Topic |
 | Other: Pygmy problems By: Bruce | 4/14/2004, 11:49 pm |
 | Off Topic: A plastic question By: Scott Baxter | 4/14/2004, 8:14 pm |
 | Re: Other: Guillemot Fixed Skeg By: Michael Adams | 4/14/2004, 8:10 pm |
 | Re: Other: R2K4: Ft Worden: Anyone else get billed By: Shawn Baker | 4/14/2004, 5:51 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: attaching stems at 90 degrees By: Aaron Johnstone | 4/14/2004, 5:13 pm |
 | S&G: Mick Bird's Trans-Oceanic Rowing Expedition *LINK* *Pic* By: Brian T. Cunningham | 4/14/2004, 4:26 pm |
 | Check with Harbor Freight By: Brian Nystrom | 4/14/2004, 1:26 pm |
 | Re: Shop: The Workbench Book - great read By: Ted G | 4/14/2004, 1:18 pm |
 | Re: Shop: The Workbench Book - great read By: Robert N Pruden | 4/14/2004, 12:57 pm |
 | You've exposed yourself: now I don't have to worry By: Robert N Pruden | 4/14/2004, 12:46 pm |
 | Launching: merganser hybrid-hybrid *Pic* By: Niklas Strand | 4/14/2004, 11:09 am |
 | Other: Attaching Bow/Stern Lines to Car By: Steve C | 4/14/2004, 10:58 am |
 | Re: OOOOOOPPPPPSSSSSSS!!!!! By: Chris Ostlind | 4/14/2004, 10:08 am |
 | Strip: Watco Danish Oil By: Ed Gutgesell | 4/14/2004, 9:30 am |
 | Strip: Use of peel ply for glassing By: Tony Forman | 4/14/2004, 7:41 am |
 | Material: To Okoume or not to Okoume By: Jordan | 4/14/2004, 1:49 am |
 | don't worry... By: Peter Lyons | 4/14/2004, 1:29 am |
 | Strip: VCP Hatch leaking By: Benjamin H | 4/14/2004, 12:38 am |
 | Epoxy: Graphite Bottom - Varnish? By: dave | 4/14/2004, 12:34 am |
 | In my defense... *Pic* By: Malcolm Schweizer | 4/13/2004, 11:27 pm |
 | Strip: How much epoxy for an end pour? By: Boulter | 4/13/2004, 10:52 pm |
 | Strip: Stupid Newbie Question By: Matt F. | 1/31/2004, 9:56 pm |
 | Re: Strip: Automotive Clear Coat By: Sasha | 1/31/2004, 5:23 pm |
 | Off Topic: Successfully avoiding email harvesting by spammers By: Robert N Pruden | 1/31/2004, 5:09 pm |
 | Tools: Safety First, or the Alaska Rule, eh? *Pic* By: Pete Roszyk | 1/31/2004, 5:04 pm |
 | Off Topic: Not quite S&G but... By: Robert N Pruden | 1/31/2004, 1:41 pm |
 | One question, Nick By: Robert N Pruden | 1/31/2004, 1:01 pm |
 | Strip: working on the hull By: jack krause | 1/31/2004, 12:44 pm |
 | Strip: Wood Day Hatch Ideas? By: Wes Kisting | 1/31/2004, 11:52 am |
 | Re: SOF:rib gauge measure twice, send once By: Chris Amrhein | 1/31/2004, 11:26 am |
 | Re: Skin-on-Frame: Cunningham rib gauge: I'm confu By: Chris Amrhein | 1/31/2004, 11:20 am |
 | Seeking: Recom,mendations By: Jay | 1/31/2004, 11:16 am |
 | Re: Strip: Very nice By: Don Lucas | 1/31/2004, 10:54 am |
 | Epoxy: White Pigment By: Don | 1/31/2004, 10:29 am |
 | Skin-on-Frame: George Putz 17' kayak By: Scott | 1/31/2004, 9:41 am |
 | Other: tie down By: john | 1/31/2004, 9:38 am |
 | Strip: Banding idea *LINK* By: Jamie Smith | 1/31/2004, 9:00 am |
 | S&G: Jam 8 By: Tom | 1/30/2004, 11:21 pm |
 | Re: Strip: Size of boat By: Dave H | 1/30/2004, 11:00 pm |
 | Re: S&G: Staining vs inlay *Pic* By: Norm James | 1/30/2004, 10:04 pm |
 | Re: Strip: Size of boat By: Larry | 1/30/2004, 8:41 pm |
 | Re: Strip: New Hatch Seal Idea!--or is it? By: Chuck | 1/30/2004, 5:41 pm |
 | Re: Strip: Epiglass Epoxy Resin By: Robin Boys | 1/30/2004, 5:34 pm |
 | Launching: Another King hits the water *Pic* By: Bill Chitty | 1/1/2004, 6:49 pm |
 | Launching: Pygmy Osprey Triple *LINK* By: Chris McD | 1/1/2004, 5:17 pm |
 | Strip: guillemot update: a beautiful day for endpours *Pic* By: c | 1/1/2004, 1:03 pm |
 | Epoxy: Epoxy or polyester ? By: Erik, Belgium | 1/1/2004, 6:02 am |
 | Other: Tape removes fiberglass :-) By: pikabike | 12/31/2003, 4:53 pm |
 | Off Topic: Redfish King - Cargo Capacity By: Wes Kisting | 12/31/2003, 4:49 pm |
 | Material: Superlight Fiberglass layup - For Deck? By: bryan gorr | 12/31/2003, 5:06 am |
