Topic |
 | Material: vinyl for Yost boat - confused By: wwfloyd | 6/16/2009, 8:55 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Kayak Building Journal *LINK* *Pic* By: Harvey Golden | 6/15/2009, 10:47 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: New Sea Ranger Launched *LINK* By: Dan Mouw | 6/15/2009, 6:34 pm |
 | Epoxy: health consequences to epoxy allergy By: LeeG | 6/15/2009, 1:33 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Sea Rider v. Sea Ranger By: Michael Collins | 6/13/2009, 8:20 pm |
 | Material: Which varnish? By: Mike A | 6/13/2009, 12:52 pm |
 | Other: kayak trailer cross arm pads? By: Bill Hamm | 6/13/2009, 3:08 am |
 | S&G: tape and/or cloth? By: Craig Robinson | 6/13/2009, 1:54 am |
 | Epoxy: bad mix of epoxy By: bueller | 6/12/2009, 5:20 pm |
 | Tools: New scarfing jig *Pic* By: Kudzu | 6/12/2009, 4:16 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Double up frame? *Pic* By: Kudzu | 6/12/2009, 4:02 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: coaming/aft beam gap in SOF kayak By: Robert Evans | 6/12/2009, 12:18 pm |
 | Other: Skegs Skids Replacing Leeboards. *Pic* By: John F Monroe | 6/12/2009, 5:26 am |
 | Material: Surface finish for performance By: Craig Robinson | 6/12/2009, 2:38 am |
 | Other: Seating and Leg/Foot Numbness By: Ken Blanton | 6/11/2009, 8:21 am |
 | Seeking: Estimate of amount of paint needed By: John Faas | 6/11/2009, 1:55 am |
 | Epoxy: Removing CF/FG sleeve from paddle By: Brian Scaborough | 6/10/2009, 12:57 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Baidarka vs. Greenland? By: Timt | 6/9/2009, 11:24 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Fast, Playful SOF *Pic* By: Michael Collins | 6/8/2009, 11:10 pm |
 | S&G: Taping the Severn from the new kayak shop By: dwn | 6/8/2009, 10:17 pm |
 | S&G: Coaming Height - How high is too high? By: Steve Seymore | 6/8/2009, 9:28 pm |
 | Strip: wood filler By: Hawk | 6/8/2009, 8:49 pm |
 | Material: Source for HBN "white graphite" By: Robert Owens | 6/8/2009, 5:12 pm |
 | Strip: Hatch Seal By: Clayton Plunkrtt | 6/8/2009, 2:14 pm |
 | Epoxy: Epoxy/graphite response from WEST Tech support By: Jay Babina | 6/8/2009, 11:16 am |
 | Strip: outfitting By: john sullivan | 6/8/2009, 9:16 am |
 | Material: PVC in Toronto By: Scott Innes | 6/8/2009, 7:18 am |
 | Skin-on-Frame: skin, how do I fix this *LINK* *Pic* By: sage69 | 6/7/2009, 9:04 pm |
 | Strip: Paint thinner reaction with MAS Epoxy By: kaptag | 6/7/2009, 6:34 pm |
 | Shop: Kick back warning By: Kudzu | 6/7/2009, 6:27 pm |
 | Material: Glue for Becksom hatches??? By: Gennie | 6/7/2009, 12:03 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Too much floatation? By: Darren | 6/7/2009, 4:53 am |
 | S&G: fillets and strength By: John Faas | 6/6/2009, 10:25 pm |
 | Material: deck bungees/ropes question *LINK* By: uga_danny | 6/6/2009, 5:30 pm |
 | Material: Toluene------WebKitFormBoundaryQUx2plur+aHchr96 By: dave------WebKitFormBoundaryQUx2plur+aHchr96 | 6/6/2009, 5:29 pm |
 | S&G: Images of the S&G NH project *LINK* *Pic* By: Robert N Pruden | 6/6/2009, 12:04 pm |
 | Announce: Meet at the Beach Today By: Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks | 6/6/2009, 7:51 am |
 | Shop: Cutting an already glued sheerline By: PatrickC | 6/5/2009, 10:50 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: seat boards By: Dan Mouw | 6/5/2009, 6:03 pm |
 | S&G: Recessing a cockpit BBK Idun By: Rod | 6/4/2009, 12:39 pm |
 | Epoxy: Graphite powder By: Pedro Almeida | 6/4/2009, 8:57 am |
 | S&G: wrc suitable for sheer clamps?? By: Craig Robinson | 6/4/2009, 12:27 am |
 | Strip: end pour/ trailers By: john sullivan | 6/3/2009, 4:34 pm |
 | S&G: The addiction returns: *LINK* By: Robert McMurray | 6/3/2009, 2:05 am |
 | Seeking: Anyone looking to barter!?!?! *Pic* By: Pat D. | 6/2/2009, 5:25 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: skinning By: sage69 | 6/2/2009, 11:51 am |
 | Tools: Fiberglass safety? By: Doug S | 6/2/2009, 10:51 am |
 | S&G: Planing sheer clamps By: Brian Scaborough | 6/2/2009, 8:44 am |
 | S&G: I need your NH help, Nick! By: Robert N Pruden | 6/1/2009, 10:56 pm |
 | Strip: Several questions about cutting strips By: uga_danny | 6/1/2009, 10:52 pm |
 | S&G: NH Update and more... By: Robert N Pruden | 6/1/2009, 1:43 pm |
 | Tools: New Porter Cable ROS -- anybody know? *LINK* By: Scott Fitzgerrell | 6/1/2009, 12:45 pm |
 | Strip: router question *LINK* By: uga_danny | 6/1/2009, 12:41 am |
 | Skin-on-Frame: converting ft-cm By: bueller | 5/31/2009, 10:31 am |
 | Announce: Bryan Hanel's trip By: Bill Hamm | 5/31/2009, 2:19 am |
 | Epoxy: White tint for epoxy By: Randy Ricchi | 5/30/2009, 11:25 am |
 | Strip: end pour By: john sullivan | 5/29/2009, 7:54 am |
 | Material: bio-resin By: Bill Hamm | 5/28/2009, 8:37 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Sold *Pic* By: Clayton Plunkett | 5/28/2009, 5:24 pm |
 | Material: angrier by the minute with CLC By: wwfloyd | 5/28/2009, 5:13 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: coaming bending advice By: Michael | 5/28/2009, 1:02 pm |
 | Seeking: Dealers in MI By: Bill Hamm | 5/28/2009, 3:02 am |
 | Launching: SOF "Kidarka" completed. *Pic* By: Dave Gentry | 5/27/2009, 10:06 pm |
 | Strip: hatch hold-downs whith chock cords By: Achim Vossloh | 5/27/2009, 11:55 am |
 | S&G: Hatch covers By: Brian Scaborough | 5/27/2009, 10:36 am |
 | Announce: death of Phil Bolger By: Bill Hamm | 5/27/2009, 5:12 am |
 | Skin-on-Frame: New Design *Pic* By: Kudzu | 5/26/2009, 6:12 pm |
 | S&G: Using thicker ply for hull By: uga_danny | 5/26/2009, 4:13 pm |
 | Announce: Meet at the Beach, Groton, CT, June 6th *LINK* By: Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks | 5/26/2009, 1:52 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: One piece coaming. By: Kevin Colson | 5/25/2009, 2:53 pm |
 | Launching: Splash one Seapup *LINK* *Pic* By: Timt | 5/25/2009, 2:44 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Double up frame? By: Kudzu | 5/24/2009, 10:54 pm |
