Boat Building Forum

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Re: Strip: how much varnish? *Pic*
By:Etienne Muller
Date: 11/7/2009, 4:30 pm
In Response To: Strip: how much varnish? (Les Cheeseman)

: Hi All.
: I know I am getting close to varnishing my Guillemot 'cos my arms are both
: near dead from rubbing down.
: Given all the usual variants, can anone tell me (about) how much varnish I am
: likely to use to do a reasonable (6 coats?) job. I intend to try using
: Goldspar.
: Also I have never seen any mention of varnishing inside though as the sun
: will shine in there it must need doing. Do I just rub down and give it the
: same coats as outside as far as I can reach into each end.
: Les C.

Don't bother varnishing inside. There is no point and it all adds weight.

I usually roll on varnish with a west system epoxy roller and tip off with a good brush. If you get it right you hardly end up with any varnish on the brush after a coat.

Go for a chemical bond and don't bother sanding between coats, one part varnishes give you good overcoating windows, just don't overcoat too soon between coats.

If you support the boat from the ceiling with rods through the toggle holes (see picture) you can varnish the entire hull and deck in one go for each coat.

I work from stem to stern in perhaps two to three foot sections against the grain with the roller, then tip off with the grain, and then continue with the roller again.

The cockpit area will take a little more care.

I want UV protection so I go as thick as I can without sagging. (if I get a sag I Leave it alone, trying to get rid of it can make it look worse).

Three coats is enough to begin with.

You will find that after a year or five's use you will want to brush up the odd bit of glass on the keel and re-varnish. Now you sand a bit an add another coat or two.

You can get a more perfect varnish job by sanding between coats and adding more layers but no one is going to notice and every liter of varnish is another kilo in weight.

I would buy the smaller tins so that you don't have half a large tin left over. With a roller you will get away with about half a liter or more per coat if I remember my last build.

My tuppence worth I am a lazy man as everyone knows.


Messages In This Thread

Strip: how much varnish?
Les Cheeseman -- 11/4/2009, 1:54 pm
Re: Strip: how much varnish?
Joy -- 11/9/2009, 9:05 am
Re: Strip: how much varnish? *Pic*
Etienne Muller -- 11/7/2009, 4:30 pm
Re: Strip: how much varnish? *Pic*
Etienne Muller -- 11/7/2009, 4:37 pm
Re: Strip: how much varnish?
george jung -- 11/7/2009, 7:03 pm
Re: Strip: how much varnish?
Bill Hamm -- 11/8/2009, 12:50 am
Re: Strip: how much varnish?
johne -- 11/7/2009, 10:28 am
Re: Strip: how much varnish?
Bill Hamm -- 11/4/2009, 4:29 pm