 | Other: deck rigging By: Linda | 12/30/2003, 8:54 am |
 | Material: Paint for decoration under epoxy and fibergloass By: Chuck Clark | 12/29/2003, 6:13 pm |
 | Off Topic: Yonkers Paddling Club to be evicted: HELP! *LINK* By: Jack Gilman | 12/29/2003, 10:23 am |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Sources for foldling boat skin, please By: Brian T. Cunningham | 12/28/2003, 11:30 pm |
 | Material: 2x4 > 6 By: Randy Knauff | 12/28/2003, 3:56 pm |
 | Seeking: Book Reviews By: C. Fronzek | 12/28/2003, 3:56 pm |
 | Seeking: how to put on footpegs? By: mer | 12/27/2003, 9:36 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Any plans for a folding SOF available? By: Brian T. Cunningham | 12/27/2003, 4:40 pm |
 | Other: Dry suit gasket repair By: Jack Gilman | 12/27/2003, 11:34 am |
 | Strip: Fill it with a fillet? By: Chuck Clark | 12/27/2003, 9:20 am |
 | Seeking: New project By: Mark S | 12/26/2003, 3:13 am |
 | Material: SOF skin. By: Brian K. Ervin | 12/25/2003, 6:13 pm |
 | Material: PLYWOOD KAYAK By: dick janssen | 12/25/2003, 4:34 pm |
 | Launching: It doesn't float, but... *Pic* By: Malcolm Schweizer | 12/25/2003, 6:15 am |
 | Off Topic: Woo Hoo!! It's 0118h and I got a... By: Robert N Pruden | 12/25/2003, 3:20 am |
 | Shop: McMaster Carr binding studs & footbraces By: pikabike | 12/24/2003, 10:27 pm |
 | Strip: Progress on Great Auk By: Chuck Clark | 12/24/2003, 10:05 pm |
 | Strip: Outer Island measurement By: Bob Deutsch | 12/24/2003, 9:07 pm |
 | Other: MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU ALL!! *LINK* By: Charles Leach | 12/24/2003, 8:56 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: what to use as skin By: David Dvorak | 12/24/2003, 6:06 pm |
 | Announce: Bible Box *LINK* *Pic* By: Chuck in pa | 12/24/2003, 2:16 pm |
 | Strip: Update on Endeavor *Pic* By: Dan in Indiana | 12/24/2003, 7:08 am |
 | Off Topic: MERRY CHRISTMAS *NM* *Pic* By: John Monroe | 12/24/2003, 3:31 am |
 | Seeking: tool for capturing profiles like surf board rail. By: sage | 12/24/2003, 12:31 am |
 | Epoxy: Working with Marine Grade Epoxy By: grant | 12/23/2003, 8:25 pm |
 | Strip: Outer Island kayak *LINK* By: Erik Belgium | 12/23/2003, 3:57 pm |
 | Other: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Everyone! *NM* By: Robert N Pruden | 12/23/2003, 3:09 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Scout troop project update *Pic* By: Steve Rasmussen | 12/23/2003, 11:12 am |
 | Strip: King Update *Pic* By: Steve Rasmussen | 12/23/2003, 10:58 am |
 | Announce: BIG MOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! By: Roger Nuffer | 12/22/2003, 2:19 pm |
 | Strip: Guillemot performance By: baum | 12/22/2003, 10:53 am |
 | Strip: Wooden Seat *LINK* *Pic* By: Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks | 12/22/2003, 10:38 am |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Re-covering an old Folbot By: Pete DuBrule | 12/21/2003, 5:05 pm |
 | Off Topic: any Idea what this pretty is? By: sage | 12/21/2003, 5:02 pm |
 | Other: Effect or Water Temp on speed By: Mike Scarborough | 12/21/2003, 4:18 pm |
 | Strip: Stripping complete, sanding questions By: Tim | 12/21/2003, 2:24 pm |
 | Off Topic: World's longest ... *Pic* By: Bill Price | 12/21/2003, 1:07 pm |
 | Strip: Experienced with water-based analine dye By: Chuck Clark | 12/20/2003, 5:14 pm |
 | Strip: Update for: Greak Awk sheer line---HELP! By: Chuck Clark | 12/20/2003, 5:09 pm |
 | Epoxy: Recommendations for "Best" Epoxy brand/formula By: Shine | 12/20/2003, 2:33 pm |
 | S&G: Surf kayak By: sage | 12/20/2003, 12:53 am |
 | Other: My T-Shirt Entry *LINK* By: Robert N Pruden | 12/19/2003, 9:16 pm |
 | Other: Mike, email me your email addy, we need to talk. *NM* By: Robert N Pruden | 12/19/2003, 8:20 pm |
 | Other: Has anyone seen this E-Bay offering? *LINK* By: Glenn Nunez | 12/19/2003, 11:05 am |
