Fit By: Todd Kroll | 10/23/2010, 1:03 am |
 | Strip: Glass-free stripper By: Ancient Kayaker | 10/22/2010, 10:07 pm |
 | Material: Who says poplar isn't rot resistant? By: Malcolm Schweizer | 10/22/2010, 12:10 pm |
 | Strip: Tung oil finish? By: Darel | 10/22/2010, 11:03 am |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Mortise free kayak By: Tim Abbott | 10/22/2010, 12:41 am |
 | Shop: Kayaking building space requirements By: Stephen Troy | 10/20/2010, 7:03 pm |
 | Paddle: Sao Paulo By: Scott Baxter | 10/20/2010, 6:51 pm |
 | Strip: Coaming *PIC* By: Paul Rummler | 10/20/2010, 6:25 pm |
 | Strip: Coaming By: Paul Rummler | 10/20/2010, 6:21 pm |
 | Strip: Skeg By: Randy Echtinaw | 10/19/2010, 7:56 am |
 | S&G: Table for construction process By: Bryan Ledahl | 10/18/2010, 10:46 pm |
 | Strip: Magnetic Hatch Gasket By: Joe Whitman | 10/18/2010, 7:29 pm |
 | ADMIN! Strip: New Video: Cutting Forms *LINK* By: Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks | 10/18/2010, 5:55 pm |
 | Launching: Well, skinning complete - Yost Sea Tour 17R *PIC* By: Doug S | 10/18/2010, 5:07 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Rib-wood type and size By: Robert | 10/18/2010, 10:02 am |
 | Strip: Spring Run Hull - Being Artistic.... *PIC* By: Bob Beaullieu | 10/18/2010, 8:34 am |
 | S&G: Launched - Cirrus SLT *PIC* By: Bob Beaullieu | 10/18/2010, 8:20 am |
 | Strip: hand bevel vs b&c - opinions By: J Law | 10/18/2010, 8:12 am |
 | Strip: Laminating the coaming lip *PIC* By: Ian Johnson | 10/17/2010, 8:16 pm |
 | Epoxy: how to prevent sagging By: Michael | 10/16/2010, 4:22 pm |
 | Off Topic: Paddle: Where to find a replacement blade? By: Mark Scaife | 10/16/2010, 12:00 pm |
 | Off Topic: Car-Topping By: Ancient Kayaker | 10/16/2010, 11:27 am |
 | Strip: Outrigger Canoe By: Dan Caouette (CSFW) | 10/16/2010, 7:50 am |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Attaching covering to a canoe gunwale By: Dana Hager | 10/15/2010, 7:54 pm |
 | Strip: Hatches By: Paul Rummler | 10/15/2010, 3:04 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Offset skeg? By: Kudzu | 10/15/2010, 2:26 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Dye Colors By: dan4sea | 10/14/2010, 11:23 pm |
 | Launching: Yost kidarka *PIC* By: buckbiscuit | 10/14/2010, 3:26 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: How much epoxy? By: barry boyette | 10/14/2010, 9:53 am |
 | Strip: strongback length By: J Law | 10/14/2010, 4:54 am |
 | Strip: First kayak By: Eddyanderson | 10/13/2010, 10:40 pm |
 | Launching: Recreational kayak *PIC* By: Dave Gentry | 10/13/2010, 8:56 pm |
 | Other: Skinny Walrus *PIC* By: Bryan Hansel | 10/13/2010, 6:36 pm |
 | Paddle: Thickness on loom-to-blade transition By: Stephen Troy | 10/13/2010, 1:45 pm |
 | S&G: Scaling By: jagiven | 10/12/2010, 8:07 pm |
 | Paddle: Gp length (re visit) By: John lasky | 10/12/2010, 4:00 pm |
 | Other: sea sock for a SOF By: john faas | 10/12/2010, 1:44 am |
 | Material: Best cherry stain on okoume? By: Damian wentzel | 10/11/2010, 8:40 pm |
 | Announce: hi! By: J Law | 10/11/2010, 6:52 pm |
 | Tools: Tools on wheels? By: Doug S | 10/9/2010, 10:14 pm |
 | Strip: when to cut out hatches? By: dave g | 10/9/2010, 4:05 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Sizing a Kayak By: David Campbell | 10/8/2010, 6:56 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Calculating rocker By: Alex Isgut | 10/8/2010, 1:45 pm |
 | Paddle: Greenland paddle for a Mill Creek Hybrid *PIC* By: Nathan Brandt | 10/8/2010, 1:31 pm |
 | Strip: Quick questions on wood selection By: tosetter | 10/7/2010, 9:03 pm |
 | Material: Douglas Fir for kayaks By: Garvin | 10/7/2010, 8:28 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Underwater damage *PIC* By: barry boyette | 10/6/2010, 9:41 pm |
 | Epoxy: Anyone used Aeromarine epoxy products? By: Kaspar Abbo | 10/6/2010, 1:24 pm |
 | S&G: SnG Night Heron: Skeg, Rudder or nothing By: mdavis121212 | 10/6/2010, 12:47 pm |
 | Paddle: Adding hardwood tips By: Stephen Troy | 10/5/2010, 10:31 pm |
 | Strip: Petrel cocpit recess By: Joe Whitman | 10/5/2010, 12:14 pm |
 | Strip: Could use some help setting up forms By: tosetter | 10/5/2010, 11:14 am |