 | Material: Hatch rubber/foam/weather stripping? By: wwfloyd | 5/24/2009, 9:54 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Skinning By: sage69 | 5/24/2009, 6:30 pm |
 | Launching: first time out, CLC Shearwater 16 hybrid *LINK* *Pic* By: wwfloyd | 5/24/2009, 3:22 pm |
 | Strip: Fish finder By: river rat | 5/23/2009, 8:44 pm |
 | Strip: My OI Build-A-Long Website Updated *LINK* *Pic* By: Kurt Maurer | 5/23/2009, 12:43 pm |
 | Other: "Stabilty Factor' conquered (finally) By: Kudzu | 5/23/2009, 12:32 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Cory's Goop By: danp | 5/22/2009, 11:20 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Right Size Yost for Me By: danp | 5/22/2009, 11:17 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Bill's Black Pearl is Finished By: danp | 5/22/2009, 10:31 pm |
 | Strip: sanding then staining with Solar Lux By: eric | 5/22/2009, 1:06 am |
 | Strip: What's it weigh? By: Mike Bielski | 5/21/2009, 6:47 pm |
 | S&G: using non-marine grade ply for hull By: uga_danny | 5/21/2009, 5:07 pm |
 | Material: Source of heavy duty velcro By: Len Thunberg | 5/21/2009, 12:49 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: info please By: kirk briggs | 5/20/2009, 6:30 pm |
 | Strip: Guillemot - mistake stripping stern, too rounded *LINK* *Pic* By: Ian Johnson | 5/19/2009, 9:11 pm |
 | Material: Sheathing suppliers By: Simon Woodhall | 5/19/2009, 3:27 pm |
 | Seeking: Paddling in Georgian Bay By: Glen Smith | 5/19/2009, 12:52 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Cracked Cross Section By: Kevin Colson | 5/19/2009, 1:14 am |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Yost Sea Rider single chine vs multi chine By: Tim Sawtell | 5/18/2009, 10:24 pm |
 | Strip: underside of the deck By: DaveS | 5/18/2009, 7:52 pm |
 | Other: Refinishing fiberglass boat *Pic* By: Doug S | 5/18/2009, 3:20 pm |
 | Off Topic: Wedding day *Pic* By: Glen Smith | 5/18/2009, 1:01 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Sealing the skin By: sage69 | 5/18/2009, 11:54 am |
 | Off Topic: Wooden Vespa. *LINK* *Pic* By: Simeon | 5/18/2009, 12:38 am |
 | Announce: Vancouver MATB *LINK* By: Rod Tait (Orca Boats) | 5/17/2009, 1:15 am |
 | Announce: New build underway ...finally *Pic* By: Gary Kvasnicka | 5/16/2009, 6:40 pm |
 | Announce: George Dyson speaks! *LINK* By: Dave Gentry | 5/15/2009, 1:39 pm |
 | Epoxy: varnish questions By: Joe Wuts | 5/14/2009, 12:23 pm |
 | Strip: Bear Mountain Resolute By: John Bolding | 5/14/2009, 9:19 am |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Urithane By: sage69 | 5/13/2009, 6:19 pm |
 | Off Topic: Update: Bryan Hansel circumnavigating Great Lakes *LINK* *Pic* By: Robert N Pruden | 5/13/2009, 2:49 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Sizing out yaks By: Kevin Colson | 5/13/2009, 2:16 am |
 | Strip: Joining By: Dave Hawkins | 5/12/2009, 2:48 pm |
 | Strip: Varnish By: Dave Hawkins | 5/12/2009, 10:06 am |
 | Strip: Hull Protection - scratches By: Podge | 5/12/2009, 3:29 am |
 | Announce: Meet at the Beach - West Michigan By: Donovan | 5/11/2009, 9:04 am |
 | Strip: Adirondack boat *LINK* By: Jürgen Koppen | 5/10/2009, 2:18 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Interesting SOF Engineering *LINK* *Pic* By: danp | 5/10/2009, 7:36 am |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Bulkheads or sea sock By: Darren | 5/10/2009, 12:21 am |
 | Launching: SOF Kidarka *Pic* By: apmossy | 5/9/2009, 6:59 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Ribs *LINK* *Pic* By: sage69 | 5/9/2009, 1:49 pm |
 | Strip: Hidden hatch variation *LINK* *Pic* By: wwfloyd | 5/9/2009, 9:21 am |
 | Other: Safety: capsized with tether By: Erez | 5/8/2009, 3:39 pm |
 | S&G: Composite coaming By: Brian Scaborough | 5/8/2009, 1:10 pm |
 | Material: truck bedliner spray or zolatone on a plastic yak By: Ray | 5/8/2009, 10:27 am |
 | Strip: Skeg placement By: Mike Bielski | 5/8/2009, 7:48 am |
 | Strip: Varnish By: David Hawkins | 5/7/2009, 11:12 pm |
 | Strip: Installing hatch rims By: Oliver | 5/7/2009, 7:57 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Book Building Skin-On-Frame Boats By: Dana Hager | 5/7/2009, 4:21 pm |
 | Strip: Bulkheads By: Dave Hawkins | 5/7/2009, 10:09 am |
 | S&G: Varnish prep for partially filled glass? By: wwfloyd | 5/7/2009, 1:35 am |
 | S&G: build your own carbon fibre panels.. By: ewan | 5/6/2009, 8:53 pm |
 | Strip: initial fiberglassing By: Hawk | 5/6/2009, 8:40 pm |
 | S&G: Day hatch By: Brian Scarborough | 5/6/2009, 1:52 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: attaching coaming? *LINK* By: Timt | 5/6/2009, 11:39 am |
 | Strip: Cheek Plates By: Dave Hawkins | 5/6/2009, 10:54 am |
 | Review: Building Strip-Planked Boats By: John Caldeira | 5/5/2009, 6:02 pm |
 | Off Topic: Wisconsin Kayaking By: podge | 5/5/2009, 3:54 pm |
 | Other: Kayaking against cancer - Please sponsor me *Pic* By: Pedro Almeida | 5/5/2009, 9:50 am |
 | Epoxy: mold release question By: Scott Shurlow | 5/5/2009, 6:49 am |
 | S&G: NH project is moving along just fine... *LINK* *Pic* By: Robert N Pruden | 5/4/2009, 11:34 pm |
 | Launching: Helmet completed *LINK* *Pic* By: Reg Lake | 5/4/2009, 4:31 pm |
 | S&G: Filling Stitch Holes By: Howard H | 5/4/2009, 8:40 am |
 | S&G: light & superlight build techniques By: ewan | 5/4/2009, 6:58 am |
 | Skin-on-Frame: cockpit dia By: sage69 | 5/4/2009, 1:14 am |
 | Skin-on-Frame: pigment By: sage69 | 5/4/2009, 1:12 am |
 | Skin-on-Frame: sanding *LINK* *Pic* By: sage69 | 5/3/2009, 9:35 pm |
 | Off Topic: What to Do? SPAMMERS By: John Caldeira | 5/3/2009, 7:10 pm |
 | Strip: do you think that it is possible By: troy | 5/3/2009, 12:22 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Inflatable Kayak By: Dave Hawkins | 5/2/2009, 11:29 pm |
 | Paddle: Wing Paddle Basics *LINK* By: Ken Brunton | 5/1/2009, 12:28 pm |
 | Strip: What do I do now - Fiberglassing Question *LINK* By: Don T | 4/30/2009, 11:16 pm |
