Date: 3/20/2008, 12:04 am
Hi Justin
Did you perhaps store it where sunlight could get at it under glass? If so the delamination is due to heat working on air/moisture in the wood and softening the epoxy.
How to cure it? Most drastic: Redo it by taking it all off. Heat it with a heat gun and then pull up the fibreglass as the epoxy begins to soften, sand lightly, but not into the wood, and reglass. Or less drastic and better and easier, cut it out and stick in a patch. It will be invisible after you epoxy it in and almost as strong.
: I stored my kayak for the winter this past September, and sometime around
: Christmas, I noticed the fiberglass delamination shown in the attached
: pictures. Some of it was present on my last couple of paddling excursions
: last year, but the areas have drastically increased in size since.
: How to fix? What could have caused it?
: I don't think that I used the most pristine methods of keeping my mixing cups
: clean, didn't scrub a whole ton of blush, but why in these localized
: areas? The fact that the delam goes across my hatch rim (see next post for
: highlighted pictures) leads me to believe that it was some kind of
: localized contamination. I wonder if I leaned up against the hull
: (pre-glassed) with my forearm and left a greasy, sweaty spot? I wiped w/
: acetone before glassing, but maybe I didn't wipe enough?
: I had small spots like this just after glassing, but they were always small -
: 2 to 3" in diameter. I filled these w/ epoxy using a syringe. I'm not
: sure how to fix these much larger spots. The top one is about 1' x
: 4". The bottom one is about 3" dia. on the hatch, and 8" x
: 3" on the hull next to it.
: Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Messages In This Thread
- Epoxy: Fiberglass Delamination *Pic*
Justin L. -- 3/19/2008, 9:12 pm- Re: Epoxy: Fiberglass Delamination
Rob Macks / Laughing Loon CC&K -- 3/20/2008, 10:10 am- Re: Epoxy: Fiberglass Delamination
Kent LeBoutillier -- 3/20/2008, 11:54 am- Re: Epoxy: Fiberglass Delamination
Roy -- 3/20/2008, 9:11 pm- Re: Epoxy: Fiberglass Delamination
Mike Savage -- 3/21/2008, 10:16 am- Re: Epoxy: Fiberglass Delamination
Roy -- 3/21/2008, 11:55 am- Re: Epoxy: Fiberglass Delamination
Rob Macks / Laughing Loon CC&K -- 3/21/2008, 3:38 pm- Re: Epoxy: Fiberglass Delamination
Etienne Muller -- 3/21/2008, 4:34 pm
- Re: Epoxy: Fiberglass Delamination
- Re: Epoxy: Fiberglass Delamination
- Re: Epoxy: Fiberglass Delamination
- Re: Epoxy: Fiberglass Delamination
- Re: Epoxy: Fiberglass Delamination
Bill Hamm -- 3/20/2008, 2:51 pm- Re: Epoxy: Fiberglass Delamination
Justin L. -- 3/20/2008, 5:39 pm- Re: Epoxy: Fiberglass Delamination
Glen Smith -- 3/20/2008, 5:56 pm
- Re: Epoxy: Fiberglass Delamination
- Re: Epoxy: Fiberglass Delamination
- Re: Epoxy: Fiberglass Delamination
- Re: Epoxy: Fiberglass Delamination
Bill Hamm -- 3/20/2008, 11:42 am
- Re: Epoxy: Fiberglass Delamination
- Fiberglass Delamination
Jay Babina -- 3/20/2008, 8:40 am- One more thing
Jay Babina -- 3/20/2008, 11:11 am- Re: One more thing
Robert N Pruden -- 3/21/2008, 3:08 pm- Re: One more thing
Rob Macks / Laughing Loon CC&K -- 3/21/2008, 3:36 pm- Re: One more thing
Robert N Pruden -- 3/24/2008, 8:55 pm
- Re: One more thing
- Re: One more thing
- Re: One more thing
- One more thing
- Re: Epoxy: Fiberglass Delamination
Acors -- 3/20/2008, 8:23 am - Re: Epoxy: Fiberglass Delamination
JohnK -- 3/20/2008, 12:04 am- Re: Epoxy: Fiberglass Delamination
Toni V -- 3/20/2008, 2:54 am
- Re: Epoxy: Fiberglass Delamination
- Re: Epoxy: Fiberglass Delamination (Highlighted) *NM* *Pic*
Justin L. -- 3/19/2008, 9:12 pm
- Re: Epoxy: Fiberglass Delamination