 | Epoxy: fast vs slow hardener (MAS) By: john faas | 10/4/2010, 10:55 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Yost Sea Rider By: Dan4sea | 10/4/2010, 7:36 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Pool Noodle Flotation for Yost Sea Cruiser R *PIC* By: Tom Robinson | 10/4/2010, 9:54 am |
 | Paddle: Greenland Paddle Wanted By: sherm | 10/3/2010, 10:17 pm |
 | S&G: Chesapeake 18 for tall guys ? By: Dan V | 10/2/2010, 8:34 am |
 | Announce: Hybrid Night Heron: New Build *PIC* By: Dan Caouette (CSFW) | 10/1/2010, 1:48 pm |
 | Launching: A New Kayak *PIC* By: Ted Henry | 10/1/2010, 11:34 am |
 | Skin-on-Frame: no masik on Sea Bee 13? By: Rod | 10/1/2010, 11:11 am |
 | Launching: Relaunching Long Shot *PIC* By: Kudzu | 10/1/2010, 10:51 am |
 | S&G: scarf strength By: Mike Bielski | 10/1/2010, 9:06 am |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Robert Morris book By: Bill Hamm | 10/1/2010, 2:12 am |
 | Strip: first strip By: uga_danny | 9/30/2010, 7:02 pm |
 | Paddle: 2 pc GP yea or nay By: John lasky | 9/30/2010, 11:17 am |
 | Other: hatch for pump rescue By: risto | 9/30/2010, 6:22 am |
 | Other: Roof rack-boat position By: Kudzu | 9/29/2010, 1:55 pm |
 | Strip: Internal stem placement *PIC* By: Eric Anderson | 9/29/2010, 8:19 am |
 | Tools: A coach maker's router *PIC* By: Paul Montgomery | 9/28/2010, 8:01 pm |
 | Shop: How to take lines off a canoe? By: dbynoe | 9/28/2010, 3:56 pm |
 | Other: Do-it-yourself cooker: the Iso_Fly By: Robert N Pruden | 9/27/2010, 11:27 pm |
 | Paddle: Finished my second GP By: TheLuckyOne | 9/27/2010, 10:01 pm |
 | Epoxy: Great deal on Mas By: Joe Whitman | 9/27/2010, 6:31 pm |
 | Strip: Golden stem question By: Patsy | 9/27/2010, 1:40 pm |
 | S&G: bicycle built using S&G techniques By: Tony | 9/27/2010, 1:15 pm |
 | Off Topic: Skippers and Jumpers *PIC* By: Shark Bait | 9/27/2010, 1:45 am |
 | Other: First trip on Mississippi River *PIC* By: barry boyette | 9/25/2010, 9:56 pm |
 | Paddle: Following Holst instructions, a little rough By: Stephen Troy | 9/24/2010, 10:39 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Not a kayak . . . . *PIC* By: Dave Gentry | 9/24/2010, 7:48 pm |
 | Strip: how tall of a stem? By: dave g | 9/24/2010, 7:30 pm |
 | Off Topic: How to get a kayak out of the basement By: Bryan Hansel | 9/24/2010, 1:12 pm |
 | S&G: Kayak outrigger design By: Alex | 9/23/2010, 11:47 pm |
 | Other: Tie it on well By: Niven Paine | 9/23/2010, 4:11 pm |
 | Strip: removing a mess By: graeme myles | 9/23/2010, 1:41 pm |
 | S&G: Knee baces (cut them out??) By: John lasky | 9/23/2010, 9:24 am |
 | Other: Much better Speed (many thanks) By: John lasky | 9/23/2010, 9:06 am |
 | S&G: Safety Twist pliers? By: Geoff | 9/23/2010, 9:05 am |
 | Off Topic: Fix em to the good rack! *PIC* By: Dave Gentry | 9/23/2010, 8:50 am |
 | Strip: removing a mess By: graeme myles | 9/23/2010, 8:15 am |
 | Off Topic: Fix em to the rack good! By: Ian Johnson | 9/22/2010, 11:37 pm |
 | Other: Kayak Ergometer By: Greg Jones | 9/22/2010, 11:11 pm |
 | Strip: epoxy By: Al Edie | 9/22/2010, 10:51 pm |
 | Strip: Strpping the One Ocean Kayak Way By: G New | 9/22/2010, 8:18 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Sea Bee13 By: George in Va | 9/22/2010, 2:47 pm |
 | Strip: Home made skeg By: Joe Whitman | 9/22/2010, 1:36 pm |
 | Other: Delftship 4.18 *PIC* By: BryanHansel | 9/22/2010, 12:37 pm |
 | Epoxy: Sanding Epoxy By: Ken F | 9/22/2010, 8:44 am |
 | Paddle: Building greenland paddles By: john faas | 9/21/2010, 11:07 pm |
 | Material: Kari-Tek hydro skeg By: Mike Bielski | 9/21/2010, 12:42 pm |
 | Launching: The "Malco" Stand Up Paddleboard *PIC* By: Malcolm Schweizer | 9/20/2010, 2:16 pm |
 | Strip: planing tapers in walnut By: dave g | 9/19/2010, 10:44 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: 16' of nylon By: dan4sea | 9/19/2010, 4:57 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Bill Hamm's covering method By: Mark Deacon | 9/18/2010, 6:26 pm |
 | Off Topic: free gps program? By: Petewp | 9/18/2010, 12:17 pm |
 | Shop: DRY BAG PELICAN BOX ELECTRICAL WIRE FEED THRU By: Gene | 9/17/2010, 6:22 pm |
 | Epoxy: West 207 the new clear one- not the old yellow one *PIC* By: Malcolm Schweizer | 9/17/2010, 6:32 am |