 | Other: Kayaker Person T-Shirt *Pic* By: John Monroe | 12/19/2003, 4:27 am |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Orienting Gunwales By: Joe Pitzner | 12/18/2003, 9:50 pm |
 | Off Topic: Kids finish kayak to be auctioned off *NM* *LINK* By: Robert Woodard | 12/18/2003, 6:32 pm |
 | Epoxy: End Pours in Cold Weather By: Rick Sylvia | 12/18/2003, 4:49 pm |
 | Epoxy: Pool water & epoxy By: Jim Farrelly | 12/18/2003, 2:56 pm |
 | Paddle: life vests By: c | 12/18/2003, 2:26 pm |
 | Epoxy: Sanding before the fill coat By: pikabike | 12/18/2003, 2:12 pm |
 | Announce: Wooden kayak Ferrari anyone! *LINK* By: bryan gorr | 12/18/2003, 11:50 am |
 | Seeking: Galleons figure on a kayak? By: bryan gorr | 12/18/2003, 11:24 am |
 | Other: Just Fooling Around With The T-Shirt Thing *Pic* By: John Monroe | 12/18/2003, 8:47 am |
 | Strip: guillemot forms By: c | 12/17/2003, 7:46 pm |
 | Shop: Inlaying a compass rose into plywood *Pic* By: Malcolm Schweizer | 12/17/2003, 9:25 am |
 | Shop: Inlaying a compass rose into plywood *Pic* By: Malcolm Schweizer | 12/17/2003, 9:24 am |
 | Launching: Just put to water - Merry Christmas Everyone! *Pic* By: bryan gorr | 12/17/2003, 8:45 am |
 | Other: a little poem I recieved at a work party By: sage | 12/17/2003, 2:23 am |
 | Strip: Dealing with Deck Designs By: David Odegard | 12/16/2003, 5:07 pm |
 | S&G: Strengthening the vulnerable areas By: pikabike | 12/16/2003, 1:33 pm |
 | Announce: My entry to the T-Shirt Contest, if not too late! *Pic* By: Malcolm Schweizer | 12/16/2003, 11:16 am |
 | Epoxy: light sensitivity By: David Humphries | 12/16/2003, 2:32 am |
 | Strip: Strips Pulling Away From Forms Part 2 By: Kevin Sadaj | 12/15/2003, 11:38 pm |
 | Tools: Spraying varnish By: Brian Steffke | 12/15/2003, 9:43 pm |
 | S&G: Shearwater Bluefin By: Scott Guenther | 12/15/2003, 9:06 pm |
 | Strip: Strips Pulling Aways From Forms By: Kevin Sadaj | 12/15/2003, 5:47 pm |
 | Announce: T-Shirt Contest *LINK* *Pic* By: Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks | 12/15/2003, 2:13 pm |
 | Other: WR-LPU Finish - questions By: Patsy | 12/15/2003, 11:52 am |
 | S&G: Roy Folland By: Roy Folland | 12/15/2003, 10:04 am |
 | Announce: New Kayaker *LINK* *Pic* By: Mike Hanks | 12/14/2003, 6:49 pm |
 | Strip: Cockpit By: chuck | 12/14/2003, 4:41 pm |
 | Strip: help with forms *Pic* By: Jeff Myers | 12/14/2003, 9:25 am |
 | Strip: How-to video's By: Robert Warren | 12/14/2003, 7:51 am |
 | Material: amateur vacuum bagging *Pic* By: Niklas | 12/14/2003, 5:02 am |
 | Strip: looking for cedarstrip sailboat plans By: William | 12/14/2003, 12:51 am |
 | Other: Cucks answer *LINK* By: sage | 12/14/2003, 12:48 am |
 | Seeking: some web space to show a temporary video By: sage | 12/13/2003, 5:56 pm |
 | Material: "model magic" seat *LINK* By: chuck | 12/13/2003, 9:32 am |
 | Announce: Additions to drp test page *LINK* By: Sam McFadden | 12/13/2003, 12:51 am |
 | Other: Nick: for a forum T shirt... By: Jay Doorly | 12/13/2003, 12:39 am |
 | Off Topic: Have you seen this picture yet? By: Matthew | 12/12/2003, 8:49 pm |
 | Strip: Night Heron Progress *LINK* *Pic* By: John Caldeira | 12/12/2003, 12:04 pm |
 | Other: Canoe ribs: What is their function? By: Gabriel | 12/12/2003, 11:29 am |
 | Paddle: some footage of what I did last weekend *LINK* By: sage | 12/12/2003, 9:53 am |
 | Strip: Bow and stern strips finish By: Podge | 12/12/2003, 8:45 am |
 | Launching: Merganser on the Murray *Pic* By: Nickle | 12/11/2003, 11:43 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Anyone know of video on how to build skin kayaks? By: June McLane | 12/11/2003, 8:44 pm |
 | Off Topic: It's not a kayak, but here's what I'm working on *Pic* By: Malcolm Schweizer | 12/11/2003, 6:18 pm |