 | Tools: Freezing Brushes By: Jay Babina | 4/30/2009, 3:19 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Thread for SOF Skin? By: Timt | 4/30/2009, 12:46 pm |
 | Material: Dremel on Fiberglass - particulate respirator? By: paddledudeny | 4/30/2009, 10:33 am |
 | Strip: Installing a skeg By: Claudia | 4/29/2009, 11:55 pm |
 | S&G: lofting computer simulation By: Julian | 4/29/2009, 11:41 pm |
 | Material: Fiberglass supplier By: Bill Hamm | 4/29/2009, 4:40 pm |
 | Strip: Guillemot 17 Form 9 By: Brad Tucker | 4/29/2009, 10:19 am |
 | Epoxy: fiberglass for finishing By: Bill Hamm | 4/29/2009, 1:48 am |
 | Strip: rudder bracket By: Peter Sebbage | 4/28/2009, 8:10 pm |
 | Other: more primary and secondary stability found By: PatrickC | 4/28/2009, 1:31 pm |
 | Launching: Springer *LINK* *Pic* By: Rod Tait (Orca Boats) | 4/28/2009, 11:07 am |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Hatches? *LINK* By: Kudzu | 4/27/2009, 1:59 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Sewing recovery kayak By: Jack Hagedorn | 4/27/2009, 12:55 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: More Nikumi comments... *LINK* By: FrankP | 4/27/2009, 8:48 am |
 | Strip: foot braces By: bueller | 4/26/2009, 8:40 pm |
 | S&G: Arctic Hawk By: John Faas | 4/26/2009, 5:25 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: kayak building on hold By: Bill Hamm | 4/26/2009, 4:07 pm |
 | Material: rubatex By: Dave | 4/26/2009, 4:05 pm |
 | S&G: Building First Boat By: CB | 4/25/2009, 7:42 pm |
 | Paddle: Foam cores By: Pedro Almeida | 4/25/2009, 3:15 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: ballistic nylon skin By: Darren | 4/25/2009, 7:50 am |
 | Strip: Night Heron Kudos By: danp | 4/24/2009, 9:22 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Beginner - going to try a Sea Tour 15 EXP - By: OrangeLJ | 4/24/2009, 8:44 pm |
 | Paddle: Kids wing paddle? By: Brandon Nelson | 4/24/2009, 7:28 am |
 | Strip: building a sea kayak - beginner qs By: DotJF | 4/23/2009, 9:01 pm |
 | Material: sea kayak parts for sale By: Fritz Orr | 4/23/2009, 1:05 pm |
 | Other: Surfing question By: Kudzu | 4/21/2009, 5:36 pm |
 | Seeking: class By: Tim Warner | 4/21/2009, 4:38 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Freeboard By: FrankP | 4/21/2009, 10:08 am |
 | Material: Glue that dries black By: Randy Ricchi | 4/20/2009, 10:45 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Plywood coaming - cutting them identical? *LINK* *Pic* By: Doug S | 4/20/2009, 6:45 pm |
 | Strip: Looking for Advice By: Darren Peddle | 4/20/2009, 11:09 am |
 | Strip: It's just addicting! By: Heather | 4/19/2009, 4:15 pm |
 | Announce: Learn To Kayak Like A Pro *LINK* By: Thomas | 4/19/2009, 3:58 pm |
 | Strip: Boat on Fire *LINK* *Pic* By: Tim | 4/19/2009, 12:00 pm |
 | Seeking: Advice on Removing Plastic Stuck on Panels By: Howard Hoe | 4/18/2009, 11:10 pm |
 | Other: Paddler weight and stabilty By: Kudzu | 4/18/2009, 11:28 am |
 | Skin-on-Frame: many ways to skin a kayak By: Daniel from sweden | 4/18/2009, 2:52 am |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Kfoundry .... Aleutian design By: Brian Lemin | 4/18/2009, 12:50 am |
 | Tools: Plunge router selection By: Doug Smith | 4/17/2009, 3:13 pm |
 | Off Topic: Relative Boat Strength By: Peter Sebbage | 4/17/2009, 9:39 am |
 | Strip: grab loops By: bueller | 4/16/2009, 9:53 pm |
 | Strip: outfitting By: John Sullivan | 4/16/2009, 9:52 pm |
 | Launching: CLC Shearwater 16 hybrid -- lawn/driveway launch *LINK* *Pic* By: wwfloyd | 4/16/2009, 8:16 pm |
 | Strip: Cloth weight By: Simeon | 4/16/2009, 7:42 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: New pics of new Wee Lassie *Pic* By: Dave Gentry | 4/16/2009, 7:24 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Diluted oil paint in polyurethane *LINK* By: Daniel from sweden | 4/16/2009, 2:01 pm |
 | Other: Update on Sea Biscuit *Pic* By: Kudzu | 4/15/2009, 5:44 pm |
 | Material: Fiberglass Kayak Polo Boats By: Rob Harshbarger | 4/15/2009, 5:38 pm |
 | S&G: End pour: What about the heat?! By: wwfloyd | 4/13/2009, 9:44 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Gunwall angles and offset By: sage69 | 4/13/2009, 1:44 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: F1 hybrid build *LINK* By: bill stupak | 4/13/2009, 8:44 am |
 | Strip: Deck cutaways *Pic* By: Craig Robinson | 4/13/2009, 7:43 am |
 | Strip: typical lay up weight?? By: Craig Robinson | 4/12/2009, 10:20 pm |
 | Material: How heavy would this be? By: Mike Ryan | 4/12/2009, 7:16 pm |
 | Strip: Photo progress report on my Kiska by Orca Boats *LINK* By: Paul Lueders | 4/12/2009, 7:12 pm |
 | Strip: Fill Coat By: Dave Hawkins | 4/12/2009, 4:23 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Something went wrong with my See Tour 15 EXP *LINK* *Pic* By: Victor Aroyo | 4/12/2009, 11:40 am |
 | Tools: Spring clamp tips By: Jim L | 4/12/2009, 8:30 am |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Retiring the Sea Flea, whats next??? *LINK* By: Heather | 4/12/2009, 1:28 am |
 | Off Topic: Installing Skirt Popper but not sure how By: Dave | 4/11/2009, 9:53 pm |
 | Material: WI or IL source for marine plywood, wt cedar By: Nate Brandt | 4/11/2009, 7:27 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Sea Tour 17 exp coaming *LINK* By: Daniel from sweden | 4/11/2009, 3:10 pm |
 | Other: ENrNwfRSdRbfoG *LINK* *Pic* By: agestes | 4/11/2009, 11:56 am |
 | Strip: Skeg By: Paul Lueders | 4/11/2009, 7:43 am |
 | Epoxy: may have made a mistake By: wwfloyd | 4/10/2009, 11:12 pm |
 | S&G: Old/different epoxy OK for end pours? By: wwfloyd | 4/10/2009, 7:23 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: New Boat finished *Pic* By: Dave Gentry | 4/10/2009, 6:15 pm |
 | Strip: Sanding By: Dave Hawkins | 4/10/2009, 2:03 pm |
 | Epoxy: getting dregs out of the bottom of old cans? By: Bill Hamm | 4/10/2009, 1:50 pm |
 | Seeking: cockpit widths? By: Kudzu | 4/10/2009, 10:23 am |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Nikumi remarks By: FrankP | 4/10/2009, 10:04 am |