 | Strip: scaling a design By: Bill Hamm | 9/17/2010, 2:06 am |
 | Paddle: How about using red wood? By: barry boyette | 9/16/2010, 9:44 pm |
 | Strip: Guillemot expedition seat and backrest By: Oliver | 9/16/2010, 4:28 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: long overdue pictures of my first sof kayak *PIC* By: George | 9/16/2010, 11:26 am |
 | Announce: Fall Messabout in Colorado *PIC* By: Dave Gentry | 9/16/2010, 9:51 am |
 | Strip: Open Cockpit Kayak - Need Ideas / Feedback *PIC* By: Bob Beaullieu | 9/16/2010, 8:09 am |
 | Strip: night heron By: victor druten | 9/15/2010, 9:42 pm |
 | Other: Cape Flattery Trip Photos *PIC* By: Ted Henry | 9/15/2010, 11:55 am |
 | Strip: Anybody really want some Redwood Strips? By: John Eberly | 9/15/2010, 11:49 am |
 | Seeking: Data on epoxy weights By: Malcolm Schweizer | 9/14/2010, 2:12 pm |
 | Paddle: GPpaddle re work width ,length??? By: John lasky | 9/14/2010, 11:39 am |
 | Strip: varnish problem By: victor druten | 9/14/2010, 9:54 am |
 | Strip: Tear out By: Nick Riccardi | 9/13/2010, 7:04 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: EPDM pond membrane for skin? By: Peter Lord | 9/13/2010, 5:56 pm |
 | Strip: my newest obsession.. *PIC* By: Andrew T | 9/13/2010, 3:12 pm |
 | Launching: My first build... *PIC* By: Tim Abbott | 9/13/2010, 1:22 am |
 | S&G: Pygmy Murrelet Prototype By: Mike Hanks | 9/12/2010, 9:49 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: the Sea Tour gets a skin (sort of) *PIC* By: Greywuuf | 9/12/2010, 8:20 pm |
 | Strip: Strongback Completed Yeah! *PIC* By: G New | 9/12/2010, 8:14 pm |
 | Strip: Completed *PIC* By: Tim Furey | 9/12/2010, 7:04 pm |
 | Off Topic: Strip Kayak presentation for club By: Dave | 9/12/2010, 10:21 am |
 | Material: Surprise knots in wood, options? By: Stephen Troy | 9/11/2010, 1:39 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Yost Sea Cruiser R - My First Kayak Build *PIC* By: Tom Robinson | 9/11/2010, 8:16 am |
 | Tools: Sources for old but useable planes By: john faas | 9/10/2010, 11:18 pm |
 | Off Topic: Sea of Cortez By: KenC | 9/10/2010, 11:14 pm |
 | Paddle: Making the long cuts for paddle face By: Stephen Troy | 9/10/2010, 7:45 pm |
 | Strip: Bow and Stern of a Baidarka By: Clayton Plunkett | 9/10/2010, 2:00 pm |
 | Material: How Sandpaper is Made By: Robert N Pruden | 9/9/2010, 9:48 pm |
 | Other: Broken Group Slide Show *PIC* By: Scott Baxter | 9/9/2010, 9:29 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Toggle or handle? *PIC* By: barry boyette | 9/9/2010, 9:19 pm |
 | Other: wooden surfskis &oc1 By: Craig | 9/9/2010, 3:47 am |
 | Other: Canadian Canoe Museum By: Dave Gentry | 9/8/2010, 11:49 pm |
 | Paddle: My First Paddle *PIC* By: theluckyone17 | 9/8/2010, 8:25 pm |
 | Other: Blue Whales off Southern California By: Will N To Go | 9/8/2010, 4:59 pm |
 | Material: Wood for paddles By: Stephen Troy | 9/8/2010, 11:06 am |
 | Other: Extreme Portaging - SOF Canoe up a mountain *PIC* By: dbynoe | 9/8/2010, 12:02 am |
 | Other: Basic Baidarka question By: David S. | 9/7/2010, 6:03 pm |
 | Strip: The Bug By: Les Cheeseman | 9/7/2010, 3:06 pm |
 | Other: Trip Report: America- land of cheap tools By: Malcolm Schweizer | 9/7/2010, 1:46 pm |
 | Material: Wear points on bow By: Joe Whitman | 9/7/2010, 1:38 pm |
 | Material: Beckson screw-in By: Mike Bielski | 9/7/2010, 10:19 am |
 | Strip: Petrel: Hatchless Bulkheads By: Jim Flowers | 9/7/2010, 5:58 am |
 | Skin-on-Frame: More Yost Sea Tour 15 EXP *PIC* By: Greywuuf | 9/7/2010, 1:47 am |
 | Seeking: Adhesive backed stencils? By: Kudzu | 9/6/2010, 4:44 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Speed and Fit By: dan4sea | 9/6/2010, 3:48 pm |
 | Strip: Varnish Question By: MattD. | 9/6/2010, 2:46 pm |
 | S&G: An Olde Butt Joint question By: Geoff | 9/6/2010, 1:50 pm |
 | Epoxy: Cloudy Epoxy Problems By: Tim Prendiville | 9/6/2010, 1:31 pm |
 | Seeking: Hybrid Night Heron Build Pics? By: Damian Wentzel | 9/6/2010, 1:04 pm |
 | Other: Bow Protection By: Dave Nelson | 9/5/2010, 11:39 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Advice on thread type... By: Matt Swier | 9/5/2010, 9:33 pm |
