: Proceed with patience, work both sides at the same time, use a heat gun. I
: tack the sheer strips onto both sides in the middle, then start cranking
: in the upsweeps a little at a time swapping side to side, using clamps to
: hold the positions, usually spring clamps. I may take a couple days to get
: just these two strips in place, and it can feel like I'm mired until I
: remind myself that these are really important "cornerstone"
: pieces that "set the standard", and all others will go in easily
: in comparison.
: Patience! It's possible to crank in all you dare and it still isn't enough.
: Clamp it all off and come back the next day, and you'll find that the wood
: has "gotten used to" its new shape, and now you can start
: cranking in more from there. Use a heat gun. Having both sides doing the
: same thing at the same time will keep stress off the end forms -- and you.
: Yes, I'm a heat gun believer; I fought my share of recalcitrant strips the
: old fashioned way and it was neither relaxing nor fun. The heat gun has
: made it a very enjoyable process.
Patience, eh? Forget that! I want it right now! (Hehe - lil' 4th of July humor there)
I figured the heatgun might be the ticket. I hadn't thought about that tincture of time approach, giving it a few days. Makes sense.
Wish I could find some WRC that had been air rather than kiln dried. Rare in these parts. Thanks for the suggestions.
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: starting those first strips
george jung -- 7/3/2009, 7:59 pm- Re: Strip: starting those first strips *LINK*
Rod Tait -- 7/5/2009, 12:19 pm - Don't worry
Jay Babina -- 7/5/2009, 10:48 am- Re: Don't worry
george jung -- 7/6/2009, 12:01 am - Re: Don't worry
george jung -- 7/5/2009, 7:49 pm- Storm LT building log
Jay Babina -- 7/5/2009, 9:19 pm
- Storm LT building log
- Re: Don't worry
- Re: Strip: starting those first strips
Bill Hamm -- 7/5/2009, 12:19 am- Re: Strip: starting those first strips
george jung -- 7/5/2009, 10:04 am- Re: Strip: starting those first strips
Bill Hamm -- 7/6/2009, 12:28 am - Re: Strip: starting those first strips
Bill Hamm -- 7/6/2009, 12:25 am- Re: Strip: starting those first strips
george jung -- 7/6/2009, 9:14 am- Re: Strip: starting those first strips
Bill Hamm -- 7/6/2009, 8:11 pm- Re: Strip: starting those first strips
george jung -- 7/7/2009, 12:00 am- Re: Strip: starting those first strips
Bill Hamm -- 7/7/2009, 8:21 pm- Re: Strip: starting those first strips
george jung -- 7/7/2009, 11:24 pm- Re: Strip: starting those first strips
Bill Hamm -- 7/12/2009, 12:50 am
- Re: Strip: starting those first strips
- Re: Strip: starting those first strips
- Re: Strip: starting those first strips
- Re: Strip: starting those first strips
- Re: Strip: starting those first strips
- Re: Strip: starting those first strips
- Re: Strip: starting those first strips
- Re: Strip: starting those first strips
- Re: Strip: starting those first strips
Kurt Maurer -- 7/4/2009, 7:03 pm- Re: Strip: starting those first strips
george jung -- 7/4/2009, 9:27 pm
- Re: Strip: starting those first strips
- Re: Strip: starting those first strips *LINK*