 | Other: Art exhibition *LINK* *Pic* By: Richard Kohlstr�m | 12/11/2003, 11:38 am |
 | Other: footwell/hull venturi for self bailing? By: Dan G | 12/11/2003, 11:17 am |
 | Strip: Recessed Deck Fitting & Questions *Pic* By: John Monroe | 12/11/2003, 9:59 am |
 | Off Topic: Canoe/kayak SOF builder on Danish TV *LINK* By: Jesper Bach | 12/11/2003, 5:13 am |
 | Off Topic: anyone able to compress/reduce mpeg files? By: Sage | 12/11/2003, 12:59 am |
 | Other: What is your favorite hull shape and why? By: Handy | 12/10/2003, 11:03 pm |
 | Strip: What kind of wood would a wood boat be... By: Glenn Nunez | 12/10/2003, 10:24 pm |
 | Material: Do hybrids always have S&G hull, strip deck? By: pikabike | 12/10/2003, 9:31 pm |
 | Strip: foam end pour? By: c | 12/10/2003, 6:11 pm |
 | Other: Realistic names for kayaks; please add to list By: pikabike | 12/10/2003, 3:59 pm |
 | Other: Rocker Revisited By: Mike Scarborough | 12/10/2003, 10:02 am |
 | S&G: Design basics rules of thumb By: Jim Wesley | 12/10/2003, 7:54 am |
 | Material: milled fiberglass? By: Peter Lyons | 12/9/2003, 10:09 pm |
 | Strip: Anyone try 1" wide strips? By: marc norland | 12/9/2003, 4:41 pm |
 | Strip: sheer seam questions. When do you give up? By: c | 12/9/2003, 3:09 pm |
 | Other: How finicky are you about sanding? By: pikabike | 12/9/2003, 1:34 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Looking ahead... By: Bill Cruz | 12/9/2003, 12:52 pm |
 | Announce: Fall issue of the MASIK is online! *LINK* *Pic* By: Greg Stamer | 12/9/2003, 12:20 pm |
 | S&G: chines/fillets/glassing By: LeeG | 12/9/2003, 9:37 am |
 | Other: Copying a canoe shape w/ fiberglass+wax paper By: Gabriel | 12/9/2003, 12:58 am |
 | S&G: Okay to post kit for sale? By: Brian Wegener | 12/8/2003, 9:49 pm |
 | Off Topic: thanks for keeping me sane *LINK* *Pic* By: mike loriz | 12/8/2003, 8:16 pm |
 | Epoxy: Does epoxy stick to acetate? By: pikabike | 12/8/2003, 3:28 pm |
 | Material: Amount of wood strips needed By: Michael Simmons | 12/8/2003, 2:48 pm |
 | Material: Glue question By: risto | 12/8/2003, 12:04 pm |
 | Strip: Latches for Hatches *LINK* By: nick | 12/8/2003, 9:28 am |
 | Other: Kayak for disabled person By: Kristina Jakobsson | 12/8/2003, 3:34 am |
 | Strip: varnish befor fiberglassing? *LINK* By: bryan gorr | 12/7/2003, 4:36 pm |
 | Strip: To bead or not to bead, that is my question... By: Glenn Nunez | 12/7/2003, 2:27 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Weight of Wood: Doug Fir vs other By: Wes | 12/7/2003, 10:36 am |
 | Strip: happy holidays guillemot style *Pic* By: c | 12/7/2003, 9:25 am |
 | S&G: Blisters... By: Chris McD | 12/6/2003, 7:22 pm |
 | Material: Kayak hatch holdowns By: Mike and Rikki | 12/6/2003, 1:16 pm |
 | S&G: Re:Cirrus LT By: Bill Kolesar | 12/6/2003, 11:41 am |
 | Skin-on-Frame: how, what and how long By: Lennie Hawkins | 12/6/2003, 11:21 am |
 | Other: On measuring rocker By: Mike Scarborough | 12/6/2003, 10:41 am |
 | Tools: Cons. Rep'ts rates ROSs By: Peter Lyons | 12/6/2003, 9:03 am |
 | Paddle: double bladed canoe paddle size By: John Watson | 12/6/2003, 6:34 am |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Rib Mortices *Pic* By: Chip Sandresky | 12/6/2003, 2:43 am |
 | Epoxy: wet out with MAS, filled with Sys 3...bad mix. By: Bill Cruz | 12/5/2003, 10:45 pm |
 | Strip: Starting the deck of a guillemot By: Jewile | 12/5/2003, 8:21 pm |
 | Strip: Green long to dry? By: Robert Hubley | 12/5/2003, 6:52 pm |
 | Other: kayak sledding By: Chuck | 12/5/2003, 4:56 pm |
 | Strip: Cheap Seat *Pic* By: John Monroe | 12/5/2003, 4:13 pm |
 | Strip: Greak Awk sheer line---HELP! By: mathsgr8 | 12/5/2003, 3:59 pm |
 | Strip: Little Auk finished *LINK* *Pic* By: David Humphries | 12/5/2003, 2:54 am |
 | Strip: Foam Seat *LINK* By: Mike Rury | 12/4/2003, 5:19 pm |
 | S&G: Chesapeake lt17 good for rough water? By: martin | 12/4/2003, 2:51 pm |