 | Launching: Chuckanut 15 *PIC* By: Clayton Plunkett | 9/5/2010, 8:52 pm |
 | Review: Congratulations Joe O'Blenis By: Reg Lake | 9/5/2010, 1:43 pm |
 | S&G: New boats from Pygmy By: Sodbuster------WebKitFormBoundary6pLaVD9X7Zfw4+Pi- | 9/5/2010, 11:17 am |
 | Strip: north star By: Bill Hamm | 9/5/2010, 3:53 am |
 | Strip: Night Heron std. or HD By: D Wentzel | 9/4/2010, 4:37 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Sea Bee 13 By: Rusty Koscianski | 9/4/2010, 12:20 pm |
 | Tools: 61/2 inch saw blade By: Ed Roper | 9/4/2010, 7:40 am |
 | Strip: New Petrel By: Oliver | 9/3/2010, 8:48 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Another one *PIC* By: Dave Gentry | 9/3/2010, 8:21 pm |
 | Other: Pirogue By: Ed Roper | 9/3/2010, 7:57 pm |
 | Other: Georgian Bay Trip By: Rob Macks / Laughing Loon CC&K | 9/3/2010, 5:40 pm |
 | Off Topic: New meaning to Hydroplaning By: Kudzu | 9/3/2010, 8:43 am |
 | Material: Where can I get White Oak in Minneapolis By: Malcolm Schweizer | 9/2/2010, 3:20 pm |
 | Off Topic: Kayakers wanted for research study By: Jacob Solomon | 9/2/2010, 10:35 am |
 | S&G: Old tortured ply measurements uploaded *PIC* By: Etienne Muller | 9/1/2010, 4:41 pm |
 | Other: more woven bamboo boats By: Bill Hamm | 9/1/2010, 4:29 pm |
 | Material: Decorative paint on coaming *PIC* By: Doug S | 9/1/2010, 8:37 am |
 | Other: broken group *PIC* By: Scott Baxter | 9/1/2010, 12:05 am |
 | Skin-on-Frame: ready for skin *PIC* By: timt | 8/31/2010, 11:28 pm |
 | S&G: Building my second Pinquino Sport By: Ron | 8/31/2010, 8:00 pm |
 | Strip: Shooting Star Material Questions By: Jim Farrelly | 8/31/2010, 3:29 pm |
 | Launching: Firefly *PIC* By: Kudzu | 8/31/2010, 1:06 pm |
 | Other: native boats and foot room By: John lasky | 8/31/2010, 12:28 pm |
 | Shop: kayak storage By: Bill Hamm | 8/31/2010, 8:27 am |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Yost: Establishing correct rocker By: TheLuckyOne | 8/30/2010, 9:06 pm |
 | Epoxy: Epoxy Failure: is there any hope ? By: Greywuuf | 8/30/2010, 8:16 pm |
 | Review: Ralph Beer TourYak By: Ed Roper | 8/30/2010, 6:23 pm |
 | S&G: S&G Travel Repair Kit By: Eric | 8/30/2010, 3:59 pm |
 | S&G: seat position and speed By: Mike R. | 8/30/2010, 2:51 pm |
 | Strip: Dying sections of wood, not others *PIC* By: Stephen Troy | 8/30/2010, 1:44 am |
 | Paddle: Novorca Carbon GP unavailable *PIC* By: Clayton Plunkett | 8/29/2010, 6:44 pm |
 | Other: kayaker hit by speed boat. By: dave g | 8/29/2010, 4:16 pm |
 | Tools: Sharpen plane By: Randy Echtinaw | 8/29/2010, 10:54 am |
 | Strip: Epoxy Question By: Patsy | 8/28/2010, 9:00 pm |
 | Seeking: Herreshoff double paddle canoe offsets By: Michael | 8/28/2010, 7:21 pm |
 | Seeking: open cockpit double kayaks By: Les Cheeseman | 8/28/2010, 2:46 pm |
 | Strip: advice on kayak choice By: Al Edie | 8/27/2010, 5:09 pm |
 | Other: Design characteristics for long touring By: Stephen Troy | 8/27/2010, 2:08 pm |
 | Material: Kevlar and (vs) carbon fiber By: Erez | 8/27/2010, 1:11 am |
 | Paddle: apddle for river/current By: John lasky | 8/26/2010, 3:06 pm |
 | Material: Cleaning Crude Oil By: Will N to Go | 8/25/2010, 8:34 pm |
 | Paddle: Thresher Shark Encounter By: Will N to Go | 8/25/2010, 12:56 pm |
 | Strip: Mid Auk Finished *PIC* By: Don T | 8/25/2010, 11:45 am |
 | S&G: Table to build Pinguino By: Geoff | 8/25/2010, 10:04 am |
 | Other: New to Playboating By: Senker | 8/24/2010, 5:00 pm |
 | Material: Deck rigging toggles? By: timt | 8/24/2010, 1:24 pm |
 | Material: Silk fabric By: Dan Caouette (CSFW) | 8/23/2010, 7:25 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Chuckanut 15 *PIC* By: Clayton Plunkett | 8/23/2010, 6:33 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Talc mixed in the varnish? By: Randy | 8/23/2010, 5:16 pm |
 | Material: How can waterproof glue be water cleanup? By: Malcolm Schweizer | 8/23/2010, 11:45 am |
 | Other: Deck compass By: Will N to Go | 8/23/2010, 11:03 am |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Intro & Thoughts on Sea Tour 15 EXP By: TheLuckyOne | 8/23/2010, 11:02 am |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Yost style building Question By: Greywuuf | 8/23/2010, 12:41 am |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Progress on "traditional" Greenland boat *PIC* By: timt | 8/22/2010, 10:47 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Ply skin By: Niven Paine | 8/22/2010, 6:49 pm |