 | Announce: surfski hybrid by Bjorn T By: Craig Robinson | 4/10/2009, 3:20 am |
 | Seeking: Wood Duck comments *LINK* *Pic* By: Scott Fitzgerrell | 4/9/2009, 12:43 am |
 | Material: Kayak Rudder Choices By: Nathan M. | 4/8/2009, 9:09 pm |
 | Strip: Am I forgetting something? By: Don Jander | 4/8/2009, 6:23 pm |
 | Announce: a new kayak race By: george jung | 4/8/2009, 12:37 pm |
 | Strip: Epoxy Pumps By: David Hawkins | 4/8/2009, 10:24 am |
 | Strip: I guess one could make a living at this after all! *LINK* By: Glenn | 4/8/2009, 2:14 am |
 | Material: Source or perimeter lines and webbing(?) By: John Caldeira | 4/7/2009, 6:12 pm |
 | Other: wooden car *LINK* By: Bill | 4/7/2009, 4:00 pm |
 | Strip: Fiberglassing By: David Hawkins | 4/7/2009, 3:41 pm |
 | Strip: Wood for cockpit lip By: Jim L | 4/7/2009, 3:00 pm |
 | Strip: Cheap Epoxy By: David Hawkins | 4/7/2009, 2:47 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Nylon scratched By: Brian Lemin | 4/7/2009, 2:51 am |
 | Paddle: "Painting" of Aleautian paddle. By: Brian Lemin | 4/7/2009, 2:40 am |
 | Skin-on-Frame: New Addition *Pic* By: Clayton Plunkett | 4/6/2009, 7:41 pm |
 | Tools: Recommend A Planer By: Ken Blanton | 4/6/2009, 5:13 am |
 | Other: Paul, here's your pic - IF it works *NM* *Pic* By: Charles Leach | 4/5/2009, 9:39 pm |
 | Other: Wing paddle design By: Greg | 4/5/2009, 9:11 pm |
 | Launching: Photos *Pic* By: Kudzu | 4/5/2009, 6:38 pm |
 | Strip: Fiberglass / epoxy /what else do I need? By: Paul Lueders | 4/5/2009, 5:28 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: twisted strongback By: Dan Mouw | 4/5/2009, 3:23 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Eskimo tools By: Brian Lemin | 4/5/2009, 3:09 am |
 | Tools: trim plane for strip bevel? By: DaveS | 4/5/2009, 8:49 am |
 | Strip: Orca boats-Kiska By: Paul Lueders | 4/5/2009, 8:42 am |
 | Strip: Trying to upload a picture to site *Pic* By: Paul Lueders | 4/5/2009, 8:32 am |
 | Strip: New Builder, needs some advice. By: terry Chambers | 4/5/2009, 3:11 am |
 | Skin-on-Frame: coating done how long do I waite By: Clayton Plunkett | 4/4/2009, 6:39 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Flotation bags... Wine cask bags! By: Brian Lemin | 4/4/2009, 5:33 am |
 | Off Topic: Out Paddling in the Ice *LINK* By: Bryan Hansel | 4/3/2009, 9:17 pm |
 | Other: Cockpit Locations For Guillemont Double By: David | 4/3/2009, 4:21 pm |
 | Other: Canoe and Kayak Building the Light and Easy Way *LINK* By: Bryan Hansel | 4/2/2009, 11:31 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Adhesive for PVC? By: Darren | 4/2/2009, 10:52 pm |
 | Tools: Nick's New Book By: PatrickC | 4/2/2009, 8:30 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: skin went slack?? By: Kudzu | 4/2/2009, 4:47 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Acid dye, water, vinegar ratio By: bill stupak | 4/2/2009, 4:14 pm |
 | S&G: positioning forms for the hull By: John Faas | 4/2/2009, 12:56 am |
 | Other: I hit the big time By: Kudzu | 4/1/2009, 4:43 pm |
 | Material: New Glue *LINK* By: Donovan | 4/1/2009, 4:08 pm |
 | Tools: Check this out. *LINK* By: Reg Lake | 4/1/2009, 12:12 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Staples By: Darren | 4/1/2009, 1:22 am |
 | Other: Decoration By: Niven Paine | 3/31/2009, 11:43 pm |
 | Material: Mini-cell adhesive By: Todd Sullivan | 3/31/2009, 9:26 pm |
 | Strip: roof top setups By: kirk briggs | 3/31/2009, 8:52 pm |
 | S&G: Thanks to Redfish Kayaks for Soft Padeyes! *LINK* *Pic* By: armin | 3/31/2009, 6:58 pm |
 | Launching: Plywood/canvas folding kayak for kids *LINK* *Pic* By: Scott Fitzgerrell | 3/31/2009, 12:52 pm |
 | Strip: Bulkhead materail By: River Rat | 3/31/2009, 8:09 am |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Prototype is ready for launching *Pic* By: Kudzu | 3/30/2009, 9:43 pm |
 | Material: Rudder Cord *LINK* By: Larry C. | 3/30/2009, 6:54 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Yostwerks Nikumi By: FrankP | 3/30/2009, 1:51 pm |
 | S&G: CLC Sail Rig Advice (Osprey Triple) *LINK* *Pic* By: armin | 3/30/2009, 11:23 am |
 | Epoxy: pause in building pumps and epoxy OK? By: John Faas | 3/28/2009, 10:51 am |
 | Seeking: anybody in Oz built a Mystery?? By: Craig Robinson | 3/27/2009, 11:40 pm |
 | Paddle: Paddle blade design By: Tim | 3/27/2009, 2:15 pm |
 | Launching: Fiji Strippers *Pic* By: John Caldeira | 3/27/2009, 2:23 am |
 | S&G: Hello again By: Jay Doorly | 3/26/2009, 11:18 pm |
 | Shop: Mobile strongback stands *LINK* *Pic* By: Ross Leidy | 3/26/2009, 10:50 pm |
 | S&G: Matunuck builders please review By: Malcolm Schweizer | 3/26/2009, 12:06 pm |
 | Strip: Converting kayak to ocean ski By: Craig Robinson | 3/26/2009, 3:48 am |
 | Skin-on-Frame: new design By: Bill Hamm | 3/26/2009, 2:54 am |
 | Epoxy: finishing method By: Bill Hamm | 3/26/2009, 1:43 am |
 | Launching: Kayak Cart *LINK* By: Dominic Mickelson | 3/25/2009, 12:43 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: "Skin Colour" Improving a SoF's Looks? By: Brian Lemin | 3/25/2009, 5:08 am |
 | Epoxy: Bury stuff under the cloth... *LINK* *Pic* By: Armin Wendt | 3/24/2009, 3:09 pm |
 | Paddle: What surface to epoxy? By: Daniel from sweden | 3/24/2009, 12:58 pm |
 | Seeking: My girl is almost 2 now time to build her boat! By: sage69 | 3/23/2009, 1:06 pm |
 | Material: Will minicell adhere to gelcoat By: Dave Walker | 3/23/2009, 12:36 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Varnishing calamity By: Brian Lemin | 3/23/2009, 12:29 am |
 | Other: Whale Tail Strip-Built *LINK* By: Justin L. | 3/22/2009, 8:00 pm |
 | Strip: Hard skirt - has it been tried before? By: Simeon | 3/22/2009, 4:11 pm |
 | Strip: Printer error made the forms smaller: what to do? By: Renato Caldas | 3/22/2009, 1:57 pm |
 | Announce: Deschutes Wooden Boat Gathering By: Greg Bridges | 3/21/2009, 11:33 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: frame *Pic* By: Clayton Plunkett | 3/21/2009, 5:14 pm |