 | Off Topic: Trouble cutting Kevlar By: Tom Tieman | 12/4/2003, 12:10 pm |
 | Strip: Grab Loop "Tunnel" problem solved By: Rick Sylvia | 12/4/2003, 8:53 am |
 | Other: air bags: alternatives By: David Humphries | 12/3/2003, 11:58 pm |
 | Other: Trimming @ shearline after glassing the hull By: pikabike | 12/3/2003, 11:37 pm |
 | Tools: Ridgid 6" RO sander *LINK* By: ChrisO | 12/3/2003, 11:27 pm |
 | Other: Trailer Conversion Completed *LINK* *Pic* By: Marcel | 12/3/2003, 11:13 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: How much Rocker? By: Bryan | 12/3/2003, 8:32 pm |
 | Material: Wood Inlay Lettering By: Malcolm Schweizer | 12/3/2003, 12:16 pm |
 | Material: George Dysons Ph. # By: Elliott | 12/3/2003, 9:10 am |
 | Other: Tips for using 1/4 sheet sander well? By: pikabike | 12/2/2003, 9:56 pm |
 | Paddle: maintaining wooden paddles By: john rominski | 12/2/2003, 6:43 pm |
 | S&G: stifining 1/8 inch ply By: sage | 12/2/2003, 4:55 pm |
 | Strip: footbrace install By: c | 12/2/2003, 1:18 pm |
 | Strip: Opinions on Guillemot "S" By: Dale | 12/2/2003, 10:58 am |
 | Launching: Merganser 16 On the Murray River *Pic* By: Nickle | 12/2/2003, 3:43 am |
 | Material: Re-thinking dark (seal colored) hull... *NM* *Pic* By: Jay Doorly | 12/2/2003, 3:09 am |
 | Other: Virus problem at home By: Robert N Pruden | 12/2/2003, 1:30 am |
 | Paddle: Greenland Paddle By: Joe Pitzner | 12/1/2003, 11:41 pm |
 | Other: recover from horrible rope hole job? By: john rominski | 12/1/2003, 6:36 pm |
 | Material: christmass sales By: c | 12/1/2003, 5:58 pm |
 | Strip: Making the Grab Loop Tunnels By: Rick Sylvia | 12/1/2003, 4:30 pm |
 | S&G: Varnishing Questions By: Norm James | 12/1/2003, 2:48 pm |
 | Strip: Forms thickness ? *LINK* By: Hugo Varotto | 12/1/2003, 7:58 am |
 | Strip: Help! By: Scott Graves | 11/30/2003, 7:18 pm |
 | Seeking: Kayak Repair: Betsie Bay Recluse By: Jeff Gehris | 11/30/2003, 11:13 am |
 | Tools: Modifying a Circular Saw By: Wes | 11/30/2003, 10:08 am |
 | Launching: Spray skirt By: Scott Graves | 11/30/2003, 9:04 am |
 | Tools: testing photo posting capabilities *Pic* By: Bill Cruz | 11/30/2003, 2:10 am |
 | Tools: testing photo posting capabilities *Pic* By: Bill Cruz | 11/30/2003, 1:58 am |
 | Seeking: Novice seeks help By: Chuck Saloio | 11/29/2003, 4:50 pm |
 | Material: Varnish, how do you filter it By: David Humphries | 11/29/2003, 12:47 am |
 | Strip: anybody built an exped single without the recess? By: Pete Notman | 11/28/2003, 7:58 pm |
 | Epoxy: Faster Setting with Heat? By: Gordon Niessen | 11/28/2003, 9:55 am |
 | Strip: Bjossa deck update *Pic* By: Rod Tait | 11/28/2003, 12:15 am |
 | Material: My WRC died! By: Roger Tulk | 11/27/2003, 4:14 pm |
 | Strip: How much sanding before varnish? By: Bruce | 11/27/2003, 3:39 pm |
 | Strip: Solid Aspen wood strips ? By: Hugo Varotto | 11/27/2003, 3:30 pm |
 | Other: 2-part mould *Pic* By: Simon Baillie | 11/27/2003, 12:39 pm |
 | Strip: Recessed deck fittings By: Geoff Horsley | 11/27/2003, 5:56 am |
 | Strip: Recessed deck fittings By: Geoff Horsley | 11/27/2003, 5:54 am |
 | Strip: happy thanksgiving! *Pic* By: mike loriz | 11/26/2003, 10:16 pm |
 | Strip: Bead and cove bits and hints By: Glenn Nunez | 11/26/2003, 9:34 pm |
 | Strip: glueing keel strips By: Jewile | 11/26/2003, 2:18 pm |
 | Strip: Discoloration from brads By: Jewile | 11/26/2003, 2:15 pm |
 | Strip: Moving from lurker to poster... By: Glenn Nunez | 11/26/2003, 2:25 am |
 | Strip: fiberglass layers on hull By: ethan | 11/25/2003, 11:09 pm |
 | Other: two yaks on a skinny roof rack???? By: Nickle | 11/25/2003, 10:53 pm |
 | Off Topic: An interesting read for PNW residents *LINK* By: Shawn Baker | 11/25/2003, 8:03 pm |
 | Off Topic: Music in the shop - 250W per hatch *Pic* By: Edgar K | 11/24/2003, 6:50 pm |