 | Review: Stellar 18 *PIC* By: Scott Baxter | 8/21/2010, 9:59 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: More Yost Sea Tour 15 EXP *PIC* By: Greywuuf | 8/21/2010, 9:56 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Sea tour question By: Scott Shurlow | 8/21/2010, 9:44 pm |
 | S&G: cirrus or cirrus lt By: DavidS | 8/21/2010, 11:17 am |
 | Strip: Harch gaskets By: Dave | 8/21/2010, 9:37 am |
 | Material: tape that sticks on polyester fabric By: George | 8/21/2010, 8:10 am |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Skin-on-Frame Surfboard (not mine) By: Malcolm Schweizer | 8/20/2010, 2:19 pm |
 | Strip: High Deck Kayak By: Nick Riccardi | 8/20/2010, 11:53 am |
 | Strip: Petrel: Foot Brace Height By: Jim Flowers | 8/20/2010, 11:19 am |
 | Off Topic: Trip Report: The Army, the Voyageurs and a Body By: Robert N Pruden | 8/19/2010, 1:56 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Nylon rub strips? By: Kudzu | 8/19/2010, 1:50 pm |
 | S&G: Camera storage and brass keel strip installation By: Robert N Pruden | 8/19/2010, 12:52 am |
 | Other: Playing Hooky on the Water *PIC* By: Tim Sheehan | 8/18/2010, 8:51 pm |
 | Material: Woven bamboo boats By: Bill Hamm | 8/18/2010, 9:23 am |
 | Tools: Highest praises for Ridgid Contractor Saw *PIC* By: Malcolm Schweizer | 8/18/2010, 8:37 am |
 | Launching: paddle By: lindar | 8/18/2010, 4:47 am |
 | Skin-on-Frame: sewing on coaming flange By: Paul MacIntyre | 8/17/2010, 11:39 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: coaming/sprayskirt fit By: timt | 8/17/2010, 11:10 pm |
 | Strip: Outer Island paddle report *PIC* By: Clayton Plunkett | 8/17/2010, 9:04 pm |
 | Off Topic: Age perceptions By: Len Thunberg | 8/16/2010, 10:38 pm |
 | S&G: Epoxy Applicator of Choice By: Eric | 8/16/2010, 9:41 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: My Sea Tour EXP build under way *PIC* By: Greywuuf | 8/16/2010, 7:59 pm |
 | Strip: Kids 1st kayak By: Randy Echtinaw | 8/16/2010, 2:56 pm |
 | Strip: New to Kayaking need some advise By: Pat MacDonald | 8/14/2010, 10:33 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: lashing vs pegging beams? By: timt | 8/14/2010, 10:33 am |
 | Strip: Petrel By: Jim Kemp | 8/13/2010, 9:37 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Dacron Coating questions By: greywuuf | 8/13/2010, 6:52 pm |
 | Paddle: aleut paddle sizing By: John lasky | 8/13/2010, 12:53 pm |
 | Strip: Paddle rest / router table By: Randy Echtinaw | 8/13/2010, 12:32 pm |
 | Announce: Dates set for 2011 West Coast Wood Kayak Rendezvou By: Ted Henry | 8/13/2010, 12:13 pm |
 | Material: AAH! No Adhesive Remover! By: Mike Bielski | 8/13/2010, 10:17 am |
 | Paddle: favorite glue for paddle layup By: John lasky | 8/13/2010, 9:29 am |
 | Other: Nose heavy fibreglass kayak By: Peter Hickey | 8/13/2010, 8:28 am |
 | Tools: Make paint brushes? By: John Caldeira | 8/12/2010, 5:28 pm |
 | Strip: Progress photos of small travel canoe build *NM* *PIC* By: Reg Lake | 8/12/2010, 3:52 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Materials for a sea tour ! By: greywuuf | 8/12/2010, 3:10 pm |
 | Off Topic: Interesting purchase I made recently *PIC* By: Robert N Pruden | 8/11/2010, 3:19 am |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Rockwell Kent By: Mike Scarborough | 8/10/2010, 7:46 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Checking in and a few questions RE: yost 15 exp By: Greywuuf | 8/10/2010, 7:22 pm |
 | Off Topic: Discussion: Drowing By: Malcolm Schweizer | 8/10/2010, 12:35 pm |
 | Material: BS 1088 "Hydrotek" Meranti By: Mike Bielski | 8/10/2010, 7:56 am |
 | Off Topic: Reinforcing a boat for a trip By: lc | 8/9/2010, 10:25 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: UK COURSE - West Greenland Kayak Building *PIC* By: Boat Building Academy | 8/9/2010, 7:28 am |
 | Strip: Aspen for strips By: Larry C. | 8/8/2010, 1:07 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Finished boat and greenland paddle By: John Faas | 8/8/2010, 12:25 pm |
