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Re: Punk in Drublic (Sailing regatas)
Date: 8/11/1998, 8:05 am
In Response To: Re: Punk in Drublic (Sailing regatas) (Mark Kanzler)

Honestly, I believe it varies geographically. Of course I've met some very stupid powerboaters as well. Even an idiotic jet skier or two. Drive my wife nuts when I mention how much I like those things.

My own, and my wifes experiences with sail boaters around here is that they get as far in the safe boating handbook as finding where it says sailboats have right of way... and promptly quit reading. Never learning that they must be under sail, and that commercial working vessels at work have right of way over them, etc etc.

I will certainly agree that by and large sailboaters have better knowledge of wind and currents, but that's inherent with being able to make a sail boat sail. To me thats kinda like commenting about the superior paddling skills of kayakers over sail boaters.

I do see a whole lot of sailboaters out in bad weather apparently believing their boats unsinkable and masts unbreakable. But I've also seen quite a few powerboaters staying out way too late, believing their engines will run infailably and that they can always outrun bad weather.

> Are sailboaters mostly stupid? I wouldn't say it's as common
> as the incompetenet or drunk powerboaters once were. I don't get out
> on the water much anymore, so I don't know firsthand what it's like
> these days.

Messages In This Thread

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Re: Stitch and glue kayak almost done
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Re: Stitch and glue kayak almost done
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Re: Safety colours
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Re: Safety colours
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Re: Powerboat Rescues
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Re: Fireball Sailboats
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Re: Punk in Drublic (powerboaters)
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Re: Punks not dead
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Re: Punk in Drublic (Sailing regatas)
NPenney -- 8/10/1998, 11:29 am
Re: Punk in Drublic (Sailing regatas)
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Re: Punk in Drublic (Sailing regatas)
NPenney -- 8/11/1998, 8:05 am
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Re: Punk in Drublic (Sailing regattas)
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Re: Punk in Drublic (Sailing regatas)
Mark Kanzler -- 8/11/1998, 3:03 pm
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Re: Cocky sail boaters
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Re: Cocky sail boaters
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Re: Right of ways
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Re: Rights of way
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Re: Cocky sail boaters
Mark Kanzler -- 8/13/1998, 1:18 pm
Re: Cocky sail boaters
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Re: Safety colours
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Re: Cyalume sticks
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Re: Hatch Covers
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Re: Hatch Covers - water pooling....
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Re: Hatch Covers - water pooling....
NPenney -- 7/23/1998, 8:42 am
Re: Hatch Covers - water pooling....
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Re: Hatch Covers - water pooling....
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Re: Choosing colors for safety
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Re: Choosing colors for safety
Mark Kanzler -- 7/20/1998, 5:43 pm
Re: Choosing colors for safety
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Re: Choosing colors for safety
Mark Kanzler -- 7/21/1998, 1:37 pm
Re: Choosing colors for safety
paul lund -- 7/20/1998, 7:03 pm
Re: Choosing colors for safety
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Re: Choosing colors for safety
Mark Kanzler -- 7/21/1998, 10:49 am
Re: Choosing colors for safety -- 7/22/1998, 7:43 pm
Re: Choosing colors for safety
Mark Kanzler -- 7/23/1998, 10:23 am
Re: Choosing colors for safety
NPenney -- 7/24/1998, 7:21 am
Re: Choosing colors for safety
Mark Kanzler -- 7/24/1998, 5:40 pm
Re: Choosing colors for safety
Adrian J. Gordon -- 7/24/1998, 2:05 pm