 | Off Topic: can't spammer be blocked? By: wwfloyd | 3/21/2009, 12:59 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: SOF Gunnel Blocks By: Adam C | 3/21/2009, 12:43 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: New boat is skinned *Pic* By: Kudzu | 3/20/2009, 7:37 pm |
 | S&G: Gone to the dark side for a bit of S&G action! *LINK* *Pic* By: Armin Wendt | 3/20/2009, 3:24 pm |
 | Strip: fitting to and bottom together By: kirk briggs | 3/20/2009, 7:43 am |
 | Material: Western red cedar By: Stu | 3/19/2009, 1:13 pm |
 | S&G: Adjusting plans for large paddlers By: Rob W | 3/19/2009, 11:54 am |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Wester Red Cedar for ribs By: Phil Nelson | 3/18/2009, 10:42 pm |
 | Material: Laminate greenland paddle? By: skiffrace | 3/18/2009, 9:59 am |
 | Skin-on-Frame: round chine SOF By: Bill Hamm | 3/18/2009, 1:11 am |
 | Seeking: Feedback/preview various designs By: Dan Walck | 3/17/2009, 6:07 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Foot support By: Darren | 3/17/2009, 1:50 am |
 | Off Topic: Cheques from Uganda By: Rod Tait (Orca Boats) | 3/16/2009, 8:22 pm |
 | Strip: Going Staple-less By: FrankP | 3/16/2009, 9:58 am |
 | S&G: End Pour gone Wrong on Night Heron *LINK* By: Ruedi Klein | 3/15/2009, 5:05 pm |
 | Launching: SOF with clear PVC *Pic* By: Allan | 3/15/2009, 3:08 am |
 | Announce: Vancouver Meet at Beach *LINK* By: Rod Tait (Orca Boats) | 3/14/2009, 11:11 am |
 | Other: Newfound Rendezvous Meet?? What happened last year *LINK* By: Rick Cicciarelli | 3/13/2009, 10:15 pm |
 | Strip: Gluing revisited By: Dennis | 3/13/2009, 2:33 pm |
 | Strip: Hybrid question... By: FrankP | 3/13/2009, 10:45 am |
 | Strip: Launched - Redfish Spring Run *Pic* By: Bob Beaullieu | 3/13/2009, 7:48 am |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Vinyl/materials suppliers in Melbourne, Aust By: Darren | 3/13/2009, 6:43 am |
 | Skin-on-Frame: arsEqdfbVvQD *LINK* *Pic* By: achaean | 3/13/2009, 4:28 am |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Saran wrap test goes bad *LINK* *Pic* By: Kudzu | 3/12/2009, 3:44 pm |
 | Announce: Canoecopia 2009 By: Bill Hamm | 3/12/2009, 12:46 am |
 | Other: kayak foundry By: Bill Hamm | 3/11/2009, 1:52 am |
 | Seeking: Reverse engineering forms By: PatrickC | 3/10/2009, 10:09 pm |
 | Strip: deck-to-sheer prep/bond By: wwfloyd | 3/10/2009, 7:52 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Seat stringers. *Pic* By: Kudzu | 3/10/2009, 4:29 pm |
 | Strip: Construction Order By: mtkayak | 3/9/2009, 1:32 pm |
 | Strip: Heart surgery is done. By: Scott Wilcher- Chesapeake VA | 3/9/2009, 12:41 am |
 | Material: Skeg By: Kim Woodman | 3/8/2009, 5:29 pm |
 | Epoxy: West Systems Harnerers/ Clear Carbon finish By: Joe | 3/8/2009, 4:43 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: kayak building class pictures *Pic* By: Bill Hamm | 3/8/2009, 1:58 pm |
 | Off Topic: Deer Ticks and Lyme disease By: Dana Hager | 3/8/2009, 9:33 am |
 | Other: Ultra-fast and maneuverable kayak *LINK* By: skiffrace | 3/7/2009, 8:11 pm |
 | Off Topic: BOAT BUILDING LONGEVITY *Pic* By: Scott Fitzgerrell | 3/7/2009, 5:59 pm |
 | Strip: How much wood By: River Rat | 3/7/2009, 11:57 am |
 | Off Topic: Attention Mr. Pruden & Canucks By: Kim Woodman | 3/7/2009, 11:53 am |
 | Announce: Quiet Water Symposium - East Lansing By: fred Gasper------WebKitFormBoundaryN716A2k+1Hk5yF0 | 3/7/2009, 8:05 am |
 | S&G: S&G double - which design By: Peter Humphrey | 3/6/2009, 5:42 pm |
 | Paddle: clamp for carving paddles By: Bill Hamm | 3/6/2009, 4:11 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Additives to the water for soaking rib stock By: Phil Nelson | 3/5/2009, 9:08 pm |
 | Material: I hate it! *Pic* By: Kudzu | 3/5/2009, 5:07 pm |
 | Other: GPS By: Bill Hamm | 3/5/2009, 1:42 pm |
 | Shop: Baking soda filler -- in color *LINK* By: Scott Fitzgerrell | 3/5/2009, 12:20 pm |
 | Announce: BC Marine Trails Association website launched! *LINK* By: Dan Millsip | 3/4/2009, 4:32 pm |
 | Tools: bending and filling tip from furniture By: joel Franklin | 3/4/2009, 3:13 pm |
 | Strip: applying lacquer------WebKitFormBoundarykfemKWGKS+ By: joel Franklin------WebKitFormBoundarykfemKWGKS+ulI | 3/4/2009, 2:34 pm |
 | Strip: Starting tommorrow By: joel Franklin | 3/3/2009, 11:11 pm |
 | Strip: kayak seat and backrest By: John Sullivan | 3/3/2009, 9:49 pm |
 | Strip: Skeg *LINK* By: Bryan Hansel | 3/3/2009, 9:04 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Info Please By: stu hampton | 3/3/2009, 8:55 pm |
 | Epoxy: Glass sand through By: Roger Dalke | 3/3/2009, 4:27 pm |
 | Material: FOAM flyer revisited By: David Tebera | 3/3/2009, 11:11 am |
 | Strip: Spiling/Rolling Bevel vs Bead & Cove By: Paul Kueffner | 3/2/2009, 10:01 pm |
 | Strip: Thanks for the help *LINK* By: Brian Nettleton | 3/2/2009, 9:56 pm |
 | S&G: Siskiwit Bay MC *LINK* *Pic* By: Bryan Hansel | 3/2/2009, 5:54 pm |
 | Off Topic: Twitter *LINK* By: Bryan Hansel | 3/2/2009, 5:52 pm |
 | Off Topic: which paddle and boats are these? By: PatrickC | 3/1/2009, 10:07 pm |
 | S&G: Surf Hull By: Jim Farrelly | 3/1/2009, 8:09 pm |
 | Strip: ros gouge By: charlie r | 3/1/2009, 7:33 pm |
 | Material: Kavon Filter Fabric nylong? By: Kudzu | 3/1/2009, 7:24 pm |
 | Strip: Best tool or jig you've made? By: Simeon | 3/1/2009, 3:51 pm |
 | Paddle: kayak ferrule By: Scott Baxter | 2/28/2009, 9:16 pm |
 | Material: Douglas Fir? By: Kudzu | 2/28/2009, 3:17 pm |
 | Strip: New to forum, seeking design assistance *LINK* By: Bob Simmons | 2/28/2009, 9:08 am |
 | Other: Staining the boat------WebKitFormBoundaryOci4wOcx9 By: martin sarocky------WebKitFormBoundaryOci4wOcx9fYu | 2/27/2009, 11:23 pm |
 | Strip: Updated My Web Site *LINK* *Pic* By: Kurt Maurer | 2/27/2009, 6:30 pm |
 | Strip: How to make tight hatch covers??? By: Claudia | 2/27/2009, 12:13 am |
 | Launching: Rob's 40-minute Komatik project *LINK* By: Robert N Pruden | 2/26/2009, 11:50 pm |
