: I'm actively researching strip kayak designs and would like to begin soon.
: The problem I'm running into is that I'm 6'5" and 240lbs, larger than
: most designs seem to allow for. I've got a little experience in sea kayaks
: and am a solid Class 3+ whitewater kayaker, so I'm not looking for an
: excessively stable beginner boat. I'd like something that tracks somewhat
: well, but am willing to give up some tracking for better performance. I've
: been looking seriously at the Night Heron, but I think I exceed the
: recommended paddler weight by about 20 pound. Any help in my search is
: really appreciated. Thank you!
Hi Justin
I've been paddling Rob Mac's NORTH STAR for a year now and really enjoying it. At 220 lbs I have plenty of reserve buoyancy.
A very large friend of mine 140 lbs finds it fine too, although he finds my small cockpit a bit of a squeeze.
At 6 ft five though you are going to need very light booties or to go barefoot, but that is probably going to be a problem in most other boats too.
It is also a little more complicated to build than some other boats, but not all that much.
I have put in a link to my performance review for what it is worth.

Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Kayak for big paddler?
Justin Collins -- 5/11/2008, 2:24 am- Re: Strip: Kayak for big paddler?
Pedro Almeida -- 5/11/2008, 9:55 pm- Re: Strip: Kayak for big paddler?
Len Thunberg -- 5/11/2008, 4:17 pm- Re: Strip: Kayak for big paddler?
Doug Smith -- 5/11/2008, 1:10 pm- Re: Strip: Kayak for big paddler? *LINK*
Barry -- 5/11/2008, 11:15 am- Re: Strip: Kayak for big paddler? *LINK* *Pic*
Etienne Muller -- 5/11/2008, 11:08 am- Re: Strip: Kayak for big paddler?
Mike Savage -- 5/11/2008, 7:29 am- Re: Strip: Kayak for big paddler? *LINK*
Scot Norris -- 5/11/2008, 7:20 am - Re: Strip: Kayak for big paddler?
- Re: Strip: Kayak for big paddler?