 | Material: Using cloth instead of wood veneer for decoration By: Paul VB | 11/24/2003, 12:24 pm |
 | Other: glass shelf life? By: greg root | 11/24/2003, 10:02 am |
 | S&G: Has anyone built a SOT? By: pikabike | 11/23/2003, 11:35 pm |
 | Off Topic: End of Summer Pictures By: Robert N Pruden | 11/23/2003, 8:25 pm |
 | Announce: she is now clothed. *LINK* By: sage | 11/23/2003, 5:02 pm |
 | Epoxy: syringes By: Matthew | 11/23/2003, 4:54 pm |
 | Other: SPAM: Actionfish email By: Shawn Baker | 11/23/2003, 12:09 pm |
 | Strip: Night Heron Progress *LINK* *Pic* By: John Caldeira | 11/23/2003, 12:01 pm |
 | Off Topic: ? how to email links to specific posts ? By: Judson | 11/22/2003, 11:47 pm |
 | Epoxy: Foamy end pour By: pikabike | 11/22/2003, 8:02 pm |
 | Other: Two Harbors, Catalina By: ChrisO | 11/22/2003, 3:57 pm |
 | Material: Plug for new K1 *Pic* By: Jack Sanderson | 11/22/2003, 12:39 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: lightest By: Chuck | 11/21/2003, 8:53 pm |
 | Epoxy: Fill coat By: Dave McKinney | 11/21/2003, 6:00 pm |
 | Seeking: Feedback on the Little Auk By: Mike Worthan | 11/21/2003, 3:04 pm |
 | Strip: URGENT, pinholes By: joe cesario | 11/21/2003, 2:56 pm |
 | Material: 4mm substitution By: Jim Farrelly | 11/21/2003, 2:49 pm |
 | S&G: S&G Night Heron By: puppet | 11/21/2003, 2:22 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Less toxic coating for canvas By: Curtis Hobson | 11/21/2003, 12:13 pm |
 | Strip: Outer Island VS Sea Spirit By: Robert Warren | 11/21/2003, 8:25 am |
 | S&G: Bad Idea #1???? By: pikabike | 11/20/2003, 6:37 pm |
 | Strip: First photos *LINK* By: Chris Ayles | 11/20/2003, 4:44 pm |
 | S&G: Stitch Holes Revisited *LINK* By: Paul Jacob | 11/20/2003, 2:15 pm |
 | Tools: simplistic form/shape takeoff method By: mike allen | 11/20/2003, 2:02 pm |
 | Off Topic: 85 foot lathe *Pic* By: Jack Sanderson | 11/19/2003, 11:48 pm |
 | Off Topic: How many forum members...... By: KenC | 11/19/2003, 10:00 pm |
 | Strip: Hatch Seals By: bob leve | 11/19/2003, 5:57 pm |
 | Material: Varnishing In Humid Conditions? By: Nickle | 11/19/2003, 4:35 pm |
 | Other: Serious Withdrawal By: Rick Sylvia | 11/19/2003, 3:09 pm |
 | S&G: Deck Glassing By: Gary | 11/19/2003, 12:14 pm |
 | S&G: Stitch and glue books? By: Jim Dolan | 11/19/2003, 11:47 am |
 | S&G: Next Question - Stitch Holes By: Paul J | 11/19/2003, 1:37 am |
 | Material: Varnish all surfaces or only exposed ones? By: pikabike | 11/18/2003, 11:56 pm |
 | Epoxy: I love foam rollers!!!!!! By: pikabike | 11/18/2003, 11:51 pm |
 | Strip: removal of strongback and forms By: jack | 11/18/2003, 11:13 pm |
 | Material: Paint varnish brands sequence? By: roger | 11/18/2003, 2:31 pm |
 | Strip: Don't want to start a war, but By: Patsy | 11/18/2003, 11:26 am |
 | Strip: Lessons Learned By: Jim Looker | 11/18/2003, 10:51 am |
 | S&G: Canoe update and some finishing questions By: Patsy | 11/18/2003, 8:22 am |
 | S&G: Plywoodless S&G By: Big Ed | 11/18/2003, 6:33 am |
 | Launching: Four Wet Sea Pups SOF Kidyaks- FINALLY! *LINK* *Pic* By: Steve Phillips | 11/18/2003, 2:38 am |
 | Other: Who says you can't have it all ! *Pic* By: Tom Yost | 11/17/2003, 10:02 pm |
 | Tools: Dust Mask for Beards By: GNiessen | 11/17/2003, 3:48 pm |
 | S&G: Rounding the Stems By: Paul Jacob | 11/17/2003, 12:35 pm |
 | Other: Mould Pics *Pic* By: Simon Baillie | 11/17/2003, 10:28 am |
 | Strip: Design ... is this strippable? *Pic* By: Dave Schneider | 11/17/2003, 10:06 am |
 | Epoxy: anyone have problems with switching epoxys? By: sage | 11/17/2003, 1:07 am |
 | S&G: Dusting It Off By: Chris | 11/16/2003, 11:37 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Graphite on bottom By: Scott Baxter | 11/16/2003, 10:57 pm |