 | Off Topic: A Word of Warning By: Rob Macks / Laughing Loon CC&K | 2/26/2009, 3:22 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Frame is off the strongback *Pic* By: Kudzu | 2/26/2009, 12:58 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Oil color for ZAR By: Donovan | 2/25/2009, 3:10 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Build Progress *LINK* *Pic* By: Doug S | 2/24/2009, 4:05 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Pine Wood for SOF Kayak? By: MS | 2/24/2009, 4:45 am |
 | Skin-on-Frame: frame material options? By: Todd Sullivan | 2/23/2009, 10:19 pm |
 | Strip: Glue and tight joints *Pic* By: mtkayak | 2/23/2009, 2:36 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: school By: Bill Hamm | 2/23/2009, 1:32 am |
 | Strip: Started Spring Run By: Scott Wilcher- Chesapeake VA | 2/23/2009, 1:21 am |
 | Strip: question about external laminated stems *Pic* By: Chris Sperry | 2/22/2009, 12:39 pm |
 | S&G: bead and cove vs bevel for hybrid top By: DaveS | 2/22/2009, 12:08 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Saran Wrap test question By: Kudzu | 2/22/2009, 8:57 am |
 | Skin-on-Frame: What Wood - please help By: MS | 2/22/2009, 2:29 am |
 | Strip: Need help to pretty up glass work *LINK* *Pic* By: Mike W. | 2/21/2009, 7:57 pm |
 | Strip: Twitchy in chop By: PatrickC | 2/21/2009, 1:42 pm |
 | Tools: cutting cargo hatches By: nathan m | 2/20/2009, 4:37 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Another one under construction *Pic* By: Kudzu | 2/19/2009, 7:43 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: If any of you are Interested! *LINK* By: Daniel from sweden | 2/19/2009, 2:10 pm |
 | Other: kayak sale By: donna | 2/19/2009, 7:39 am |
 | Strip: Orca Boats By: Paul Lueders | 2/19/2009, 6:58 am |
 | Strip: MORE HARDWOOD ACCENTS *Pic* By: Scott Fitzgerrell | 2/18/2009, 8:42 pm |
 | Other: RIGGING: TOGGLES VS. BUNGEES *Pic* By: Scott Fitzgerrell | 2/18/2009, 8:34 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Keel Height from Offsets *LINK* *Pic* By: Doug S | 2/18/2009, 8:24 am |
 | Other: where to post kayak for sale By: donna | 2/18/2009, 7:56 am |
 | Strip: First strip in a staple-less build By: James Kingston | 2/17/2009, 6:01 pm |
 | Strip: External Stems By: mtkayak | 2/17/2009, 2:03 pm |
 | S&G: Best joint By: André Lauand Ribeiro | 2/17/2009, 1:24 pm |
 | Strip: Rolling bevel *Pic* By: Daniel Daniels | 2/17/2009, 8:24 am |
 | Strip: How much weight does heavier wood add? By: Steve Rasmussen | 2/16/2009, 9:59 pm |
 | Off Topic: Photo Warehouse By: danp | 2/16/2009, 7:02 pm |
 | Strip: foot braces/stripping By: John Sullivan | 2/16/2009, 12:17 pm |
 | Strip: Reducing the size of the 17' Great Auk By: Nick | 2/16/2009, 8:43 am |
 | S&G: lengthening plans By: Craig Robinson | 2/16/2009, 1:01 am |
 | Other: rolling kayak By: ROBIN WALBRIDGE | 2/15/2009, 10:14 pm |
 | Strip: Brisbane, QLD. strip supplier By: Craig Robinson | 2/15/2009, 8:00 pm |
 | Epoxy: paint or pigment By: misterphil | 2/15/2009, 4:28 pm |
 | Strip: my disko bay on the web By: Bill Hamm | 2/15/2009, 1:43 am |
 | Other: kayak question By: donna knepper | 2/14/2009, 11:16 pm |
 | Strip: New Outer Island a-brewing *LINK* *Pic* By: Kurt Maurer | 2/14/2009, 12:33 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Klepper Passat sailboat for sale - late 60's By: Mark Mendelman | 2/13/2009, 1:45 pm |
 | Strip: Types of wood for strip build By: Eoin | 2/12/2009, 3:06 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Ratio of Gunwale to Chine stringer By: MS | 2/12/2009, 12:28 pm |
 | Off Topic: Off-Season Paddling machine-Paul Lueders By: Paul Lueders | 2/12/2009, 9:01 am |
 | Off Topic: What have I been doing lately? Take a look... *LINK* *Pic* By: Robert N Pruden | 2/11/2009, 7:43 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Seat for a Yost-style frame *Pic* By: Aaron H | 2/11/2009, 4:03 pm |
 | Material: Polyurethane gel By: PatrickC | 2/10/2009, 9:46 pm |
 | Strip: foot braces By: river rat | 2/10/2009, 8:26 pm |
 | Material: Magnetic hatch closures By: Joe Wuts | 2/9/2009, 9:28 pm |
 | S&G: 5 Sided Star Decoration *Pic* By: Jack Sanderson | 2/9/2009, 9:05 pm |
 | Off Topic: Glen Smith's own Julie paints for Robert N Pruden *LINK* *Pic* By: Robert N Pruden | 2/9/2009, 5:07 pm |
 | Strip: Cheater strips By: mtkayak | 2/9/2009, 4:14 pm |
 | Strip: Hardwood Accents *Pic* By: mtkayak | 2/9/2009, 3:53 pm |
 | Epoxy: Fill coat application (currently too much foam) By: Bohdan Szymanik | 2/9/2009, 3:17 pm |
 | Other: Rope coupling for ergometer *LINK* By: eric | 2/9/2009, 1:40 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Gunwale : Chine Stringer ratio By: Ram | 2/9/2009, 9:54 am |
 | Material: e-glass s-glass ? By: Paul Lueders | 2/8/2009, 7:10 pm |
 | Off Topic: The Early Bird *LINK* By: Scott Baxter | 2/8/2009, 12:55 pm |
 | Strip: Securing Flopping Hatch Straps..... pic1 *Pic* By: Bob Beaullieu | 2/8/2009, 10:17 am |
 | Strip: hatches/footbraces By: John Sullivan | 2/8/2009, 9:57 am |
 | Paddle: cypress for GP By: Bill Hamm | 2/8/2009, 2:15 am |
 | Strip: modified (shortened) guillemot By: Les Cheeseman | 2/7/2009, 5:10 pm |
 | Material: Strips into thickness planner? By: Paul Lueders | 2/6/2009, 1:49 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Epoxying SOF skin & frames By: Darren | 2/6/2009, 12:49 pm |
 | Strip: Low Deck - High Deck Transition By: Adrian | 2/5/2009, 6:15 pm |
 | Material: Hardwood kayak? By: Paul Lueders | 2/4/2009, 2:57 pm |
 | Strip: hatches By: John Sullivan | 2/4/2009, 2:22 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: An argument for lashing By: Aaron H | 2/4/2009, 9:53 am |
 | Strip: Can I Lengthen a Strip Design Boat?------WebKitFor By: Matt Baas------WebKitFormBoundary+eRSRf8pCEtapMXo- | 2/3/2009, 10:17 pm |
 | Strip: CAN I?------WebKitFormBoundary+eRSRf8pCEtapMXo By: Matt Baas------WebKitFormBoundary+eRSRf8pCEtapMXo | 2/3/2009, 10:03 pm |
 | Tools: Router, Table and Bits Question By: Adrian | 2/3/2009, 8:09 pm |
 | Other: Fractional offsets By: Kudzu | 2/3/2009, 4:08 pm |
 | Epoxy: How much needed for Yost SOF? By: Doug S | 2/3/2009, 8:12 am |
