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Re: Drytops and drysuits
By:Shawn Baker
Date: 9/30/2002, 4:42 pm
In Response To: Off Topic: Paddling Tops (grant)

: As we shift into fall I want to extend my paddling season and my stroke
: repertoire in colder water. Currently I get away with a simply gortex
: jacket, it cuts down on the wind but does nothing to keep water out.

: What should a person consider regarding neoprene vs. latex cuffs, tunnel vs
: no tunnel, breathable vs non breathable etc.

If you roll, get latex cuffs.

If you roll, get one with a tunnel.

If you perspire a lot, definitely go breathable. I don't perspire a lot, so it's not a critical issue to me. I own a non-breathable drytop and a GTX drysuit. The drysuit is slightly more comfortable. It's also not clammy while running around on shore.

I know it's not exactly the question you asked, but the best advice I could give you is to simply bite the bullet and buy a breathable drysuit. I just got one this spring, and it's the cat's meow. I wish I'd bought it long ago. Of course, it's quite an expenditure, but if you've built your own boat, look at how much you've already saved. If you're serious about off-season paddling, it's the #1 best purchase you can ever make.


Messages In This Thread

Off Topic: Paddling Tops
grant -- 9/30/2002, 3:22 pm
Re: Drytops and drysuits
Shawn Baker -- 9/30/2002, 4:42 pm
Re: Drytops and drysuits
Rick Allnutt -- 9/30/2002, 8:38 pm
Re: Drytops and drysuits
Dick Kirschbaum -- 9/30/2002, 11:52 pm
Don't forget Stohlquist
Brian Nystrom -- 10/1/2002, 1:07 pm
Re: Drytops and drysuits
grant -- 9/30/2002, 5:02 pm
Re: Drytops and drysuits
Shawn Baker -- 9/30/2002, 6:21 pm
Neoprene Cuffs vs Laytex Gaskets
grant -- 9/30/2002, 11:18 pm
Re: Neoprene Cuffs vs Laytex Gaskets
Shawn Baker -- 10/1/2002, 10:35 am
Re: Neoprene Cuffs vs Laytex Gaskets
John D. -- 10/1/2002, 1:11 am
Re: Neoprene Cuffs vs Laytex Gaskets
Shawn Baker -- 10/1/2002, 11:36 am
Re: Off Topic: Paddling Tops
Brian Nystrom -- 9/30/2002, 3:46 pm
Re: Off Topic: Paddling Tops
Matthew Bowman -- 9/30/2002, 5:55 pm
Re: Off Topic: Paddling Tops
Brian Nystrom -- 10/1/2002, 1:01 pm
Re: Off Topic: Paddling Tops
Ted Henry -- 9/30/2002, 7:52 pm
Re: Off Topic: Paddling Tops
Shawn Baker -- 9/30/2002, 6:16 pm