 | Material: Savannah plywood supplier By: Jim Farrelly | 11/16/2003, 10:11 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: plans By: Jim Treen | 11/16/2003, 7:14 pm |
 | Seeking: Plans By: Jim Treen | 11/16/2003, 7:04 pm |
 | Off Topic: how to make money building kayaks *Pic* By: c | 11/16/2003, 5:55 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Choosing Skin *LINK* By: Joe Pitzner | 11/16/2003, 2:25 am |
 | Seeking: to revisit Redwood delam- preparing to glass By: Judson | 11/16/2003, 1:45 am |
 | S&G: The Screw Up - Updated Update  By: Paul J | 11/16/2003, 12:44 am |
 | Tools: Extreme sanding By: William | 11/16/2003, 12:43 am |
 | Material: International Goldspar Questions By: Nickle | 11/15/2003, 10:08 pm |
 | Epoxy: Using Stains *LINK* By: Ted Henry | 11/15/2003, 8:05 pm |
 | Seeking: Who was I talking to about WD seat measurements? By: Robert N Pruden | 11/15/2003, 4:42 pm |
 | Material: Strongback By: A. Stenson | 11/15/2003, 4:25 pm |
 | Seeking: dennis davis By: Keith Green | 11/15/2003, 3:29 pm |
 | Strip: roller recess By: john | 11/15/2003, 2:48 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Inuit Elders Kayak Building By: Julie | 11/15/2003, 10:19 am |
 | S&G: Flush hatch not fitting *LINK* *Pic* By: Tony Calvert | 11/14/2003, 10:38 pm |
 | Strip: End pours By: David Humphries | 11/14/2003, 9:20 pm |
 | S&G: How much wrestling with plywood is normal? By: pikabike | 11/14/2003, 3:16 pm |
 | Paddle: Fiberglassing The Paddle Blades By: Paul | 11/14/2003, 12:02 pm |
 | Strip: Info about the Panache By: Michel Lafrance | 11/14/2003, 11:46 am |
 | Off Topic: Emoticons By: Robert N Pruden | 11/14/2003, 5:25 am |
 | Other: Front Page of Seattle Post - Reg Lake! By: Joe Greenley | 11/13/2003, 10:18 pm |
 | Off Topic: Home Made Camping Stoves. *LINK* By: Nickle | 11/13/2003, 10:02 pm |
 | Strip: Carol's Kayak *Pic* By: Lennie Hawkins | 11/13/2003, 7:53 pm |
 | Material: Wood Stain Markers By: Julie | 11/13/2003, 5:10 pm |
 | S&G: The Screw Up - Update By: Paul Jacob | 11/13/2003, 1:22 pm |
 | Paddle: helmet cam surfing *LINK* By: sage | 11/13/2003, 11:05 am |
 | Strip: Hallway stripping / moving a 'formed' strongback By: Andy | 11/12/2003, 11:50 pm |
 | Other: internal rudder placement By: John K | 11/12/2003, 11:19 pm |
 | Strip: Skirt for Guillemot? By: Gordon Snapp | 11/12/2003, 10:52 pm |
 | Strip: building the Little Auk By: Peter | 11/12/2003, 8:39 pm |
 | Strip: Water under the foredeck By: Marc Morgan | 11/12/2003, 6:56 pm |
 | S&G: another tool for drips, blobs By: mike allen | 11/12/2003, 1:15 pm |
 | S&G: It is such a mess: a leaning keel *LINK* By: Paul VB | 11/12/2003, 11:32 am |
 | Seeking: Skirt that fits... By: Jay Doorly | 11/12/2003, 1:27 am |
 | Epoxy: First coat of epoxy took 24 hrs to dry By: William | 11/12/2003, 1:16 am |
 | Epoxy: Spikes, clots, and bubbles By: pikabike | 11/12/2003, 1:15 am |
 | Review: she has a wet t-shirt *LINK* By: sage | 11/12/2003, 1:08 am |
 | Tools: With a screech and a howl and a pop .... By: Ted Henry | 11/11/2003, 11:58 pm |
 | S&G: Help! - I Screwed Up! By: Paul J | 11/11/2003, 10:40 pm |
 | Epoxy: A few little questions.... By: Mark | 11/11/2003, 7:40 pm |
 | Seeking: Neoprene Spray Skirt for OI By: Dave H | 11/11/2003, 5:51 pm |
 | Strip: Question about using bead & cove with cheaters By: Patsy | 11/11/2003, 4:44 pm |
 | Tools: Planes By: A. Stenson | 11/11/2003, 4:44 pm |
 | Strip: eddyline kayak By: c | 11/11/2003, 12:02 pm |
 | Strip: Merganser Shear Clamps ? By: Julie | 11/11/2003, 11:58 am |
 | Off Topic: v ideo of new HP surf machine *LINK* By: sage | 11/11/2003, 10:25 am |
 | Strip: Coaming lip By: Ian | 11/11/2003, 9:52 am |
 | Material: Mildew on Okoume - worth saving? By: Patsy | 11/11/2003, 9:32 am |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Looking for advice on a build project *Pic* By: Steve Rasmussen | 11/10/2003, 10:33 pm |