 | Strip: New build what boat? By: Joe Whitman | 8/6/2010, 12:19 pm |
 | S&G: Building a Point Bennett 18 By: Sodbuster------WebKitFormBoundary6pLaVD9X7Zfw4+Pi- | 8/6/2010, 9:59 am |
 | Strip: Repairs By: styk | 8/6/2010, 7:32 am |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Pre-build questions - wood, sizing By: Robert | 8/5/2010, 12:32 pm |
 | Seeking: Resistance vs stability *PIC* By: Kudzu | 8/5/2010, 11:54 am |
 | Announce: Kayak Obituary By: Kudzu | 8/4/2010, 8:08 pm |
 | Other: New custom truck rack *PIC* By: wwfloyd | 8/4/2010, 6:49 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Artificial Sinew supplier? By: Matt Swier | 8/3/2010, 5:40 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: lightweight SOF By: Bill Hamm | 8/3/2010, 5:23 pm |
 | S&G: Point Bennett S&G Attacked By Shark *PIC* By: Duane Strosaker | 8/3/2010, 1:29 pm |
 | Epoxy: How much glass? By: Palle Dam | 8/3/2010, 4:52 am |
 | Skin-on-Frame: In the process of building first one By: John Faas | 8/2/2010, 9:36 pm |
 | S&G: Capsize stability, pygmy triple By: Ken | 8/2/2010, 8:58 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Frame finished *PIC* By: Kudzu | 8/2/2010, 6:13 pm |
 | Other: Bungee supplier? By: Kudzu | 8/2/2010, 8:38 am |
 | Other: Deck Rigging *PIC* By: Malcolm Schweizer | 8/2/2010, 6:57 am |
 | Review: Kayalu deck mount for camera and deck light *PIC* By: Malcolm Schweizer | 8/2/2010, 6:32 am |
 | Other: Installing surfboard leash cup as deck fitting *PIC* By: Malcolm Schweizer | 8/2/2010, 6:14 am |
 | Other: Posting pics By: Malcolm Schweizer | 8/1/2010, 12:07 pm |
 | Off Topic: Sea kayaking etiquette By: John Caldeira | 7/31/2010, 4:15 am |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Firefly build *PIC* By: Kudzu | 7/30/2010, 8:41 pm |
 | S&G: Paint Thinner By: Charles Robinson | 7/30/2010, 5:07 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Sea Pup Questions By: Heather | 7/29/2010, 7:18 pm |
 | Strip: Petrel: Stiff Upper Lip By: Jim Flowers | 7/29/2010, 2:11 pm |
 | Epoxy: Removing cured epoxy By: Jack Vincent | 7/29/2010, 1:03 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: preffered skin material By: John lasky | 7/28/2010, 3:10 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Sea Ranger ?s By: Eric | 7/27/2010, 4:10 pm |
 | Strip: Petrel: Shear Connection By: Jim Flowers | 7/27/2010, 2:22 pm |
 | Paddle: Cheap GP for daughter By: Doug S | 7/27/2010, 11:13 am |
 | Material: source for carbon fiber (graphite) By: Will N 2 Go | 7/26/2010, 4:37 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Time to finish my SOF *PIC* By: barry boyette | 7/25/2010, 10:13 pm |
 | Epoxy: UV Questions By: Roger Turgeon | 7/25/2010, 6:52 pm |
 | S&G: Ready to build another! By: Bryan Ledahl | 7/24/2010, 9:36 pm |
 | Seeking: Mike Bell By: Les Cheeseman | 7/24/2010, 2:08 pm |
 | Strip: Petrel: CLC fiberglass layers By: Jim Flowers | 7/24/2010, 1:30 pm |
 | Other: Inlay *PIC* By: Malcolm Schweizer | 7/24/2010, 2:48 am |
 | Strip: Foot braces and pumps By: Will N 2 Go | 7/23/2010, 11:02 pm |
 | Material: Fairleads By: Paul Kueffner | 7/23/2010, 10:27 pm |
 | Launching: Launch Day Picture *PIC* By: Les Cheeseman | 7/23/2010, 11:05 am |
 | Launching: 15ft 6" Guillemot By: Les Cheeseman | 7/23/2010, 4:32 am |
 | S&G: New build about to begin By: Robert N Pruden | 7/22/2010, 12:36 am |
 | Material: Introduction and redwood question By: Kaspar Abbo | 7/19/2010, 6:48 pm |
 | Other: cant stay in cockpit when inverted By: John lasky | 7/19/2010, 12:04 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: SOF Canoe Plans By: Charles Robinson | 7/19/2010, 11:11 am |
 | Other: cant stay in cockpit (need more padding?? By: John lasky | 7/19/2010, 11:04 am |
 | Announce: West Coast Kayak Rendezvous R2KX *PIC* By: Joe Greenley | 7/19/2010, 10:03 am |
 | Launching: IGO paddling *PIC* By: Dave Gentry | 7/18/2010, 10:18 pm |
 | Strip: african mahogany By: george jung | 7/18/2010, 9:05 pm |
 | Other: "Yost-esk" 4m Foldable canoe plans *PIC* By: Sue My Chin | 7/18/2010, 5:46 pm |
 | Off Topic: West Coast Wooden Kayak Rendezvous (R2KX)??? By: Craig Dempsey | 7/18/2010, 5:36 pm |
 | Other: kayak rack (vehicle type) padding *PIC* By: wwfloyd | 7/18/2010, 10:00 am |