 | Other: Bay Area Sea Kayak Symposium -- Photos *LINK* By: Scott Fitzgerrell | 2/3/2009, 3:07 am |
 | S&G: Point Bennett Chop Job Done *Pic* By: Duane Strosaker | 2/2/2009, 11:28 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Dowels Vs Mortises By: Danp | 2/2/2009, 9:44 pm |
 | Other: Yost style plywood question By: Kudzu | 2/2/2009, 3:47 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: seeking skinning opinions *Pic* By: Michael | 2/2/2009, 12:56 pm |
 | S&G: North Bay by Chris K By: Darren | 2/1/2009, 9:33 pm |
 | S&G: Matunuck and bulkheads By: frank_b | 2/1/2009, 3:48 pm |
 | Material: Laminated ply & WRC? By: Darren | 2/1/2009, 6:12 am |
 | Other: Eagle Watch Photos *LINK* By: Kudzu | 1/31/2009, 9:05 pm |
 | Strip: hybrid kayak By: George Magill | 1/31/2009, 11:01 am |
 | Skin-on-Frame: waterproof hatches By: Bill Hamm | 1/31/2009, 9:41 am |
 | Other: firefox not working on this forum By: Scott Shurlow | 1/30/2009, 8:31 pm |
 | Off Topic: speed? By: Daniel from sweden | 1/30/2009, 5:17 pm |
 | Strip: Under-deck knee tube? Design ideas? By: wwfloyd | 1/29/2009, 8:14 am |
 | Epoxy: carbon hatch lips By: kirk briggs | 1/28/2009, 7:37 pm |
 | Announce: Wood Source *LINK* By: Danp | 1/28/2009, 6:08 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Yost with Ribs, hold the sauce By: Danp | 1/28/2009, 10:26 am |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Snow Boat *Pic* By: Danp | 1/28/2009, 8:46 am |
 | Other: Greenland Kayak Book *LINK* By: Kudzu | 1/28/2009, 7:31 am |
 | Off Topic: long kayak trips? By: Bill Hamm | 1/28/2009, 1:29 am |
 | Shop: to varnish or clearcoat and orange peel? By: Doug H. | 1/25/2009, 12:07 pm |
 | Seeking: help By: Shannon | 1/25/2009, 5:00 am |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Finished! *Pic* By: Kudzu | 1/23/2009, 10:10 pm |
 | Paddle: CAD By: Pedro Almeida | 1/23/2009, 4:42 pm |
 | Review: Solar AA Battery Charger? By: Michael McMann | 1/23/2009, 12:26 pm |
 | Strip: Magnetic hatches and electronics - GPS etc By: Peter Bruckmann | 1/23/2009, 11:11 am |
 | Other: How its Made - Canoes and Kayaks *LINK* By: Aaron H | 1/23/2009, 10:25 am |
 | Off Topic: Flying People *LINK* By: Charles Leach | 1/22/2009, 4:10 pm |
 | Seeking: Creature Comfort Seat?? By: Kudzu | 1/22/2009, 9:14 am |
 | Strip: Appling wood inlays By: Paul Lueders | 1/22/2009, 8:49 am |
 | Strip: hatches By: john sullivan | 1/21/2009, 9:26 pm |
 | Strip: Building a skeg By: Kim Woodman | 1/21/2009, 9:22 am |
 | Off Topic: Building a 600+ Gallon Fish tank By: J. Johnson | 1/20/2009, 5:15 pm |
 | Other: Where do you paddle? *LINK* By: Kudzu | 1/20/2009, 1:36 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Glued frame or not By: Clayton Plunkett | 1/19/2009, 8:18 pm |
 | Seeking: info on kit built tandem By: Roger | 1/19/2009, 11:17 am |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Stringer length on Yost boat *LINK* By: Doug S | 1/19/2009, 12:40 am |
 | Strip: strip buttplates By: john sullivan | 1/18/2009, 10:02 pm |
 | Shop: Euro Paddle Offsets By: John Caldeira | 1/18/2009, 8:19 pm |
 | Off Topic: spelling By: Murray CHerkas | 1/17/2009, 7:59 pm |
 | Other: Rudder By: Murray CHerkas | 1/17/2009, 7:55 pm |
 | Launching: Class boat project By: Greg Bridges | 1/17/2009, 7:20 pm |
 | Other: recaning seats By: Greg Bridges | 1/17/2009, 6:01 pm |
 | Launching: Shearwater Merganser in Glacier National Park *Pic* By: Chris Sperry | 1/16/2009, 11:22 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Link to Day - 7 Paddles and Deck By: Danp | 1/16/2009, 7:54 pm |
 | Strip: Glassing deck By: Ryan Scott | 1/16/2009, 2:55 pm |
 | Strip: Big Greenland strip kayak plan By: Paul Lueders | 1/16/2009, 12:04 pm |
 | Tools: Hairdryer trick with Maroske deck fittings By: Bohdan Szymanik | 1/16/2009, 4:18 am |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Links to our Cape Falcon F1 Class By: Danp | 1/15/2009, 8:48 pm |
 | S&G: pre-glass bow/stern shape By: wwfloyd | 1/15/2009, 7:37 pm |
 | Other: accessories By: Murray CHerkas | 1/15/2009, 1:22 pm |
 | Other: baffles By: Murray CHerkas | 1/15/2009, 1:16 pm |
 | S&G: Building a Hybrid type kayak By: William | 1/15/2009, 12:46 am |
 | Skin-on-Frame: what style By: mark vincent | 1/14/2009, 11:13 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Day 5 - Cape Falcon Class By: Danp | 1/14/2009, 10:51 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Day 4 - Cape Falcon Class By: Danp | 1/13/2009, 9:00 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Baidarka design details By: Mike Dauda | 1/13/2009, 12:17 pm |
 | Off Topic: Kayaking Caverns in California *LINK* By: Robert N Pruden | 1/12/2009, 10:32 pm |
 | Strip: "Spring Run" complete. Ready to launch... *Pic* By: Bob Beaullieu | 1/12/2009, 3:15 pm |
 | Strip: skeg kit vs. homemade? By: James Williams | 1/12/2009, 10:54 am |
 | Skin-on-Frame: stringer material By: Will Clarke | 1/12/2009, 9:31 am |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Why I wanted the Gallons of Watco By: Danp | 1/11/2009, 10:16 pm |
 | Material: where can i find a wood supplier? By: Nicholas Przybyl | 1/11/2009, 9:35 pm |
 | Review: Rolling the Igdlorssuit! *Pic* By: Gennie | 1/11/2009, 5:57 am |
 | Off Topic: Bet this makes ya grin! By: Ken Sutherland | 1/10/2009, 6:12 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Watco Danish Oil By: Danp | 1/9/2009, 10:28 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: No Name yet *Pic* By: Kudzu | 1/9/2009, 8:01 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: No Name yet By: Kudzu | 1/9/2009, 7:59 pm |
 | S&G: before it's too late: fillets/tape issues By: wwfloyd | 1/9/2009, 6:56 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Morris out-of-print By: Mike Bielski | 1/9/2009, 1:20 pm |
 | Tools: CarveWright for custom paddles *LINK* By: John Oetting | 1/8/2009, 11:08 pm |
 | Paddle: Paddle Graphics *Pic* By: Roy | 1/8/2009, 10:39 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: steam bent ribs By: Clayton Plunkett | 1/8/2009, 8:25 pm |