 | Other: Foam Seat Progress - Thanks *LINK* *Pic* By: Steve Pituch | 11/10/2003, 6:25 pm |
 | S&G: New Arctic 14 kit on the way. Should I stain? By: Motley Reynolds | 11/10/2003, 4:09 pm |
 | Off Topic: Email harvested from this site by spammers By: Mike and Rikki | 11/10/2003, 2:44 pm |
 | S&G: Pygmy Osprey Standard Review By: Jim Kozel | 11/10/2003, 2:21 pm |
 | Material: 1/4" plywood - Marine grade By: Jay | 11/10/2003, 12:09 pm |
 | Strip: Bjossa deck design *Pic* By: Rod Tait | 11/10/2003, 11:47 am |
 | Strip: Guillemot, sheer strip By: Podge | 11/10/2003, 8:47 am |
 | Strip: Rough Form / HELP By: Cameron Carter | 11/10/2003, 4:08 am |
 | Material: Behlen Solar Lux Stain By: Jay Doorly | 11/10/2003, 2:02 am |
 | Announce: Test results web page *LINK* By: Sam McFadden | 11/10/2003, 12:16 am |
 | Material: Guillemot, how many strips do I need ? By: Hugo Varotto | 11/9/2003, 10:21 pm |
 | Other: Ideas for securing hatches?? By: Bill | 11/9/2003, 10:05 pm |
 | Seeking: anyone live by chadds ford PA? By: sage | 11/9/2003, 4:49 pm |
 | Material: Radiata (Monterey) Pine, is it any good By: David Humphries | 11/9/2003, 2:02 am |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Sea Rover Coaming *Pic* By: Tom Yost | 11/9/2003, 1:21 am |
 | Tools: Seat Grinding: What Kind of Disk? *LINK* By: Gordon Snapp | 11/9/2003, 12:27 am |
 | Material: cold shop varnish guestion By: Joe Wuts | 11/8/2003, 11:30 pm |
 | Material: Sealing poly boat bulk heads By: Chris Kidder | 11/8/2003, 11:07 pm |
 | Seeking: This girl is ugly and needs clothes! *LINK* By: sage | 11/8/2003, 8:38 pm |
 | Material: Foam Seat Progress & Leg Numbness *LINK* *Pic* By: Steve Pituch | 11/8/2003, 4:51 pm |
 | Strip: glassing the combing By: c | 11/8/2003, 2:26 pm |
 | Other: Saw Kayak in Half, Twice By: Steve Szarawarski | 11/8/2003, 1:37 pm |
 | Off Topic: Way off topic! Truck hood logo *Pic* By: Glen Smith | 11/8/2003, 11:05 am |
 | Epoxy: Cloudy Run in Epoxy *LINK* By: Tony Calvert | 11/8/2003, 1:03 am |
 | Other: SWIFTWOOD's Hydrofoils and Aka design ( long ) By: Brian T. Cunningham | 11/8/2003, 12:03 am |
 | Strip: 2nd try at pics *Pic* By: Jeff Myers | 11/7/2003, 10:10 pm |
 | Strip: varnish or polyurethane By: c | 11/7/2003, 5:43 pm |
 | Strip: Questions for the "Panel";Best Practices? By: William F. Cruz | 11/7/2003, 3:40 pm |
 | Strip: Shooting Star By: Patsy | 11/7/2003, 9:02 am |
 | Epoxy: Vacuum Infusion Kayak *Pic* By: Jack Sanderson | 11/6/2003, 11:12 pm |
 | Strip: Modifying the Guillemot By: Joubin | 11/6/2003, 7:56 pm |
 | Tools: Aluminium staining on wood By: Roger Nuffer | 11/6/2003, 7:00 pm |
 | Other: alternative gear storage in kayaks By: mike allen | 11/6/2003, 2:56 pm |
 | S&G: Plans for sale By: Dave Murray | 11/6/2003, 1:38 pm |
 | Strip: t bnuts or elevator bolts mounting footbraces By: c | 11/5/2003, 5:32 pm |
 | Other: Paddling Machine By: Roland | 11/3/2003, 8:11 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: Tom Yost's Sea Pup By: Frank | 10/31/2003, 12:14 pm |
 | S&G: Progress By: Paul Jacob | 10/30/2003, 12:10 pm |
 | Off Topic: My son's beagle needs a name, can you help? *LINK* By: Robert N Pruden | 10/22/2003, 11:27 pm |
 | Shop: Building Outside--'hoophouse' question By: Thomas | 10/15/2003, 9:42 pm |
 | Strip: Hight Heron gets wet *Pic* By: Wes | 6/25/2003, 9:14 pm |
 | Skin-on-Frame: stimson marine By: victor sinclair | 12/2/2002, 12:08 pm |
 | Tools: Steam generator By: Brian Nystrom | 9/17/2002, 12:57 pm |
 | S&G: Cirrus By: grant | 8/23/2002, 7:51 pm |
 | S&G: Vacuum relief By: Rod | 8/16/2002, 11:03 pm |
 | Tools: Circular saw recommendations? By: Brian Nystrom | 8/14/2002, 1:21 pm |
 | Seeking: 17 1/2' folbot Super By: Tom Sliva | 7/24/2002, 12:03 pm |
 | Seeking: Points to cover in S&G basics and 'glassing talks By: Pete Roszyk | 7/18/2002, 1:33 pm |