 | Other: Kudzu + Bill - can't open messages By: Doug S | 7/16/2010, 7:36 pm |
 | Other: Laminated frames from Bill By: Kudzu | 7/16/2010, 7:32 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: laminated frames By: Bill Hamm | 7/16/2010, 4:35 am |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Strongback for Tom Yost-style Kayak *PIC* By: Ruedi Klein | 7/15/2010, 7:17 pm |
 | Seeking: European Boat builders By: Mike Bell | 7/15/2010, 12:58 pm |
 | Other: Flush deck fitting By: Malcolm Schweizer | 7/14/2010, 11:01 am |
 | Strip: Rudders, peddles, seats By: Will N to Go | 7/13/2010, 2:02 pm |
 | S&G: Pygmy plans: scaling up steps? By: Liam Graham | 7/13/2010, 12:34 pm |
 | Launching: Upper Yukon Canoe *PIC* By: Paul Montgomery | 7/13/2010, 9:14 am |
 | S&G: FS: Unused Freidel Triple plans By: Joe Stromski | 7/12/2010, 9:22 pm |
 | Material: Fiberglass water absorption? By: Jim N. | 7/12/2010, 10:21 am |
 | S&G: Weight By: Eric | 7/11/2010, 10:02 pm |
 | Other: Regarding Canoe, Kayak and Rafting Safety... By: JeffHouser | 7/11/2010, 9:31 pm |
 | Strip: Adhesive for McMaster-Carr "Velcro" By: Len Thunberg | 7/11/2010, 7:48 pm |
 | Off Topic: First timers comments By: Kudzu | 7/11/2010, 6:36 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Cool video of sailing SOF canoe By: brian scarborough | 7/10/2010, 10:23 pm |
 | Strip: Stems, gunnels, thwarts By: Toby | 7/10/2010, 9:00 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: I'm just feeding my addiction - New Canoe *PIC* By: Dave Gentry | 7/9/2010, 7:55 pm |
 | Material: HH--66 supplier Bellingham WA By: Prasad | 7/9/2010, 11:36 am |
 | Other: Building a wood stand up paddleboard *PIC* By: Malcolm Schweizer | 7/9/2010, 2:14 am |
 | Off Topic: Drowning doesn't look like drowning By: Bill Hamm | 7/8/2010, 2:50 am |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Sofistry *PIC* By: Mike Hanks | 7/8/2010, 1:26 am |
 | Epoxy: 2 bad batches, incorrect ratios By: Doug S | 7/7/2010, 10:33 am |
 | Strip: No back rest *PIC* By: Clayton Plunkett | 7/6/2010, 6:19 pm |
 | Launching: Auk *PIC* By: buck biscuit | 7/6/2010, 5:21 pm |
 | Off Topic: Lake Winnipeg to Norway House: Trip Report By: Robert N Pruden | 7/6/2010, 11:44 am |
 | Tools: Clamps Galore *PIC* By: Malcolm Schweizer | 7/6/2010, 11:40 am |
 | Tools: Update- it was a dull blade. By: Malcolm Schweizer | 7/6/2010, 11:15 am |
 | Shop: Safe Scarfing Jig for Table Saw *PIC* By: Will N 2 Go | 7/5/2010, 5:00 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: new kid's sof *PIC* By: Joy | 7/5/2010, 8:02 am |
 | Epoxy: Roll or Squeegee? By: Malcolm Schweizer | 7/4/2010, 8:01 am |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Another one, with the Boy Scouts *PIC* By: Dave Gentry | 7/4/2010, 1:23 am |
 | Tools: Where to start By: Dani Craig | 7/3/2010, 11:22 am |
 | Launching: 14' great auk complete! By: Bryan Ledahl | 7/3/2010, 12:34 am |
 | Other: Over and over - thanks Tom + KBBB By: Doug S | 7/2/2010, 11:34 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Bjorn's Strongback alignment By: Kudzu | 7/2/2010, 8:35 am |
 | Strip: Petrel strongback By: Eric Anderson | 7/2/2010, 6:23 am |
 | S&G: Pygmy kayak weather cocking By: David Kroll | 7/2/2010, 3:43 am |
 | Other: Float Bag / Foot Pegs? By: Doug S | 7/1/2010, 9:40 pm |
 | Strip: Pond Boat advice By: John Eberly | 7/1/2010, 2:31 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Staining a frame? By: Kudzu | 7/1/2010, 12:55 pm |
 | Other: Messabout-Bash Report *PIC* By: Kurt Maurer | 6/30/2010, 8:29 pm |
 | Strip: fixing wetout problem By: Paul K | 6/30/2010, 10:46 am |
 | Material: Storing 3M 4200? By: Doug S | 6/30/2010, 10:45 am |
 | Strip: Sadie's First Boat *PIC* By: Mike Hanks | 6/30/2010, 12:58 am |
 | Strip: New dog + hatch cover hanging = By: w 5 | 6/29/2010, 3:20 pm |
 | Strip: warped guillemot By: dave g | 6/28/2010, 7:51 pm |
 | Strip: Measure a kayak for copying By: Peter M | 6/28/2010, 5:08 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Epoxy Supplier By: Heather Langlois | 6/28/2010, 10:01 am |
 | S&G: Fibreglass S&G By: a18nmk | 6/28/2010, 6:05 am |
 | Launching: Stonefly Launched *PIC* By: Kudzu | 6/27/2010, 10:43 pm |