 | Off Topic: Wooden snowshoes By: Bill Hamm | 1/8/2009, 2:16 pm |
 | Other: Kayak rack system for 2008 Toyota Highlander By: Evan | 1/8/2009, 1:32 pm |
 | Off Topic: Hot tub bands By: Rob Macks | 1/8/2009, 12:12 pm |
 | Review: Kayak Building Website *LINK* By: Adam | 1/7/2009, 10:41 pm |
 | Other: Rudder axis By: eric | 1/7/2009, 9:30 pm |
 | Other: Installing a Mast Step *Pic* By: Peter Sebbage | 1/7/2009, 2:46 am |
 | Material: Rivets By: Bohdan Szymanik | 1/6/2009, 7:44 pm |
 | Strip: Where to paddle in Upper Fla Keys By: Bob Beaullieu | 1/6/2009, 3:43 pm |
 | Material: ideal MC for white oak By: John Oetting | 1/6/2009, 12:28 pm |
 | Seeking: Roof Rack By: Robert N Pruden | 1/5/2009, 8:09 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Acid dye color By: Kudzu | 1/5/2009, 5:02 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Yost Sea Flea - Keel *LINK* *Pic* By: Doug S | 1/5/2009, 9:25 am |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Scale-Model - remember me? By: MS | 1/5/2009, 4:57 am |
 | Epoxy: Mas Flag resin question By: austinrob | 1/4/2009, 6:00 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Dying skins in advance?? By: Kudzu | 1/4/2009, 4:13 pm |
 | Strip: Launched!!! *Pic* By: franck | 1/4/2009, 12:53 pm |
 | S&G: voyageur open canoe By: joerg komenda | 1/4/2009, 5:59 am |
 | Skin-on-Frame: She is skinned! *Pic* By: Kudzu | 1/3/2009, 8:46 pm |
 | Other: Winter Paddling *Pic* By: Glen Smith | 1/3/2009, 3:43 pm |
 | Review: shearwater atlantic By: Joe | 1/3/2009, 1:49 am |
 | Other: paddled today By: Clayton Plunkett | 1/2/2009, 8:51 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: My hands hurt *Pic* By: Kudzu | 1/1/2009, 11:49 pm |
 | Other: Rob's Safety Reminder for 2009 By: Robert N Pruden | 1/1/2009, 1:38 pm |
 | Strip: info for North Carolina By: Doug Morrison | 12/31/2008, 11:30 am |
 | S&G: Hey, Nick...I have a question for ya! By: Robert N Pruden | 12/30/2008, 10:03 pm |
 | S&G: Deck design with Delftship? By: Chuck Gandy | 12/29/2008, 1:07 pm |
 | Launching: Iggy finally got the official launch!!!! *LINK* *Pic* By: Gennie | 12/29/2008, 12:42 pm |
 | Other: odd picture *LINK* By: Scott Shurlow | 12/29/2008, 10:55 am |
 | Tools: razor plane By: Bill Hamm | 12/29/2008, 4:10 am |
 | Strip: coaming for great auk By: john sullivan | 12/28/2008, 8:44 pm |
 | Off Topic: Cheap Therapy *LINK* By: Scott Baxter | 12/28/2008, 8:30 pm |
 | Strip: Cape Ann Storm - 1st strips cut *Pic* By: John McGillivray | 12/28/2008, 12:39 am |
 | Strip: Fiji kayaks *Pic* By: Gary Dierking | 12/27/2008, 6:16 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Books By: Clayton Plunkett | 12/27/2008, 10:46 am |
 | Off Topic: Happy Holidays By: Charles Leach | 12/24/2008, 4:08 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: update: Ideas for the Bamboo Frame By: MS | 12/24/2008, 12:09 pm |
 | Seeking: Advice on Work Tables By: HondaFamily88 | 12/24/2008, 10:30 am |
 | Off Topic: Great Wife or Not Married? *LINK* *Pic* By: John Monroe | 12/23/2008, 4:49 am |
 | S&G: Sealing a seam? By: Kudzu | 12/22/2008, 10:23 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Cape Falcon F1 By: danper | 12/21/2008, 11:55 pm |
 | Other: Found some old photos By: Reg Lake | 12/21/2008, 4:47 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: New kayaks *Pic* By: Joy | 12/21/2008, 2:32 pm |
 | Seeking: advice on Redfish King By: Jon Sprague | 12/21/2008, 7:36 am |
 | Announce: Kayak stands *LINK* By: John McGillivray | 12/21/2008, 4:21 am |
 | Other: Seaming a composite Sit on Top... By: Andy | 12/20/2008, 10:55 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: SOF skin coatings By: bjalgera | 12/20/2008, 9:36 am |
 | Shop: A couple videos By: PatrickC | 12/19/2008, 9:50 pm |
 | S&G: Must be a disease By: Kudzu | 12/19/2008, 9:10 pm |
 | Strip: Cedar strip kayak for sale in... By: Brian Nystrom | 12/19/2008, 4:49 pm |
 | Off Topic: A little furniture project finished *Pic* By: Kudzu | 12/19/2008, 4:02 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Help! design using ply bottom & skin sides By: John Oetting | 12/19/2008, 11:17 am |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Rebecca's Tom Yost kayak building music video . *LINK* By: Dave Gentry | 12/18/2008, 1:01 pm |
 | S&G: S&G paint themes *LINK* *Pic* By: Bill | 12/17/2008, 9:40 pm |
 | bluebird ornaments for christmas *LINK* By: Porleriaanice | 12/17/2008, 1:21 pm |
 | Strip: Installing Bulkhead - Silicon or Glass/Epoxy By: Bob Beaullieu | 12/17/2008, 8:29 am |
 | Skin-on-Frame: LOA of a SOF vs Weight By: MS | 12/16/2008, 12:38 pm |
 | Launching: My first SOF build *LINK* *Pic* By: John Oetting | 12/16/2008, 12:12 pm |
 | Material: Repairing Inflatable Kayak *LINK* By: Michael German | 12/16/2008, 12:45 am |
 | Material: Does the wood matter? By: Darren | 12/15/2008, 6:36 am |
 | Off Topic: Paddling season over! By: Robert N Pruden | 12/15/2008, 1:46 am |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Deck Lines and Bungies By: danper | 12/14/2008, 7:30 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Small SOF Kayak for Backwater Canals *LINK* By: MS | 12/13/2008, 6:35 am |
 | S&G: Bulkhead for foot brace: how strong? CLC Shearwatr By: wwfloyd | 12/11/2008, 2:54 pm |
 | Seeking: Home made under the stern rudder By: Belton Dykes | 12/3/2008, 11:13 am |
 | Tools: Scafing jig for table saw *Pic* By: Kudzu | 11/25/2008, 6:45 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Cape Falcon F1 By: Michael Collins | 7/2/2008, 1:18 am |
 | S&G: Another generation of kayak builder *LINK* *Pic* By: Dan Millsip | 5/5/2008, 2:52 am |
 | Tools: hand-held steel roller By: Dave Rutledge | 4/26/2008, 11:21 am |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Brush or Roll on oil based spar urethane? By: Brent | 4/17/2008, 4:34 pm |
 | Material: temper delay time By: varun sethi | 3/18/2008, 11:27 am |
 | Off Topic: Adirondack chair plans using old skis By: Donald | 3/6/2008, 8:55 am |