Date: 5/14/2008, 11:43 pm
thanks, very good to know since i spent my 300 hours with it,.
It looks very similar to western red cedar, but has a slightly warmer color than wrc i like it much better i wish i had more.
in this vid the lighter color is "juniper"..the dark is mahogany.
: Yup, you probably have chamaecyparis thyoide. It's formally called Atlantic
: White Cypress or Atlantic Whitecedar but can sometimes be called juniper.
: It is lovely to work with. I was a bit harsh calling it nearly extinct.
: According to the World Conservation Union it's listed as Least Concern, a
: lower risk. It can be found and is still harvested, but it isn't found
: like it used to. It used to grow in huge stands up and down the eastern
: coast of the US. Heavy timber cutting in the early 1900's decimated it.
: What was cut ended up in a lot of shingles, posts, woodenware, barrels,
: interior finishes and boats. It only grows in a pretty specific type of
: wetland. Many cranberry bogs in New England were once stands of AWC. They
: are sensitive to development and changes in water amount and chemistry.
: Deer and rabbits find them delicious as well. They also seem to require
: brush fires to germinate their seeds. Now add the fact that they are
: extremely slow growing. Some AWC that were 8" diameter were found to
: be almost 200 years old!! You can now understand what the few groves left
: are up against and why we don't see AWC too often at the lumber yard...
: Dan
: I've included a link for the status of AWC in NH.
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Firestar - stern building
Roger -- 5/12/2008, 6:52 am- Re: Strip: Firestar - stern building *Pic*
John Monroe -- 5/15/2008, 4:40 am- Re: Strip: Firestar - stern building
PatrickC -- 5/13/2008, 1:11 am- Re: Strip: Firestar - stern building
Roger -- 5/13/2008, 7:18 am- Re: Strip: Firestar - stern building
Bob Deutsch------WebKitFormBoundaryMj+41hHLCDocqqN -- 5/13/2008, 7:50 am- Northern White Cedar
Dan Caouette (CSFW) -- 5/13/2008, 9:26 am- Re: Northern White Cedar
PatrickC -- 5/14/2008, 12:33 am- Atlantic White Cedar *LINK*
Dan Caouette (CSFW) -- 5/14/2008, 8:51 am- Re: Atlantic White Cedar
PatrickC -- 5/14/2008, 11:43 pm
- Re: Atlantic White Cedar
- Atlantic White Cedar *LINK*
- Re: Northern White Cedar
- Northern White Cedar
- Re: Strip: Firestar - stern building
- Re: Strip: Firestar - stern building
Rob Macks / Laughing Loon CC&K -- 5/12/2008, 10:24 am- Re: Strip: Firestar - stern building
Rob Macks / Laughing Loon CC&K -- 5/12/2008, 10:47 am- Re: Strip: Firestar - stern building
Roger -- 5/13/2008, 7:04 am
- Re: Strip: Firestar - stern building
- Re: Strip: Firestar - stern building *Pic*
Etienne Muller -- 5/12/2008, 7:58 am- Re: Strip: Firestar - stern building
Roger -- 5/12/2008, 8:29 am- Re: Strip: Firestar - stern building *Pic*
Etienne Muller -- 5/12/2008, 12:08 pm
- Re: Strip: Firestar - stern building
Mike Savage -- 5/12/2008, 8:04 am- Re: Strip: Firestar - stern building
Etienne Muller -- 5/12/2008, 8:12 am- Re: Strip: Firestar - stern building
Mike Savage -- 5/12/2008, 1:38 pm- Re: Strip: Firestar - stern building
Etienne Muller -- 5/13/2008, 11:14 am- Re: Strip: Firestar - stern building
Mike Savage -- 5/13/2008, 3:30 pm- Re: Strip: Firestar - stern building
Etienne Muller -- 5/14/2008, 10:54 am- Re: Strip: Firestar - stern building
Mike Savage -- 5/14/2008, 5:50 pm
- Re: Strip: Firestar - stern building
- Re: Strip: Firestar - stern building
- Re: Strip: Firestar - stern building
- Re: Strip: Firestar - stern building
- Re: Strip: Firestar - stern building
- Re: Strip: Firestar - stern building *Pic*
- Re: Strip: Firestar - stern building
- Re: Strip: Firestar - stern building *Pic*