 | Strip: hatches warping By: chris | 6/27/2010, 4:42 pm |
 | Launching: Creating the Reflection from the Grand Illusion *PIC* By: Reg Lake | 6/27/2010, 12:51 pm |
 | Strip: So you wanna build a stripper... By: Paul Montgomery | 6/27/2010, 11:01 am |
 | Other: Steaming a Dugout *PIC* By: Reg Lake | 6/27/2010, 2:12 am |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Putting names/lettering on skin By: Kudzu | 6/26/2010, 12:32 pm |
 | Paddle: Kayak Fishing Paddle By: Tim | 6/26/2010, 10:51 am |
 | Paddle: Robert Pruden's trip By: Linda Jonas | 6/25/2010, 9:51 pm |
 | Shop: Pelican Break DLX Kayak @ CTC Stores By: Tim | 6/25/2010, 12:24 pm |
 | Paddle: Paddle: Robert Pruden By: Linda Jonas | 6/24/2010, 9:32 pm |
 | Launching: Pre-Launch of Stone Fly *PIC* By: Kudzu | 6/24/2010, 7:36 am |
 | Other: Portage rig - 15lb SOF Canoe *PIC* By: dbynoe | 6/24/2010, 1:44 am |
 | Epoxy: EcoPoxy - anyone try it? By: Dan Caouette (CSFW) | 6/23/2010, 7:56 pm |
 | Announce: Monday at the Office *PIC* By: Reg Lake | 6/23/2010, 5:08 pm |
 | Strip: Hand loops By: victor druten | 6/23/2010, 4:36 pm |
 | Strip: Plans By: Robert Lantz | 6/23/2010, 4:01 pm |
 | Strip: Outer Island V2.0 Project FINISHED?? *PIC* By: Kurt Maurer | 6/21/2010, 8:27 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Knotty stringers? By: Justin Barnett | 6/21/2010, 3:16 pm |
 | Strip: Dying wood strips *PIC* By: Jeff | 6/21/2010, 9:02 am |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Am I too fat for a Sea Bee? By: Justin Barnett | 6/21/2010, 8:50 am |
 | Epoxy: kickstarting the curing after cold spell By: risto | 6/21/2010, 3:56 am |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Proud Father *PIC* By: Mike Hanks | 6/21/2010, 1:57 am |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Snap Pins By: Eric | 6/21/2010, 12:06 am |
 | Paddle: Robert Pruden's trip By: Linda Jonas | 6/20/2010, 9:40 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Sea Pup Heighth of Sect 3? By: Heather Langlois | 6/20/2010, 9:10 pm |
 | Review: Colorado messabout *PIC* By: Dave Gentry | 6/20/2010, 4:43 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Paint on polyester By: Kudzu | 6/20/2010, 4:41 pm |
 | Strip: Printing decal on tracing paper *PIC* By: Eric Anderson | 6/20/2010, 8:16 am |
 | Announce: One final note before I hit the highway... By: Robert N Pruden | 6/19/2010, 9:27 am |
 | Announce: Leaving to paddle the Canadian North By: Robert N Pruden | 6/18/2010, 7:53 pm |
 | Off Topic: A different kind of stripper By: Len Thunberg | 6/18/2010, 5:51 pm |
 | Other: Shipping? By: Dave Gentry | 6/18/2010, 9:19 am |
 | Strip: Carbon Fiber versus Glass By: Bris Paul | 6/18/2010, 2:39 am |
 | Material: Where to buy clear cedar in Ohio By: Jim Durrell | 6/17/2010, 9:07 pm |
 | Material: 1/2" Doug-Fir Marine Plywood in NJ By: Ruedi Klein | 6/17/2010, 8:39 pm |
 | Tools: Drill Kevlar ? By: Gene | 6/17/2010, 1:12 am |
 | Strip: Best Kayak for me By: jchumley | 6/16/2010, 11:41 am |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Budget kayak By: Mike Hanks | 6/11/2010, 9:37 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Sadie's Kidarka *PIC* By: Mike Hanks | 6/6/2010, 12:13 am |
 | Strip: Expedition pic & finish question *PIC* By: billy | 6/4/2010, 7:31 am |
 | Material: Cardboard & Styrofoam design ideas By: Rhinoscout | 6/3/2010, 7:29 pm |
 | Strip: Thoughts on this building DVD? By: Rick Cicciarelli | 4/26/2010, 10:50 pm |
 | Strip: Starting a Golden By: Patsy | 4/23/2010, 11:27 am |
 | Material: 4 oz cloth inside and out. By: PatrickC | 3/17/2010, 5:47 pm |
 | Strip: Repairing badly damaged kayak *Pic* By: Malcolm Schweizer | 9/16/2009, 12:07 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: new Sea Pup frame *Pic* By: Clayton Plunkett | 8/1/2009, 8:39 am |
 | Other: Wing paddle design By: Greg | 4/5/2009, 9:11 pm |
 | Other: Cockpit Locations For Guillemont Double By: David | 4/3/2009, 4:21 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Klepper Passat sailboat for sale - late 60's By: Mark Mendelman | 2/13/2009, 1:45 pm |
 | Strip: Strip Planking a Rowing Shell By: Ned Smith | 9/11/2008, 10:27 am |
 | Skin-on-Frame: F1 Interpretation buildalong *Pic* By: Michael Collins | 7/7/2008, 8:18 pm |