Re: Paddle: Greenland paddle cross section *PIC*
In Response To: Re: Paddle: Greenland paddle cross section (Kudzu)
: I don't measure a lot on mine.
Neither do I. I need to revamp my GP web page, and don't have time to talk more now, but the laminated blanks I make almost mark themselves for fool-proof carving to a shallow elliptical cross section. Only mark I need is a centerline on the edges, otherwise it's a matter of making all the features come out even, which is a lot easier done than explained on a stupid laptop keyboard that hates me.

Messages In This Thread
- Paddle: Greenland paddle cross section
John lasky -- 5/10/2010, 3:56 pm- Re: Paddle: Greenland paddle cross section *PIC*
Charles Leach -- 5/10/2010, 4:53 pm- Re: Paddle: Greenland paddle cross section
Brian Nystrom -- 5/11/2010, 9:24 am- Re: Paddle: Greenland paddle cross section
Mike Bielski -- 5/11/2010, 2:17 am- Re: Paddle: Greenland paddle cross section *PIC*
John D. -- 5/11/2010, 1:36 am- Re: Paddle: Greenland paddle cross section
Bill Hamm -- 5/11/2010, 5:48 am- Re: Paddle: Greenland paddle cross section
John D. -- 5/12/2010, 1:06 am- Re: Paddle: Greenland paddle cross section
Brian Nystrom -- 5/11/2010, 9:16 am- Re: Paddle: Greenland paddle cross section
Bill Hamm -- 5/12/2010, 1:06 am- Re: Paddle: Greenland paddle cross section
Brian Nystrom -- 5/12/2010, 8:10 am- Re: Paddle: Greenland paddle cross section
Bill Hamm -- 5/13/2010, 12:42 am
- Re: Paddle: Greenland paddle cross section
- Re: Paddle: Greenland paddle cross section
- Re: Paddle: Greenland paddle cross section
- Re: Paddle: Greenland paddle cross section
- Re: Paddle: Greenland paddle cross section
Bill Hamm -- 5/11/2010, 12:33 am- Re: Paddle: Greenland paddle cross section
Kudzu -- 5/10/2010, 7:41 pm- Re: Paddle: Greenland paddle cross section *PIC*
Kurt Maurer -- 5/10/2010, 10:29 pm
- Re: Paddle: Greenland paddle cross section
Dave Gentry -- 5/10/2010, 5:23 pm - Re: Paddle: Greenland paddle cross section
- Re: Paddle: Greenland paddle cross section *PIC*